Although Chu Feng had some friendship with Xie Gucheng, he couldn't do it right with the military for him, right!

Not to mention that the two sides are just nodding acquaintances, even if it is a life and death acquaintance, it cannot violate the principle.

Even in the last days, those soldiers are still sticking to their duties of defending their homes and the country. At this time, you are going to insult the sacrificed martyrs. Even Chu Feng feels that he deserves to die.

Because Xie Gucheng is crazy.

In the last days, you can be cruel, you can be vicious, and it is understandable to abandon the people around you even if you want to survive, but people always have a bottom line.

Even if the sacrificed heroes are to be insulted, then they really cannot be called human.

No matter what your starting point is, it is not a reason for you to abandon humanity.

"If it can bring him some setbacks in advance, it should be able to prevent him from committing those wrong things. A person who has not made any mistakes should be worth saving."

After Chu Feng put away the Water Palace token and the only tatters left in the Crystal Palace, he began to think about ways to escape here.

It may be because he had captured the token of Water Palace, and now the entire Crystal Palace began to appear cracks like spider webs, and it was broken.

When the Crystal Palace was completely broken, it was time for the Dragon Turtle to start making all-out efforts.

Of course, he is not afraid of dragon turtle attacks, because the bigger the monster, the lower the agility, and the agility in attack is the same.

But he can't stay underwater forever!

If he leaves the dragon turtle's back, he will be in danger.

"Although my speed is faster than Dragon Turtle, it can't match the attack speed."

Chu Feng kept thinking about ways to escape, "After all, the bottom of the water is the realm of the dragon tortoise and is his home field. This method is too dangerous, but if there is really no other way, then you can only take a risk. No, if all the slaves in the Yuan Palace are used as bait, there may not be no hope of escape."

If he just sacrificed a group of damned slaves in exchange for his own hope of escape, of course Chu Feng would not hesitate.

But the risks of this method are the same.

Without the protection of water droplets, the captives in the Yuan Palace were basically fish food under the water, and even if they were used as bait, they would not have much effect.

After all, he couldn't release all the prisoners all at once. If they were released one by one, the effect would be limited.

If his Yuan Mansion can release a lot of things at once, then he will take out the rocks and soil in the Yuan Mansion at home, and directly fill this section of the river to landfill.

It's a pity that there is no shortcut to the sky in this world.

So even as bait, using summoning to summon some **** creatures is a better choice.

However, in the face of this dragon tortoise, which is more than 100 meters long, the effect of bait is really small.

At this moment, a large amount of river water suddenly poured in the surrounding direction.

"Zhang Ziqing, what is she doing?" Chu Feng's pupils shrank.

On the shore, Zhang Ziqing is constantly diverting the river.

Her ability to manipulate water is also related to distance. The farther the water is from her, the more difficult it is to manipulate.

Before, for safety reasons, she stood at a certain distance from the shore and started to control.

But just now, she felt a wave of waves under the water, and huge waves on the shore. There must be fierce fighting under the water.

But after the fierce battle, Chu Feng did not return.

She didn't know what happened under the water, but she had an intuition that I must be unable to come up now for some special reason.

She originally wanted to go directly to the bottom of the water, but was stopped by Chu Xiaorou.

Without understanding what happened in the water, going on rashly will only increase casualties, and may even cause Chu Feng trouble.

So she ventured to the shore, and then began to divert these rivers.

"This is too inefficient. The water you draw is just a drop in the bucket."

Ye Xiaohui suddenly said: "There are water droplets on the Lord, which can separate the water, so now the most important thing is to muddy the water. If you want to muddy the water, you might as well try to make a whirlpool and form a whirlpool. After that, it may be able to play some role."

Zhang Ziqing nodded, then used his mental power to control the water, forming a whirlpool.

She felt that what Ye Xiaohui said was very reasonable. Since Chu Feng was able to separate the water, in theory, even if the water flow became turbulent and chaotic, it would have little impact on Chu Feng.

But for those fishes in the river water, the impact will be greater.

When manipulating the river water to form the vortex, it was very expensive at first, but as the vortex gradually expanded, Zhang Ziqing was shocked to discover that the cost of expanding the vortex became less.

"Maybe it's because the vortex has formed!"

Zhang Ziqing didn't have time to think about it, and immediately controlled the continuous expansion of the whirlpool, making the river where there had been a lot of huge waves even more chaotic.

Although the two women's actions had some elements of misplay, they happened to help Chu Feng.

Whirlpools have a great impact on the flow of water. In addition, the Yangtze River is originally a relatively turbulent river, which also has a huge impact on underwater creatures.

A large number of mutated fishes, coupled with the influence of water currents and whirlpools, entangled a large number of dragon tortoises.

"good chance!"

Chu Feng's eyes lit up, and then interrupted the vitality transmission of the water drop.

After turning off the water bead, Chu Feng went directly upstream along the current that had become very chaotic. Because there was no leaking place under this vortex, there was no obstacle to Chu Feng's upstream process, but because of the flow of water. For this reason, I have increased my speed a lot.

At this time, the dragon turtle suddenly opened its mouth and spit out a column of water.

Chu Feng did not evade, but silently added a [Strengthening Yuan Talisman]. This strong body Yuan Talisman would put a lot of load on his body when he first used it, but as his strength increased, this This level of load has no effect on him.

The water column directly hit Chu Feng's body, and the powerful impact made Chu Feng feel that his internal organs were about to break apart, and he even felt that his bones were cracking.

However, Chu Feng was not surprised and rejoiced. With the help of the impact of the water current, coupled with the already chaotic water current, he also moved more irregularly toward the shore.

This level of injury is already commonplace for Chu Feng, anyway, as long as there is no sequelae injury, Chu Feng can adapt.


In the surprised eyes of Zhang Ziqing and Chu Xiaorou, Chu Feng sprang out of the water.

Before he could explain too much, Chu Feng immediately ordered Chu Xiaorou: "Face the surface of the river, use the explosive arrow!"

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