Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 310: Yanlong Talisman

When the scene was in chaos, Chu Feng, who was the initiator, quietly came to a factory where the ore was processed.

Because of the refining furnace, it is always brightly lit.

Although they will not continue to refine the ore at night, there are still many people doing the work of crushing the ore. A large number of shirtless people are breaking the ore with huge hammers.

And Chu Feng's gaze fell on some of the separated ghost gold.

The efficiency of Jinling Biology is very high, possibly because of the group effect. The work efficiency of more than 10,000 people is terrible.

In just one day, the ore they extracted has been piled up into a hill.

Chu Feng looked at it roughly and estimated that the ore here should exceed 30 tons in weight.

Although there is no further purification, because there is no compound, even under a rough estimate, there should be more than 20 tons of Blue Magic Gold.

Seeing that a new figure broke in suddenly, a young man with a ruffian temperament got up from a woman, and asked with a dissatisfaction: "What happened outside?"

The woman tidied her clothes and looked dissatisfied.

But she was not an idiot, knowing that there was so much movement outside, there was definitely something wrong outside, so she didn't say anything.

However, Chu Feng suddenly moved.

A hand knife hit both of them on their necks, and both of them went into a coma.

The other miners who were crushing the ore took a look at the situation here, then lowered their heads to continue their work.

What happened here has nothing to do with them, and the high-level disputes have nothing to do with them, because no matter who it is, they can ride on them.

Seeing the workers who continued to crush the ore casually, Chu Feng felt anxious for a while.

Huaxia is a nation that you said has never lacked heroes and character, but there are always some people who will never stand up.

It doesn't matter if you don't know how to resist when you encounter oppression. Now someone has come to change the current situation and gave them a chance to escape from the chaos.

"In that case, let you use your residual heat in the right place!"

A cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes, and then these workers were stunned one by one, and they were all put into the Yuan Palace to accompany the prisoners.

Anyway, they should be slaves to those foreigners, and they should be slaves to themselves, so let them build their future in Yuanfu in the future!

This will give them a little value.

These workers discovered that someone had actually done something to them, and someone immediately knelt to the ground in a panic: "We are not lazy! Please forgive us!"

Chu Feng was upset seeing these people, and he fainted.

Those who can't stand up for a lifetime, then never stand up.

"What's the matter, what happened here?"

A brawny white-skinned man walked in and saw that there was only one person left here, so he shouted at Chu Feng in a high voice.

What greeted him was a black long sword.

This person is a supernatural being. After refining the spiritual energy in his body, he can increase his strength a little. This kind of value is much higher than the value of being a slave.

Because of the lesson last time, Chu Feng understood that only strength is the root of everything.

Although he can get more benefits through the method of refining weapons, and on the surface, he can gain more strength, but if he is addicted to refining, then the blood of battle in his body will gradually fade.

This is not worth the loss for him.

Therefore, Chu Feng chose to come here.

Because he was afraid that one day, he would forget how to fight.

After getting rid of the people in the refinery factory, Chu Feng confiscated all the contents again, and finally turned the entire factory into ashes with the blasting talisman.


The huge explosion caught everyone's attention, and the soldiers of Jinling Biology immediately sent a team to investigate, but there was no news.

After killing these few people with short eyes, Chu Feng cast his gaze on the soldiers of Jinling Biology.

The soldiers of Jinling Biology are holding heat weapons, sealing all the roads away from them, and with the help of many supernaturalists, all those who want to escape have lost hope.

After some casualties, the miners have given up on attacking the cordon.

Within the encirclement, the biochemical beasts are constantly chasing down the absentees.

But even if these miners pushed their companions to the biochemical beasts, they were unwilling to rise up and continue to try to attack the blockade.

"Although I really don't want to save these people, but to deal with the enemy, let's do it!"

Chu Feng didn't really catch a cold deep in his heart for these people who had given up hope, because these people really fell to where they are now because of their stupidity.

But considering the weakening of Jinling creatures, he still decided to take action.

If Jinling creatures continue to drive these people, these miners will soon be treated as shields after their mining work is over.

As a shield to invade the survival base of the Dawn Alliance.

After all, such a thing is not without precedent, it happened last time.

After experiencing the lessons of the last time, the people of the Dawn Alliance really knew that Jinling creatures were absolutely untrustworthy, and they could not surrender even if they died.

It's a pity that even if the military spread this incident, many people still believe it.

So in order to prevent more shields from being used to attack the Dawn Alliance, Chu Feng must let these people go.

"Yanlong Talisman!"

A faint blue fire dragon appeared out of thin air and directly destroyed an armored vehicle. The soldiers on the armored vehicle wailed and turned into a pile of coke.

After reaching the fifth rank, the fire system can transform its flame into a dragon shape.

However, although the power of the dragon-shaped flame is great, it is not as powerful as the destructive power of the **** karma fire. If the flame is manipulated to a certain level, the **** karma fire can be used to condense into a dragon-shaped flame.

If the control of the flame reaches a more profound level, then it can be condensed into a dragon-shaped flame with the Samadhi real fire. At that time, the ability of the fire system will reach a very terrible point.

If a master of this level really appeared, even Chu Feng would have to avoid his edge.

Of course, there are not many such masters, and theoretically the fifth-level can be achieved, does not mean that it can be achieved, often the sixth-level fire-type supernatural ability can do this kind of thing.

Although Chu Feng has learned a lot, he can skip the steps of manipulation and comprehension through the outline of Yuan Talisman. As long as he has enough energy, he can condense the real fire of Samadhi into a dragon-shaped flame.

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