Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 309: Night attack

The night tonight seems to be helping Chu Feng, because even the stars in the sky have disappeared and the moon is hidden in the darkness.

Chu Feng understood that this was because the dark energy between heaven and earth had become stronger and stronger. As time went by, the daytime would become shorter and shorter.

In the tenth year of the end of the world, the daylight hours were even less than an hour.

Chu Feng wondered if he continued to live, would he witness that there would never be a day?

But no matter what the future will be, Chu Feng still needs to focus more on the enemy in front of him.

As the night gradually changed, mining ore was already impractical. After all, although they had lights, their energy was limited.

So the people of Jinling Biology gave everyone time to rest. Otherwise, if everyone was overworked at night, the efficiency during the day would be reduced.

All the senior officials of Jinling creatures directly dragged some women into their tents, and then the screams of women and the roar of beasts when men were in heat came from the tent.

As more and more women were dragged into the tent, some outraged men rose up to resist, and then were killed directly, without even having a chance to make waves.

After all, those abilities have already taken refuge in Jinling creatures, and some abilities have the right to enjoy the same treatment, drag some women, and then enjoy their own welfare.

What they didn't know was that a long black snake was constantly approaching.


A scream came out, and a screamer with fear, was dragged away by an unknown object.

The shot is of course the Thunder Corpse Dragon.

The black thunder corpse dragon should be very concealed in the night. There was no need to make a sound to do this kind of thing, but this was a special order from Chu Feng.

What he wants is to stun the snake and bring fear to everyone.

"What kind of monster?"


"Where is the monster?"

After the Thunder Corpse Dragon swallowed a person, it immediately drowned in the night, waiting for the opportunity to find the next delicious prey. After all, there is no shortage of food here, and you can choose slowly.

However, there was a huge commotion in the vicinity of the victim.

"Get out of here quickly."

"That monster won't know when it will come out again."


"Don't run!"

"Stop it all!"

The officers of Jinling Biology gave an order and immediately commanded a large number of soldiers to completely block off this area, and there were even direct shots on video.


The sound of the machine gun fire calmed most people, and the few people who became more panicked were killed by the machine gun fire.

However, at this moment, another screamer screamed violently.

"Ah! Save me."

"Don't go there, the monster is still there."

"Where is it?"

This time everyone has learned well. Anyway, this monster only kills one person at a time. Seeing someone go to death, although everyone still feels flustered, they are already relatively easy to overcome.

The high-levels of Jinling Biology keep order as much as possible.

"Don't panic, everyone, it's just a beast."

"Don't worry, as long as we find its traces, we will definitely eliminate this monster."

"The monster killed only two people, but dozens of people died because of panic. Don't continue to panic, otherwise it will cause more casualties."

These people count their casualties caused by the machine gun shooting on the Thunder Corpse Dragon, and of course no one will object.

After all, those who dared to resist have been directly killed.

But the commotion in the crowd just now gave Chu Feng a chance, and he took the opportunity to get into the crowd, and no one noticed at all on the night when he couldn't see his fingers.

The soldiers of Jinling Biology turned on the lights and some car lights. Some light was ignited in the dark night, but the range that could be illuminated was also limited.

At this moment, the earth suddenly cracked a crack, and several people fell into it unexpectedly, and just after a short scream, the crack on the ground closed.


"Someone attacked!"

"Hurry up!"

Before they had time to fall into chaos, suddenly several faintly blue fireballs appeared out of thin air, burning several people into coke.

Because dual-line abilities are relatively rare, they take it for granted that this is the second person to shoot.

Because of the enemy hiding in the darkness, everyone doesn't know how many enemies there are.

The crowd fell into a panic and began to flee in a panic.

After all, they are all people who can be easily fooled by a single sentence. How high can you expect their psychological quality? It is normal for a riot to occur in a slight danger.

At this moment, a large number of biochemical beasts suddenly walked out of the building, and began to continuously attack and gnaw on nearby people.

The addition of biochemical beasts to the battle made the scene even more chaotic.

Because it is at night, even with guns, accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

A large number of soldiers responsible for containing the biochemical beasts were caught off guard by the biochemical beasts, biting off their throats one by one, and then quickly swallowing them.

As part of the biochemical beasts came out of the inside, more and more biochemical beasts began to come out, and the crowd's fear deepened.

"Ah! Don't!"

"Run, here is to die!"

"If you don't run, will you wait for death here?"

The fear of death dissipated everyone's sanity. Even if their escape route had been blocked by machine guns, they still rushed into the blockade regardless.

The officers of Jinling Biology immediately issued urgent orders.

"Don't let them run away!"

"Shoot, shoot me all!"

"Stop them."

"Can't let the biochemical beast break through."

They know that if things here spread out, it will definitely have a very serious negative impact on Jinling Biology. Even in this age of underdeveloped information, under the spread of ten to ten, Jinling Biology’s reputation will suffer tremendously. Blow.

People may not believe in the army or those desperately trying to save themselves, but they will certainly listen to this kind of gossip and other things.


A large number of machine guns and heavy machine guns spit out one after another, continuously harvesting the lives of the crowd.

They all knew how terrifying the biochemical beasts were, and there were also biochemical beasts mixed in the crowd and attacked the blockade.

So no matter who they want to hit the cordon, they just kill them all.

Human lives are not worth money to them anyway.

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