Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 301: Build the most core team

"Are there any outstanding people here?" Chu Feng asked again.

Su Yuyan hesitated for a moment before slowly saying: "My record in this training is absolutely fair, but the top three in the number of victories are all my students."

Having said this, she has some worry in her eyes.

Is it because of her inner professional ethics, or because she is very fair and just in terms of the battle record under everyone's eyes.

However, she had never expected such a result.

She was a little worried whether Chu Feng would blame her.

After all, the first object of allegiance to those students was themselves, not Chu Feng.

However, among the nearly 200 people under Chu Feng, none of them can rank in the top three, which is a bit too much.

Chu Feng smiled and said, "They all followed you all the way to fight. Good grades are normal. I'm not going to lose justice in such trivial matters."

This kind of coincidence is actually not a coincidence.

Because the nearly 200 people brought by Chu Feng, except for Tian Jing and three, were all people inside the city wall that were protected by the military from the beginning. Although they have seen a lot of darkness, they have experienced battles. Not much.

But Su Yuyan was different. The distance of more than 200 kilometers from the school to the Nandu Military Region was all killed all the way. I don't know how many battles were fought along the way.

After getting Chu Feng's permission, Lu Ming also taught the martial artist's cultivation methods to the students.

Therefore, they are the first group of people who can cultivate, and they are also the people who have been fighting all the way from the end of the world. Both the training experience and the combat experience are very rich.

And among those rescued by Su Yuyan, some chose to live a stable life under the protection of the military, but they still chose to follow Su Yuyan, but saved more people.

Therefore, these people are originally among the elite, and it is normal to achieve good results.

Su Yuyan breathed a sigh of relief: "You don't blame me."

Chu Feng said: "In fact, you don't have to worry about power and some messy things, because these things will soon become meaningless."

Su Yuyan's face was a little blushing, and then she took a sip: "Who said it's meaningless?"

Chu Feng didn't react to Su Yuyan's reaction at first, but he soon understood.

What he actually meant was that there are many dangers from the outside world. As long as everyone has experienced shared adversities and there will be no internal competition due to mistakes or survival problems, everyone will soon become a family.

In the last days, any stranger may stab you behind your back, but it is also more likely to have some real life and death friends.

The friendship of life and death is more precious than anything.

But Su Yuyan had obviously misunderstood. She thought that what Chu Feng was saying was that the two would soon become a family with integrity, but she was unwilling to disclose the matter between the two.

Chu Feng didn't mean to be too anxious, after all, there was a process for the change of concepts.

In the last days, a powerful man can have many women, and a powerful woman can also have many men. Huaxin is no longer a derogatory term for men, only irresponsible.

After everyone is quite familiar with this phenomenon, Su Yuyan will accept this kind of thing much more easily.

Seeing the interaction between the two, Li Xiao felt a bit inexplicable.

There are also some concerns.

Could it be that Su Yuyan also fell in love with Chu Feng?

But Zhang Ziqing, who followed behind him, was a little sad in his eyes.

Chu Feng didn't conceal her about this matter, and she could only choose to accept it, but how could there be no grudges about this matter?

She can only swallow the grievances in her heart.

As long as she can follow Chu Feng, she can accept everything.

Chu Feng continued to observe the situation of the battle for a while, and secretly recorded a few people who performed well, and when he decided to train them, he focused on training them.

Except for the relatively high rankings, what Chu Feng paid particular attention to was a young man who was thinner and had poor grades, but who refused to give up fighting.

His name is Jiang Linchen, and he has some inherent shortcomings, and he has not even reached the second rank until now, but every time he fights, he goes all out and always treats it with the most serious attitude.

Chu Feng secretly took note of him. If he could persist until the end, then he wouldn't mind helping the other party to make up for his innate shortcomings, and then give him a chance to catch up.

Compared to a person's talent, Chu Feng valued the other's spiritual will more.

There are too many geniuses who die halfway. He has seen too many strong men who capsized in the gutter and collapsed in despair. Those who can survive in the dark world are often the most powerful people.

After dark, everyone left.

However, some teams started to walk out of the survival base, and then began hunting zombies and animals that walked at night in nearby towns and counties.

Although the nearby counties have been ransacked, there are always many ways to wander here, so this becomes a relatively safe hunting ground.

Chu Feng still appreciates this kind of aggressive person.

The progress of a survival base depends on these few people who dare to die.

Of course, not everyone will gain, and there are many people who died carelessly.

Chu Feng can only feel sorry for this. After all, risks and opportunities have always complemented each other. Where is the world where there are only opportunities but no risks?

After returning to his residence, Chu Feng wrote the names of 12 people on a piece of paper.

These are the 12 people most worth training besides Su Yuyan's team. After hesitating for a while, he added Jiang Linchen's name.

Jiang Linchen needs to continue to observe, but from the bottom of his heart he hopes that he can pass the observation.

"I haven't had such experience in my previous life. How can I maximize their effect?"

Chu Feng felt a headache, not because he couldn't, but because there were too many choices.

The current squad is like a blank sheet of paper, and the direction of training is all up to him. If it is trained according to some famous elite teams in later generations, it is completely feasible.

But Chu Feng was a little dissatisfied, and felt that it seemed a waste to cultivate into an ordinary elite.

If they were trained according to the training method of special forces, Chu Feng felt a bit of a loss again.

After all, if it is to imitate the special forces, how can it surpass the special forces?

"Used for assassination? No, not everyone is suitable for assassination. Used to perform special tasks, the requirements for IQ are very high, and not everyone can do it."

Just as Chu Feng recalled the characteristics of some elite teams in later generations, Zhang Ziqing walked over, picked up a piece of paper, and teased: "12 people, are you choosing a saint to protect the goddess?"

"What's a joke? Where does my goddess need someone else's protection, as long as I protect it?"

Chu Feng grabbed Zhang Ziqing into his arms and felt some rough waves. "Why don't you say that I want to build a knight order? Wait, the knight order?"

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