Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 303: Demon City Change

Zhang Ziqing is pure and kind by nature, but this does not mean she is stupid.

In the last days, in fact, every time she encounters danger, she is much calmer than many men who usually behave bravely.

Her thinking is different from Chu Feng.

When Chu Feng decides something, he either does it entirely based on emotional factors and ignores it with passion, or he uses absolute reason.

Her idea is simple, that is something useful to Chu Feng, she will do it.

She didn't care how big the risk of the gate of **** was. She only knew one thing, and that was that Chu Feng was a male chauvinist. If she had no need to take risks, Chu Feng would never let her take the risk.

Knowing this is enough for her.

As for the fact that she would be swallowed by the gate of **** without Chu Feng, she didn't even think about it at all.

Chu Feng held Zhang Ziqing tightly: "Thank you!"

This was the first time he said thank you to Zhang Ziqing, not because she agreed to use the gate of **** in her body, but because someone finally understood him.

It is the darkness of the next decade that has cultivated his current style of behavior.

But because of this, what he does is always out of touch with this era.

A person who is incompatible with his surroundings, a person whose parents and sisters can hardly understand him, there is no way to speak about his inner loneliness.

But now, there is finally someone who can truly understand himself.

Although only a little bit, to him, it seemed like a light in the dark.

Zhang Ziqing asked: "So, what should I do?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "I'm not in a hurry. If you want to truly build a knight order, you still need a lot of preparation. What you have to learn now is how to control your own power. The more you control your own power, the more you will encounter in the future. The risk is smaller."

Zhang Ziqing nodded: "Okay, I will work hard."

She also knew that after reaching the fifth rank, the most important thing was no longer the accumulation of vitality, but the control of vitality.

Because as one's own strength increases, it becomes more and more difficult to control the vitality. If you don't have enough control, but the accumulation has been brainless, it will only backfire yourself.

Although the cultivation of supernatural beings is much safer than boring, it is not without risks.

In fact, there is no safe way to gain strength.

Then, Chu Feng smirked and put his dirty hands into Zhang Ziqing's collar: "Little fairy, don't talk about such serious topics. Now it's at night, shouldn't we do business?"


Unprepared, the little white rabbit quickly fell into the claws of the big bad wolf, and was eaten and wiped out.

The next day, after breakfast time.

Chu Feng originally wanted to continue observing the training of his core team, but Gao Yangsong stopped him because the military had important reports.

After a period of adjustment, the new radio frequency has been adjusted.

Although it is not possible to spread the signal across the country, communications have been restored in all major military districts, and Chu Feng is a person "keyed by" the military, and some military news will be passed on to him.

Chu Feng asked, "Is it about Jinling creatures?"

Since he told the military about Jinling Biology, the military has also gone through some investigations and discovered many crimes of Jinling Biology.

Many of the things they have done have exceeded the human bottom line, or in other words, have exceeded the human bottom line of this era, so the military also plans to deal with them.

Now that Jinling creatures have been silent for such a long time, plus he destroyed a nest of Jinling creatures the day before yesterday, they should be moving.

Gao Yangsong said: "I'm here to tell you the bad news. There has been a large number of corpse tides in the magic capital area. Now the Nandu Military Region wants to send most of its troops to the direction of the magic capital. We decided to stop the corpse tide at all costs. Otherwise, the entire Sanjiang area will suffer disaster."

The demons are a very densely populated area, and it is understandable that there is a concentrated tide of corpses there.

Before, the Southern Metropolitan Military Region did not have the time and energy to manage, but now they have decided to give up a lot of things, and they have some time to deal with this kind of thing.

If it hadn't been because the radio had been restored, they still didn't know that the tide of corpses had spread so quickly.

Of course, because of this, they would still have no energy to deal with Jinling creatures.

Chu Feng nodded: "I understand, things are prioritized."

Although Jinling creatures are hateful, their impact is not catastrophic at present, that is, it is just a vicious organization.

But if the tide of corpses in the Demon Capital spreads, the consequences will really be disasters.

If the entire East China region has fallen, what is the significance of his struggle with Jinling creatures?

On the surface, this is indeed the case.

After all, it is impossible for Chu Feng to enumerate all the crimes of Jinling creatures' later generations, so he can only understand this approach of the military.

This is also the name he hates to join the military, they are too fair.

Su Yuyan was a little puzzled: "Why do demons suddenly fall."

Because she had been running around in the early stage, she also had some understanding of the situation in the capital.

Although all parts of the world are being ravaged by zombies, the same is true for the Demon Capital, but a few days ago, the zombies in the Demon Capital did not seem to have formed a disaster.

Gao Yangsong said: "The quality of the buildings in the Magic City is still good. As long as everyone closes the security door, most of the zombies will not be able to injure themselves, but just a few days ago, a large number of mutant zombies appeared in the Magic City area. These zombies have steel-like bodies and sharp claws, which can easily break door locks."

Su Yuyan's eyes were gloomy.

In the apocalypse, it is not possible to survive by lingering, collect a lot of supplies, and then find a place where no one is there to hide and hang around. This is the ideal situation.

In fact, with the overall improvement of zombies' strength, human buildings have become less and less threatening to zombies.

Therefore, small county towns generally fall earlier, but big cities cannot escape bad luck.

In this process, many casualties will inevitably be caused.

However, she was unable to change.

The torrent of the times is rolling by. Anyone who wants to change the whereabouts of the torrent of the times will have nothing but to be crushed. Even if it is crushed, there is no power to change.

Chu Feng listened to Gao Yangsong's words, pondered for a while, and then said, "You should already know something about mutant zombies. I think you should understand what kind of terrain is more suitable for combat between you and zombies. Right!"

Gao Yangsong suddenly trembled.

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