Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 305: Trials and suggestions

He respects Mosling, but he still cannot surpass some bottom lines.

After all, there are some people who are dedicated to the public, and they can sacrifice a few for the majority, without considering whether the minority should sacrifice or not.

For a country, there must be such a person.

From a personal point of view, it is best not to get too close to such a person.

After several seconds, Mosling asked slowly: "Do you have any suggestions for our next actions? Or, instructions?"

Chu Feng was startled. Since the other party had already made a tentative move, he should have guessed that he had some understanding of the end times. The question just now proved it.

If the other party didn't believe that he had some understanding of the end times, he wouldn't ask.

Of course he would not think that the other party would guess that he was reborn so outrageous, it should be that the other party had learned something from some clues.

However, does the other party directly ask for advice instead of asking their own secrets?

After half a minute, Chu Feng slowly gave his own advice: "The magic capital depends on the sea, completely blockade, step by step, and give people a chance to save themselves."

Mosling was silent for a moment and said: "We don't have enough food."

Chu Feng passed more than ten seconds, and then said, "I think it should be enough."

After another minute, Mosling said slowly, "Thank you for your suggestion, I will consider it, Gao Yangsong, you can do your own thing."


Gao Yangsong left with full of doubts.

After Gao Yangsong left, Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Since Mosling didn't want to ask his secrets, then he should be fine, and he didn't worry that Mosling would turn back.

It is not based on trust in other people's character, but on trust in his IQ.

He also knew a little about Mosling, even better than himself.

A person who can serve as the commander-in-chief of a military region is definitely not an indecisive person. He looked like a temptation before, but in fact he was just affirming his own guesses.

If the other party really wants to do it, then a large number of legions should have been ambushed near the survival base in advance, and only wait for the results of the trial to come out.

It doesn't even matter what the result of the trial is.

So since the other party didn't do it in advance, it would never delay for a few days.

Seeing Gao Yangsong's departure, Su Yuyan asked Chu Feng, "What do you mean by what you just said? Are you playing a riddle?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "This can't be regarded as a mystery. Never question the IQ of the army. My suggestion should be one of the options they consider. They are also struggling whether to rush in directly to save people, or to use steady combat. Way, strategically give up many people."

Su Yuyan asked: "So, how would they choose?"

Chu Feng said: "If it were before, they should have no regard for their lives, because even a minute later, it would cause a lot of casualties. If they can save one more person, they will never give up."

Such a plan is indeed a plan adopted by the military districts of later generations. They defended their beliefs with their lives, but at the same time they also cast many tragedies.

Not all kindness can produce good results, and not all sacrifices can be recognized by people.

When it comes to the life and death of human beings, personal feelings seem so insignificant.

Su Yuyan said: "Is this bad?"

Time is life, shouldn't we use the fastest speed to solve the crisis?

"What's so good? Are the soldiers no longer humans? Do they deserve to be sacrificed?"

Chu Feng angrily rebuked, "The soldiers are not afraid of sacrifice because of their own beliefs, but it is definitely not a reason why we can sit and watch them die at will. In other words, if all those who are willing to protect the people are sacrificed, can it be done? Do those who need others to carry it out to maintain human order?"

Su Yuyan whispered: "I understand."

She suddenly felt that she was bad, is it just an excuse to comfort herself?

She just thought that there was a huge wave of corpses in the Demon Capital, and there should be many innocent people who need to be saved, but is it because they are innocent, do the soldiers deserve to die?

"It's no fault of you. It is the nature of intelligent life to pity and help the weak, or it is the instinct of intelligent life to satisfy its own moral needs."

Chu Feng sighed, "But are there few children whose lives have been ruined because of their parents' spoiling? If you can't make them self-reliant, then do you have to take care of those big guys with intact hands and feet like babies? If you are not saving people to meet your own moral needs, it is better to put away your compassion."

This is also a kind of sorrow in Chinese society. Many parents desperately spoil their children and teach their children the best things.

However, when their children have sound hands and feet, they will not use their sound hands and feet to fight for everything for themselves, but doubly **** blood from their parents.

Whether this behavior is right or wrong, leaving aside, it's just a choice.

Now that you have chosen this way of loving children, you have to bear the consequences of this way.

Su Yuyan's eyes were full of complexity, and then she turned away silently.

Her heart is also full of confusion. Is she really trying to save people or to save people?

She even wondered if she had saved people to meet her spiritual needs.

Chu Feng looked at Su Yuyan's back and sighed lightly.

What he said seemed a bit too much, but these words have to be said, the end of the world has come for a month, if you can't even figure out this kind of thing, it can only harm others and yourself.

He knows that Su Yuyan's heart is good, but if her argument is irrelevant, the more people she kindly helps, the more people will be destroyed.

Among other things, those people who were gathered in the fort by the military to protect them were so well protected that they would suffer heavy casualties when the worms struck.

A fortress of five to six hundred thousand people, but fewer than 200,000 people survived.

If it were not for the military position, then less than 1/10 would survive in the end.

When they are satisfied with a stable life like a fortress, when they are satisfied with a life that can live on with compressed biscuits and water, they are destined to be eliminated by the times.

If the result of your saving is to turn the people you saved into such a group of useless people, then what is the point of saving people?

Is this saving or harming people?

He believed that Su Yuyan would figure out this kind of problem, it was just a matter of time.

It's just that time waits for no one!

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