Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 306: Guard and destroy

After hanging up the communication, Mosling said to the people in front of him: "You all heard it!"

A young military officer said: "Chu Feng's suggestion is simply a blasphemy of our soldiers' beliefs. My soldiers are not afraid of death. No matter how many sacrifices we make, we must **** our lives in the hands of death."

Mo Sling asked back: "Is your military belief more important than the lives of ordinary people?"

The officer said: "My belief is to protect the lives of civilians."

Mossling said: "Then I have a suggestion. Find a glass jar, soak some potion, and then protect it. We have this technology. What do you think?"

The young officer said angrily: "This is too much."

Several other officers were also full of anger.

Although I know this is just ridicule, this analogy is too much.

"Excessive? Then let's change to a more humane approach."

Mosling’s expression is as usual, “Establish a housing group like canned sardines, let everyone live in, and our people are protected around the clock 24 hours a day, and we give them food and water regularly. Oh, I forgot, but also Send some people to collect food and water and fight against monsters."

As he said, he seemed to have thought of something: "By the way, people living in a confined room are too confined. We are preparing some doctors and nurses to take care of them. We will give them regular physical examinations. By the way, we will arrange some psychiatrists to comfort them. They have mental problems."

The young officer said: "Mosling, I respect your qualifications, but please don't make such a boring metaphor!"

"A boring analogy? Haha..."

A mocking voice came from outside, and then a young figure walked into the meeting room, "Isn’t that what we are doing now? It’s just that the conditions provided to them are too bad, isn’t it? Isn’t it our job to provide them with better living conditions?"

"Luo Xingyao, what do you mean?"

The young officer said angrily, "When did we raise a bunch of useless people?"

Luo Xingyao's tone gradually became colder from ridicule: "Do you think I'm joking? Have you visited the fortress we built? Do you know what their lives are like now? Do you know How many of those rescued by us are using armed coercion to demand better conditions?"

The young officer was asked.

He really didn't know.

He knew that the fort was indeed messy, but wouldn't it be enough to survive?

But, what is going on?

Shouldn't soldiers solve all difficulties with their own beliefs?

What is he talking about?

Mo Sling said to Luo Xingyao: "Go on, tell them about the fortress and other things, so that they can calm down their passionate people. If they can't calm down, then take them to see."

The young officer wondered: "Fort, is there any problem?"

He has always been responsible for the elimination of monsters, and he really doesn't know much about this.

Luo Xingyao said: "Do you know what a pigsty looks like? Do you know what a pig’s daily living conditions are like? Every day you just need to eat and sleep. In the past, people had jobs and had their own lives. Happiness is still depressed, at least as a person.

But since we locked them in the fort, we said we were protecting them, but we were actually raising them as pigs. In addition to giving them food and water every day, what else can we do for them? Don't you know what they want most? "

The young officer said, "Isn't it alive?"

"To be a person!"

Luo Xingyao shouted, "In this era, many people have become monsters, but some people have not become monsters on the surface, but have become monsters in their hearts. So at this time, they can still maintain their dignity as a person. Those who can abide by the bottom line of mankind are even more worth cherishing."

Then, his eyes were a little red: "But, what are we doing? They managed to keep the bottom line of mankind, but we regard them as only being able to survive under the protection of others, and we only need Be satisfied with food and water, plus a pig in a pigpen!"

The young officer was shocked.

The hearts of the remaining officers were also full of shock.

They have never thought of this level in the past, and never thought of what they really need, they just feel that it is good to follow their own rules.

But has this kind of practice caused such serious consequences?

They think that they are the adherents of human bottom line, but they did not expect to become destroyers.

"Before attacking the magic capital, let's take a look at the fortress!"

Mosling sighed, "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would not believe that the people we protect would become like this. We guarded their lives for the faith in our hearts, but what we didn't expect was that it was because of us. The faith that destroys their dignity."

Luo Xingyao said: "The belief of soldiers is to protect the people, but if they destroy the beliefs of the people for their own beliefs, destroy the integrity of the Chinese nation, cut off the Chinese nation’s strong spirit in the face of countless disasters, and break What's the use of such a belief?"

With that said, he took the lead out of the meeting room, and shouted back: "Come with me! I will take you to see, what is it that you are guarding!"

These officers followed Luo Xingyao's suspicion and rushed to the fortress.

Behind them, Mosling let out a sigh and said to himself: "Unexpectedly, our military built a shelter, and it is not as good as an ordinary person, Chu Feng, I don’t care what secrets you have. But what you do is the beacon that guides the nation’s progress, and I hope I won’t be disappointed.”

What everyone didn't know was that he had actually been to the Dawn Alliance secretly.

The household registration control system of the Dawn Alliance is not sound, and people are constantly joining, so it is normal for him to pretend to be an ordinary person to visit.

And this visit is why he decided to believe in Chu Feng.

He has seen the military fortresses. Those who have nothing to do, except for the people who regularly receive food and water every day, look apathetic.

Some people who can't bear this kind of mental torture can only vent their inner anxiety through fights all day long.

He originally thought this was a necessary process, because a brand-new order had not yet been established, and it took time to make everything better.

But after he went to the Dawn Alliance, he suddenly discovered that the Dawn Alliance is what people should be like after disaster strikes.

Since this is an inevitable disaster, we humans have to face it.

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