Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 297: Dragon turtle

The reason why he issued a strong warning sign was not because he found something, but because he guessed something.

For Chu Feng, the dragon ball is a water-repelling bead plus a water purifier function, but it has a strong temptation to the creatures in the water. As long as one dragon ball is eaten, the creatures in the water system will immediately gain powerful Power, then why are these dragon **** lying in the Crystal Palace safe and sound?

Wouldn't the fish around here eat Dragon Ball?

Of course, the possibility of exploding after eating Dragon Ball is not ruled out, but what Chu Feng is more willing to believe is that there is a special risk here.

Immediately afterwards, he also discovered a problem, that is, he had not suffered any attacks in the past two minutes.

Even if fish are generally afraid of humans, they shouldn't lack the kind of fish with diseased brains. They didn't suffer any attacks when they were looking for treasures in the Thunder Corpse Dragon. This is inherently problematic.

The greatest possibility is that all fish dare not approach here.

So there must be a big risk in the underwater palace.

After giving the Thunder Corpse Dragon a reminder through the soul contract, Chu Feng immediately prepared to escape.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a tremor on the ground under his feet, and cracks appeared in the entire Crystal Palace, as if to become fragmented.

Feeling that the Thunder Corpse Dragon was already approaching him, Chu Feng was also relieved.

If the Thunder Corpse Dragon was broken for a few dragon balls, this deal would be too uneconomical.

Then, he felt the ground under his feet start to rise and continue to rise.

The surrounding silt continued to drain, and Chu Feng saw special lines appear under his feet, like the carapace on the back of a tortoise.

In front of the carapace, a huge black head slowly ejected from the carapace.

"It's a dragon turtle!"

When seeing those huge eyes like wheels, Chu Feng finally understood why no fish dared to approach the Crystal Palace, even under the lure of Dragon Ball, only three Qingjiang sturgeons dared to swallow it.

Because the entire Crystal Palace is on the back of Dragon Turtle.

The dragon tortoise opened its mouth wide, and a thick water column spewed in the direction of Chu Feng. The water column turned into a water dragon in the process of advancing, easily breaking the defense against the water drop.

Chu Feng didn't dare to confront it head-on, and quickly dodged aside, and then grabbed the gap in the turtle shell.

Immediately afterwards, he injected part of his vitality into the water-repelling bead, re-filled the shield formed by the water-repelling bead, and filled in the gap that the water dragon had just brought in.

"It turned out to be Dragon Turtle, scared me!"

Although I don't know why the dragon tortoise appeared at this time, he suddenly became calmer now, and even a little excited.

According to the size of this dragon turtle, let alone a Tier 4 Chu Feng, even if it reached Tier 6, Chu Feng estimated that he was not the opponent of this monster when he was underwater.

But why should he be able to beat Dragon Turtle?

Although there is a dragon in the name of the dragon tortoise, this is only to promote it, not to mention that this should only be the descendant of the dragon tortoise, not the real ancient dragon tortoise.

Its essence is still a tortoise.

Facing such a dragon tortoise with a huge body but whose defensive power far exceeded its attack power, Chu Feng had no need to fight it at all.

As long as it avoids its attacks on its carapace, there won't be much problem.

The dragon tortoise kept moving its body, causing huge fluctuations at the bottom of the water, and even a large amount of water directly set off waves on the river.

But Chu Feng on the back of Dragon Turtle is as stable as Mount Tai.

The Thunder Corpse Dragon also returned to Chu Feng, and then spit out some shattered weapons from his mouth.

"In the Crystal Palace, there should be no danger!"

Since there is a dragon tortoise here, the Thunder Corpse Dragon went to the Crystal Palace twice, so the danger in the Crystal Palace should not be too much.

As long as it can be solved by the Thunder Corpse Dragon, it is not dangerous.

So Chu Feng hid in the Crystal Palace while avoiding the water column spit out by the Dragon Turtle.

When entering the dilapidated Crystal Palace gate, Chu Feng suddenly felt that the water droplets had stopped, and the dragon turtle had given up the attack, as if he was afraid of hurting the crystal palace on his back.

Just as Chu Feng was about to continue exploring, his gaze suddenly fell on a dilapidated token, which was what the Thunder Corpse Dragon vomited when it came back from the second trip.

"Shuifu token, it turned out to be this thing."

Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief because he recognized this token.

The last days bring not only despair, but also the existence of some hope, among which some powerful people who don't know the origin will lay down their inheritance in every corner of the world.

Chu Feng is one of the inheritors.

Of course, he suspects that Long Ao is such a lucky person, otherwise he has no reason to obtain that ancient book, and after 9 years of life and death struggle, he still can't compete with Long Ao head-on.

And this water house is also one of them.

The Shuifu token is a voucher to enter the Shuifu. There are 9 tokens in total, scattered in 9 different corners of East China. When the people who have obtained the nine tokens gather together, they can enter the Shuifu and then go through fierce fighting. Get the ultimate heritage.

In the future, the person who will receive this inheritance is also a proud son of heaven. His name is Xie Gucheng. He also has a certain friendship with Chu Feng. After he got the inheritance of the Shui Mansion, he built a survival base for hundreds of thousands of people with his own power. If he doesn't fall in the future, he might become a character like the Nine Kings.

It was that his legendary road had just begun and was ended early.

Speaking of the cause of his death, although it has some tragic colors, he deserves it. After establishing a survival base, he will regard himself as the savior of the last days.

This kind of thinking itself is normal. There are no more than 100,000 people or 80,000 people who have this kind of thinking in the last days. This is just a basic expansion mentality after gaining strength. Just a fight.

However, not everyone can re-recognize themselves under the beatings of society. Some people have already lost the opportunity to make a complete comeback when they encountered the first setback.

Because he didn't know that he wanted to annex the military forces in the southern capital.

He originally invited Chu Feng and said that this is the only way to save the world. Although there will be some sacrifices, the future is still bright.

Chu Feng felt that he was crazy, so he left East China without any results.

At that time, the Southern Military District had just suffered a major loss. Soldiers like that felt heartache because of the loss of their comrades. At this time, Xie Gucheng suddenly came to challenge and brazenly belittled the sacrificed soldiers, saying that they were because they were too wasteful. Will die, only by following him will there be a future.

As a result, he was killed on the spot by an enraged military general using a forbidden technique.

And before his ambition of hegemony had time to unfold, it ended with such a tragedy and a little funny way.

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