Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 296: Crystal Palace

After listening to Chu Xiaorou's words, Zhang Ziqing's faith in her heart became stronger.

In the memory she got when she awakened, if the person with the ability to record the water system could reach a sufficient height, she could almost pour the river water in front of her.

If she had this level of power, would Chu Feng still need to venture underwater?

Even if you can't reach this legendary realm, it's good to be able to separate the river and water, which can also greatly reduce Chu Feng's pressure.

Chu Feng, who used the water drop to enter the bottom, cautiously avoided the silt at the bottom, and began to set out in the direction with the strongest vitality.

During this period, some mutated strange fish attacked him, but he solved them easily.

Most creatures have the instinct to be afraid of huge monsters. Fish are the same. So in fact, he doesn't encounter many attacks. Only those strange fish whose brains are also mutated in the process of mutation. Launched this suicide attack on him.

After exploring underwater for about a minute, Chu Feng suddenly felt a strong wave not far away.

The range of his spiritual power exploration is more than 100 meters, if it encounters water or rock obstacles, it will become shorter, but such explorers are very meticulous, and any small details cannot escape his control.

When feeling the vitality fluctuations not far away, Chu Feng slowed down.

Although it has water-repellent beads, it is not the home ground of terrestrial creatures after all. The ability to easily kill Tier 5 Qingjiang sturgeon on the ground does not mean that he can do the same thing underwater.

In the future when food is becoming more and more scarce, there are also many water system supernatural players who feel that their water system skills have been very powerful, even if there is no problem in underwater combat, they venture into the river to fish, but most of them Can only become food for underwater creatures.

Maybe you can weaken the influence of terrain on yourself, but can you weaken the bonus of terrain on the enemy?

The non-home battle itself is the biggest weakening to oneself.

Therefore, the closer to his goal, the more careful Chu Feng has to be.

After he was less than 30 meters away from the target, he finally saw the target clearly, but even with his insight, he couldn't help his eyes widening.

If it wasn't for the water drop in his mouth, he even wondered if he would shout "Fuck!" to express his feelings.

What caught his eyes was a crystal palace.

The Crystal Palace, which originally only existed in myths and legends, appeared before his eyes.

Although there were some signs of dilapidation, the glazed light bursting out of the Crystal Palace still made his eyes dizzy.

"Who put this here?"

He didn't see the benefits and rushed forward directly, because at any time, danger and opportunity are complementary. If he sees something novel, he rushes forward. Such people often die without knowing how to die.

"It is very close to the second bridge. Whether it was when the second bridge was built or the maintenance work was carried out later, it was impossible to find the truth here."

"So this kind of thing should not be a product of the old age, but only appeared after the world has changed drastically. Of course, it does not rule out that this palace was originally buried deep underground, and it suddenly appeared after the world has changed. After drastic changes, anything can happen."

Chu Feng kept thinking about the origin of this palace in his heart, which is very important to him.

Obtaining a treasure of invaluable value, from then on, you have no worries about food and clothing, even for generations of children and grandchildren, this situation is not non-existent, but most of the treasures only exist in fantasy, found in reality 99% of the treasures are traps.

"If it is a product of the old age, it is not worth mentioning. After all, gold and silver jewelry has lost its meaning in this era, um, except for special treasures that can absorb vitality."

Chu Feng thought secretly, "However, even if it is underwater, there is no silt on the entire ruined Crystal Palace. This is a very strange thing."

Water can wash away the dirt, but in the water, it is still full of sludge.

So according to his judgment, this should be something that appeared after the great changes in the world.

As for the reason, I don’t know.

But he knows that some people can always get some special opportunities by luck, and he himself is one of them. As long as he can solve the traps that accompany chance, there is no big problem.

"Thunder Corpse Dragon, come out to work."

A black light flashed on Chu Feng's arm, and a two-meter-long black snake appeared from his arm and circled beside him.

"Go there to see if there are any good things, and take out the things you think are vigorous."

Chu Feng gave an order, and the Thunder Corpse Dragon left the area of ​​the water bead and headed to the Crystal Palace.

The Thunder Corpse Dragon is a special creature of high quality. There are almost no opponents in the same rank. It is not difficult to face opponents who are not good at fighting even if it is higher than the rank.

Moreover, the Thunder Corpse Dragon can adapt to most terrains, and it also has a strong fighting power under the water.

The Thunder Corpse Dragon has a big flaw, that is, it is very late to awaken wisdom.

If you want to rely on it to find treasures, you will often only get disappointed, but Chu Feng did not expect the Thunder Corpse Dragon to judge the quality of the treasure, he just used the Thunder Corpse Dragon to trigger the danger.

Although it was a bit rash to let such a powerful pet explore the way, it was better than Chu Feng exploring the way himself.

Even if Chu Feng could take his life to risk, how could he not bear a pet?

For the kind of people who risk being hit in order to save kittens and puppies in life, Chu Feng does not comment, because everyone’s values ​​are different, and he doesn’t need to use his own values ​​to measure everything around him. People, but he would never be that kind of person.

No matter how deep his relationship with Thunder Stone Dragon will become in the future, he will always regard his life as more important than that of his pet.

After about two minutes, the Thunder Corpse Dragon returned to Chu Feng's side, and then spit out a few round beads, a broken sword, and a broken stick.

After vomiting these things, the Thunder Corpse Dragon immediately returned and continued to search for things.

Although it is not very intelligent, it can judge the richness of vitality. In its eyes, the richness of these things is very high, so it chooses these things first.

"Dragon Balls, there are actually five. Didn't the dragon **** of those Qingjiang sturgeons produce them by themselves, but directly ate the dragon **** here? But it's not impossible."

Chu Feng put away the dragon ball, and then a strong warning appeared in his heart. Then, thinking of something, he hurriedly sent an order through his soul to Thunder Corpse Dragon: "Run away!"

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