Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 307: Vein trend

"Jinling Biology, is there any move?"

Chu Feng in the conference room asked Su Yuan, "They shouldn't miss this good opportunity."

The tide of corpses in the Demon City is getting more and more intense, and the people of the military have made a big move and began to aggressively attack the Demon City. If Jinling creatures let go of this good opportunity, they would not be worthy of being Chu Feng's opponent.

Su Yuan said: "Since the army set off yesterday, there has been a large-scale commotion in the fortress under the military's control. Now Jinling Biology is expanding its manpower."

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth was joking: "It's ironic that they can still recruit people."

Three days have passed since the last military temptation. According to the information he received, the military did not immediately set out to the magic city, but took people around first.

They first went to their fortress, and then pretended to be ordinary people to walk around the base of the Dawn Alliance.

Chu Feng also pretended not to notice, and let them visit.

The main reason is that the survival base of the Dawn Alliance has nothing to hide, and even if it is stopped, it can't stop many people.

According to Gao Yangsong, the survival base of the Dawn Alliance slapped them in the face.

Because the members of the Dawn Alliance are all positive, of course, there are a few women who live by men, but in general, everyone wants to improve.

But in the military fortress, people's lives are very painful.

The main reason is that they are so well protected by the military. In this dangerous era, they can't do anything. Even their own safety is guaranteed by others.

So they are gradually shifting towards the direction of being useless.

After seeing this scene, the people in the military immediately made changes.

Su Yuan said: "Although the evil deeds of Jinling creatures are well known, not everyone believes in the military. Even if the military desperately protects them, they still question the military. After the military makes changes, immediately Caused a lot of exodus."

The revolution in the military is to give every ordinary person a mandatory job arrangement. If there is no work and labor, there will be no distribution of materials.

You can also choose to refuse, this is your freedom.

The military, which originally provided food and water for everyone for free, suddenly changed its face, and the huge gap made people feel uncomfortable.

So many people chose to leave in anger.

But when they walked out of the fortress, they realized how dangerous the outside world is.

At this time, a large number of private organizations began to recruit members, including Jinling Bio.

"Ha ha······"

Chu Feng shook his head ironically, "Those who have no brains will be eliminated anyway, then let me decide how they eliminate them!"

He understands one thing very well, that is, human beings pursue a strong nature.

Even if it is a villain who does no evil, as long as it is strong and handsome, someone will choose to follow it. Even if it is Wu'an Jun and the overlord who have killed countless, aren't they also worshiped by many people?

Well, Chu Feng is actually one of them!

No matter if you are cruel or murderous, as long as you are strong, you are done.

Therefore, even if many people really can't see what Jinling creatures do, as long as Jinling creatures show their powerful strength, many people will choose to follow them.

Su Yuan is a little anxious: "But, how are we going to deal with them? The energy shield can effectively defend against many insects, and can prevent attacks from ordinary wild animals and zombies. But if Jinling creatures attack in a big way, I believe it will be good for them Defense is limited."

Chu Feng said, "Don't worry, I have my own way."

The biggest mistake Jinling Biology made was to recruit a group of mobs.

The original Gu family was destroyed because of this, and only the people of Gu Nanfei's faction were left to save. Jinling creatures may have their own methods of training soldiers and controlling the fate of others, but the essence has not changed.

This is like in ancient times when marching and fighting, who doesn't know the importance of food and grass, but the failure of the food and grass is not the same as it happens frequently?

Su Yuan said: "There is another very important thing, that is, the alliance has been initially divided into several forces, and everyone is now fighting for power and even grabbing the distribution of land."

Chu Feng was startled: "Are any crops mature?"

Su Yuan nodded: "Because of the spring, some special crops are ready to mature, such as potatoes and sweet potatoes. The problem of food shortage has been initially solved. Now everyone is thinking about how to distribute. After all, the food is the biggest. Wealth."

Although the currency system with crystal nucleus as its core has begun to take shape, it is used for cultivation after all, and its liquidity is not very strong.

So now food and mineral water have become the most important items of valuation.

Chu Feng thought for a while, and then said, "Let them compete. It just so happens that the people of Jinling Biology have to fight with us, as long as the credit is distributed according to the needs."

Su Yuan said: "No, I am the commander. Whoever makes the credit does not follow my arrangement. If the credit is allocated according to the credit, it will definitely arouse everyone's dissatisfaction with me."

It sounds fair to distribute the spoils according to the merits.

But in fact, this is not the case. Although the system is fair, there will always be problems in the implementation process. The biggest problem is who gets the credit.

Chu Feng shook his head: "Don't worry, it will be solved."

Su Yuan looked anxious at Chu Feng's appearance.

This man always looks confident, as if all the problems can't trouble him, but he is always reluctant to say what is in his heart.

Of course, this does not seem to blame him. After all, many of his previous decisions were not understood by others, and his wisdom was not revealed until after the incident.

For example, the matter of making the Dawn Alliance back to heart is the eternal pain in the hearts of several deputy leaders.

In any case, it is too terrible to **** everyone's work for a few days in an instant, and in a convincing way.

When Su Yuan was about to leave to deal with alliance matters, Chu Feng suddenly said: "I'll be out for a while, and you should be prepared for vigilance and defense."

With that, Chu Feng got up and left.

After he signed the contract with the stone man, he let it continue to practice in the veins and absorb power. Just now, he felt that the stone man's sleep was disturbed.

This shows that someone must have entered the mineral vein there, even Jinling creatures.

After all, there is such an important place for Jinling creatures, and it is reasonable for them to recapture it, but they didn't expect it so soon.

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