Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 302: Conception of the Knights

Of course, Chu Feng didn't have this intention to establish a group of saints to protect the goddess.

However, he thought of a knight order, a knight order of 12 members.

When the world regresses to the age of cold weapons, the deterrent power of the cavalry will be far greater than that of the infantry, but the establishment of the cavalry is not so simple.

Those who really have some knowledge of ancient history know that the food consumed by war horses is several times that of infantry.

When a large number of creatures undergo mutation, this consumption becomes even greater.

More importantly, because of the role of the ability person, ordinary mounts are simply given away in the magic torrent of the ability person.

Even if you have a way to deal with the spells of the supernatural beings, as long as a group of people carrying big swords line up to cut over, most of the knights will stop cooking.

Therefore, some people who want to establish a knight order have finally spent a huge price, digging out a lot of rations from the mouths of countless people, and barely established a knight order, but it was easily consumed in the war. The result is far from satisfactory.

And there is an even more embarrassing situation, that is when there is a shortage of food, too many people take risks, and of course there are many people who attack the mount.

This is not surprising. In ancient China, there are many examples of people who could not survive, let alone slaughtering a few animals?

So Chu Feng didn't even think about establishing a knight order from the beginning.

The cost and the effect achieved are really not proportional, and there is no need for construction.

With this energy, it is better to improve the strength of your subordinates, or to use the food to feed more people.

In Chu Feng's impression, the only group of undead knights in the Western world that could not be consumed as a consumable, but could gain a certain reputation.

However, even the undead is costly. The reason why the prestigious Knights of the Undead was able to gain a great reputation is because the other party completely controlled a door of the undead in his body.

It is precisely because the door of the undead communicates with the undead world that the strong man can continuously summon the undead legions from the undead world.

It is a pity that success is also dead, and failure is also dead.

That famous powerhouse was originally qualified to be tied with the Nine Kings of the Last Days, but unfortunately he overdrawn too much power in a great battle, which caused the backlash of the Gate of the Dead, which not only caused his own fall, but also established An undead invaded the stable entrance to reality and caused a huge disaster to the Western world.

The disaster that attracted worldwide attention even affected China and was called a natural disaster for the undead.

And now, Zhang Ziqing has a door of **** in his body.

And among the ancient books he obtained, he also had a way to communicate with **** creatures.

If these two work together, then it may not be impossible to see a powerful Knight Order.

This kind of operation is not without danger, but if you are afraid of danger and do not do it, it is as ridiculous as worrying that you will burn yourself when playing with fire, so you don’t make a fire to cook.

In this dangerous apocalypse, even Chu Feng himself has nearly survived several times.

Compared with this dangerous environment, this little risk is simply insignificant.

However, Chu Feng still had to seek Zhang Ziqing's opinion.

Although he knew that as long as it was his order, Zhang Ziqing would certainly obey it, but this was the least respect for his own woman.

"Ziqing, remember what I told you about the gates of **** last time?"

Chu Feng said solemnly.

Zhang Ziqing nodded: "Of course I remember that most of my strength comes from the gates of hell. It seems to be very good for me, but if I don't control it well, it will cause disaster."

There is a lot of information about **** in her awakening knowledge, so although the specifics of this month are not clear, she knows that this thing must be dangerous.

If you really let those things in **** come to reality, it will definitely be a big disaster.

Chu Feng said: "All the weapons in the world are used to injure people, but any weapon has the possibility of hurting yourself. The gate of **** in your body is the same. I now have an idea and I need to ask you. Agree, you have to listen carefully..."

Then, Chu Feng told Zhang Ziqing the idea of ​​the Knight Order.

Whether it is the risk of **** gates or the importance of the knights, there is no concealment.

During the time he spent with Zhang Ziqing, he had enough trust in her, except for his own rebirth, there was nothing else to hide.

After listening, Zhang Ziqing asked, "If I refuse, will you force it?"

Chu Feng shook his head and said firmly: "No!"

The Knights are just icing on the cake for him, not just giving away charcoal.

If Zhang Ziqing is unwilling to take risks, of course he will not force it.

Zhang Ziqing said: "Then I agree."

Chu Feng was puzzled: "Why did I say that, you agreed instead."

Chu Feng knows people's hearts well, but it doesn't mean that he can understand women's hearts.

Zhang Ziqing tilted his head and looked at Chu Feng, resting his cheek in his left hand: "You are a standard male chauvinist, and you often talk duplicity. Although you say that you don't care about the life and death of ordinary people, you often don't save yourself. I tried my best to save some people. I thought about it for a moment. In fact, you didn't want to save those people, but you knew you couldn't save them at all!"

She has also seen many tragedies these days, and understands Chu Feng's actions somewhat.

There was some sadness in Chu Feng's eyes.

Zhang Ziqing was right, he really couldn't save many people.

People who are supported by others will eventually fall again.

In the future, he can be regarded as a generation of arrogance, second only to the existence of the nine kings of the last days, but in the face of real natural disasters, he still feels that powerless.

He can protect some people for a while, but he can't protect them for the rest of their lives.

So the people who are truly recognized by him, such as Su Yuyan and Lu Ming, such as Xu Wei and Tao Jinghua, have one thing in common, that is, they are desperately trying to live.

Maybe in the last days, you can't live on desperately, but if you lack this necessary factor, it will be eliminated by the times sooner or later.

Zhang Ziqing continued: "So! Although I don't know how much the knights do for you, I know one thing. If you don't have a reason to gain power, if you can do it by yourself Do what you want to do, then you will never let me take unnecessary risks."

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