Chu Xiaorou reflexed the same way and directly took out a red arrow.

This is one of the 12 Explosive Arrows that Chu Feng gave her.

She has never had time to try the power of the Explosive Flame Arrow, but the method used is the same as the ordinary arrow that Chu Feng gave her, so she can use it very smoothly.

A red arrow pierced the air like a meteor, leaving a route of fiery red sparks and landing on the river.

This can barely be regarded as one of the flaws of the Blaster Arrow, that is, there is no way to conceal it.

After all, the Explosive Flame Arrow was made of Chiyan Fine Gold, and then it was sealed by Chu Feng with 7 Explosive Flame Talisman, plus some special Yuan Talisman.

While pursuing power, concealment is sacrificed.


A huge explosion sounded, setting off a huge wave more than ten feet high, and this huge power made Chu Xiaorou and the three people sluggish.

"Why are you still stunned? Run!"

After Chu Feng greeted him, the four of them immediately ran away from the shore.

Although they don't know why Chu Feng is so panicked, since there is something under the water that can make Chu Feng have to flee for his life, they don't think they can fight it.

After running a distance of more than 5 kilometers, Chu Feng told the three women to stop.

The dragon tortoise's impact on land is not large, and Chu Feng did not notice the dragon tortoise is landing, and it should be almost safe now.

Although the huge explosion sound just now should attract some zombies, the zombies around here have almost been killed in the previous battle, so there is no need to worry about it.

Chu Xiaorou said with lingering fear: "This arrow is really strong."

Can this be strong? Using the original sustainable materials as disposable materials is simply a violent approach. If it weren't for controlling a mineral vein, I wouldn't be so wasteful.

Chu Feng complained in his heart.

However, he certainly wouldn't say that on the surface: "These arrows have only 12 in total, and it is very difficult to re-forge them, so they must be used with caution."

Chu Xiaorou nodded, expressing understanding.

And Zhang Ziqing asked curiously, "What is there under the water, even you are not an opponent?"

"Don't you really think that I'm invincible now?" Chu Feng asked back.

Zhang Ziqing smiled, she did have such an impression.

Although intellectually speaking, it is unlikely that Chu Feng is invincible now, but do you want to be rational with a woman?

I just thought you were the best, what happened?

Chu Feng said: "There is a very powerful dragon tortoise under the water. If you want to get water from here in the future, you must be prepared. Don't get too close to the river, at least keep a distance of more than 300 meters, otherwise. It's easy to encounter danger."

Ye Xiaohui wondered: "Do we still need to get water from here in the future?"

Chu Feng nodded solemnly: "Need, very much needed."

In the future when water pollution becomes more and more serious, these small rivers and lakes will be more susceptible to pollution. Some people even took a pot of water from a stinking ditch to drink and died suddenly on the spot.

As the saying goes, flowing water does not rot. The water in large rivers like this has the lowest degree of pollution. Even if there are some zombie viruses, it will be directly purified.

After all, the human body also has a certain resistance to zombie viruses, and even after reaching a certain level, it can be directly immune.

But if it becomes a zombie completely, it is absolutely hopeless.

Because the nature of the zombie is already another species based on the entity, this is an irreversible process, even if all the viruses in the body are removed, the result is a dead body.

However, there is no need to talk about these things. If you talk too much, it will cause suspicion.

Chu Feng will not tell anyone about the rebirth. This is a secret that belongs only to him. Unless he has enough strength to stand at the top of this world, then he will have no scruples.

Otherwise, once this matter is leaked out, let alone those with ulterior motives, even those with the ideal of saving the world will start with him in order to obtain future news.

Especially a great organization in the Central Plains.

Because it was much earlier than the originally planned time, Chu Feng took the three daughters wandering nearby, and by the way taught them some skills to survive in the wild.

After 3 pm, Chu Feng returned to the survival base.

When he returned to the survival base, there were already some madness during the training process, or because of other injuries that were too serious, even the light-type abilities could not save people who were sent to the first floor of the Liao Watch Tower. , Chu Feng also treated a little, and collected some consultation fees by the way.

The current Dawn Alliance has basically formed a small group based on a 12-person team, and some of the teams that have traded or supported each other have formed relatively large groups. Everything in the alliance can only be carried out with the participation of Chu Feng. Transactions are also presided over by the leaders of their respective large groups.

Because the specific rules and regulations and the group model have been changing and have not been completely finalized, Chu Feng has not paid much attention.

But now he only needs to grasp three things. The first thing is to have absolute prestige, so that everyone in the alliance understands that he is an indispensable existence, and the second thing is to give everyone the location of his residence. I left an impression in my heart that when facing a powerful enemy, I will always be in the first line.

In this era of floating people's hearts, only this method is the best way to stabilize people's hearts. Relying on resourcefulness to stabilize people's hearts will become unstable as the collective strength increases.

The third thing is to build your own team.

In addition to the members of the watchtower, his team consists of five cores headed by Su Yuyan, and 21 people who are willing to accompany them on the adventure.

Among the people rescued by Su Yuyan, there are actually many who thank Su Yuyan, but there are only so many people who are willing to follow Su Yuyan on the adventure to save people.

A person who can share adversities with you without pity on his own life is absolutely trustworthy.

The remaining core team are the 195 people who joined themselves before the worm infestation and wanted to fight with them, even if they were in danger, they did not leave.

After some treatment, Chu Feng began to inspect the training of those people.

It is impossible for him to treat everyone equally. Of course, he has to select some elite and worthy people to train, and the rest will let it go.

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