Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 308: commotion

Coming to the vicinity of the mineral vein, a new camp has been built here.

Not surprisingly, even when the ancient marching and fighting, the construction of the camp by the woods only took a few days, not to mention the modern, which is very developed in all aspects?

Around this camp, more than 10,000 people are mining ore with iron pickaxes.

Their method of mining the ore is also very simple, that is, simply smash the stones and move them into a temporarily established factory, where they perform simple purification and processing, extract the ore itself, and a group of people are responsible for the waste. Shipped out.

The vein extraction of the blue magic gold is also very simple, just crush the ore, because the blue magic crystal itself will not form a compound with the ore.

In the middle of the camp, there is a group of people holding a large number of guns, plus some industrial defense measures, and they are fighting a group of biochemical beasts.

"Could it be that they have lost the means to control the biochemical beast?"

Chu Feng felt a little surprised.

He took a serious look and found that some of the biochemical beasts actually shrank and dared not move forward after seeing the things in their hands, but there were also some biochemical beasts that rushed up regardless, and then were machine guns. It was shot and turned into a corpse.

Seeing this scene, Chu Feng wondered in his heart.

"The last time I collected clothes from them, I found some blood stains on those clothes. These blood stains should be the reason why the biochemical beasts dare not approach them."

"But these bloodstains will not harm the biochemical beasts. At best, it is like a beast peeing to divide the territory. What really works is the instinctive fear of the opponent."

"But if they can overcome this fear, then this level of blood is of no use to them."

"So, this kind of thing must not be regarded as a life-saving talisman."

Chu Feng didn't know what it took to break through his own instinctive fear, but when the creature was extremely hungry, any fear could be overcome.

At this time, a cart stopped, and a group of soldiers with guns escorted a group of people out of the cart, and then explained to them what to do next.

"This is too much!"

"What is the difference between your approach and the military?"

"Didn't you say that after joining you, you will have a chance to become a supernatural person?"

"Liar, you are all liars!"

The people who understood that the next job was to mine began to be filled with outrage, feeling as if they had been deceived, and expressing their dissatisfaction.

However, what greeted them was a fire.

Seeing the leader who was burned into a ball of coke, everyone felt a panic of fear.




Out of fear of death, the crowd was full of commotion.

However, their fear did not last long. After 1/3 of the people were killed, the rest chose to obey obediently.

A Jinling biological officer shouted in a disdainful tone:

"I tell you, you have not made any credit for us now, why should we give you such a precious opportunity?"

"You only have one way now, and that is to work for us."

"As long as you have created enough labor value, we will certainly give you such an opportunity."

"If you want to resist, then you have to try whether your fists are hard or our bullets are powerful?"

These people can't help it, and if they have the strength, they won't be regarded as miners.

After all, Jinling Creatures treats the awakened people well. The awakened people can be supervising workers, and pay aside, at least they can enjoy the feeling of being superior.

Anyway, I don’t have to work, and it’s okay to supervise the work of others.

It's not that no one has thought of resisting, but the coke on the ground is their end.

For the experience of these people, Chu Feng did not sympathize at all.

The lives of these people were all saved by the army, and the people around them were all rescued by the army, but they abandoned the army when the army asked them to work.

And this reason is the simple drop.

Why were you able to provide us with free food and water before, but now you have to pay, and we must work to obtain it?

Because of this ridiculous idea, they chose to abandon the army.

Chu Feng felt that even if the moral factors were to be removed, their brains must be very difficult. Is there anything in the world that can be achieved without labor? On the surface, they are there, but their success must be because they or the people above them have already worked in advance.

Not even understanding this basic truth can only show that the brain is not working well.

Is it possible that they think that Jinling creatures are doing charity, so that they can become supernatural beings for nothing, but they will not be allowed to do basic work?

Do they think that Jinling creatures control the way to make people become supernaturalists, and the army will not be tempted? Or is it the way the army spreads to become a warrior. This move cannot prove the army's belief?

If it is a spontaneous formation of a private organization, it’s fine, but the people in the army have repeatedly promoted to everyone the abomination of Jinling Biology in the past few days, telling them that Jinling Biology will use a large number of living people to conduct in vivo experiments. Still believe in Jinling Biology.

"Hehe, the more they repeatedly emphasized things, the less they believed it. They didn't actually believe in Jinling creatures, they just used this behavior to express their protest against the other party."

After thinking about this, Chu Feng's eyes were cold.

Now that they have made their own choice, they have to bear the consequences of this choice and the price it needs to pay!

Perhaps the behavior of these people in the old era was not guilty of death, but in this brand new era, the mistake of choice directly determines their own survival.

Instead of letting them create value for the enemy, let Chu Feng solve the problem.

"It's already five o'clock, it should be getting dark soon!"

Chu Feng muttered to himself.

He didn't rush to do it right away, because rushing out without a head was an act of seeking death, and he had to wait until dark so that he could play a better role.

After half an hour in this way, the sky finally dimmed.

Even if the sky had darkened, a large number of miners wanted to take a break, but they were still stopped. The miners who wanted to escape in the dark were even shot dead.

After waiting patiently for another hour, Chu Feng slowly emerged from the dark night, and then a black snake hovered towards the "supervisors" in the dark.

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