Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 311: Bumper harvest

After destroying an armored car, the dragon-shaped flame composed of **** industry fire did not stop immediately, but continued to wreak havoc.

The soldiers who were attacked immediately yelled for the supernaturalists to take action.


"For a Tier 5 ability person, there are Tier 5 masters to take action!"

"No good, adults with supernatural powers, hurry up!"

But these supernaturalists looked at each other, and then took a few steps back.

Although they don't know how powerful the other person is, this is not something they can easily deal with just by the control of the flame.

It would be possible to get rid of the opponent if he went with them, but now the black lights are blind, even if there is light shining, they can't see the specific figures.

Wouldn't it be a pity if the person ahead of you died first?

It is precisely because of this mentality that none of them dare to step forward.

At this moment, another faint blue fire dragon appeared.

Chu Feng looked at the people around him, shaking his head and sighing in his heart.

He has already taken action and killed more than 30 enemies, including several abilities, and has opened a loophole in the opponent's blockade.

These people still don't want to escape.


The soldiers who blocked the encirclement kept firing, trying to use firepower to directly cover the gap created here to forcibly make up for the past.

At this moment, a blue arc appeared.

A black long snake sprayed a blue electric arc from its mouth, and landed on dozens of soldiers at the same time, making them paralyzed and fell to the ground.

Just now Chu Feng made the move, all for the cover of Thunder Corpse Dragon.

Although the Thunder Corpse Dragon's ability to hide in the dark is very good, Chu Feng's warning against the lion to fight the rabbit requires all-out lessons, so he provided cover for the Thunder Corpse Dragon.

The Thunder Corpse Dragon's attack caused a bigger gap in the defense. Chu Feng shouted in the crowd: "Run! Are you going to stay here and wait for death?"

It turned out that he suddenly woke up.

"Yeah! Do you want to wait for death to stay here?"



Driven by the strong desire to survive, there are already people desperately wanting to leave the gap, even with firepower.

And Chu Feng continued to shout:

"Those zombies came from behind. If they don't run, they are dead words."

This sentence aroused more people's desire to survive, and people rushed to the gap in a desperate manner. Some soldiers raised their machine guns in their hands to shoot, but the Thunder Corpse Dragon easily solved them.

The Thunder Corpse Dragon that has reached Tier 4 is capable of crushing most Tier 5 existences.

To deal with these soldiers who are not very strong in their own right, it is natural to catch them.

After seeing this scene, people have more confidence in running away.

"Haha, there is only a dead end to stay here."

"There is hope only by running away."

"Run! Fight with these bastards!"

The fear of death and the hope of survival made people desperately impact the gap. When the number of people who fled reached thousands of people, the gap began to expand uncontrollably.

Chu Feng and Thunder Corpse Dragon took advantage of the night to reap their lives and cut off a supernatural person.

His exercises can refine everything, but the supernatural being is the best object to be refined by him, and the improvement of his strength is also the most significant.

These supernaturalists wanted to fight back, but seeing the crowd swarming out, they instinctively produced some cringing emotions.

Fear of the masses is human instinct and will not disappear because of strength.

Those soldiers with machine guns were given priority care by Chu Feng, and one group attack skill could solve a large area.

Seeing more and more soldiers being beheaded, the desire for survival in the hearts of the remaining miners is even stronger, and they are desperately attacking outwards.

Because people now have more or less practiced martial arts techniques, even if most people only have first-order strength, they have no resistance to bullets, but they will not die immediately as long as they are not hit. , It can still be done.

So under the influence of the crowd effect, the soldiers' blockade was quickly defeated.

Anyway, it was only the result of being used by biochemical beasts as food or being killed under a machine gun. It would be better to flee to the outside world, and there is still hope of survival.

Before they were so humble because they couldn't see hope. As long as they were given real hope of survival, people could still rise up to resist.

"Don't run!"

"Who runs and kills who!"


Some officers showed fear in their eyes. He understood the consequences of letting these people escape, so he desperately wanted to maintain order.

But then, several biochemical beasts pounced on them.

If there are some corpses with stiff limbs among the zombies, then these biochemical beasts are synonymous with beasts.

Even more fierce than terrifying beasts.

The biochemical beast became the last straw to overwhelm the camel, and the blockade formed by the soldiers of Jinling creatures caused a complete collapse.

Some awakened people looked at each other, and then ran away quietly.

They knew that if today's events spread out, it would definitely cause very serious consequences, and Jinling creatures' reputation would be directly destroyed.

So they have to take advantage of the fact that they haven't completely labeled Jinling Biology, run away quickly, and then pretend to know nothing.

Anyway, there are more than one fortress nearby. Can people still identify them all?

Even if they start to identify one by one, as long as they don't admit it.

As a result, a large number of awakened people also began to flee, and Jinling Biological soldiers' defense line collapsed again.

Chu Feng didn't let go of this rare good opportunity. If it were to contend head-on, he would not be able to contend against the siege of dozens of awakened ones, but since they have begun to escape, the current situation is his best hunting ground.

He is holding a black long sword, and is constantly harvesting fresh lives.

The Thunder Corpse Dragon didn't stop its actions either. Compared to ordinary people who were not too nutritious, these supernatural powers were more delicious.

Those who are fleeing with supernatural powers also turned a blind eye to the casualties behind them.

Because in their usual impression, the awakened is very difficult to kill, so they instinctively believe that those who can be killed by this group of angry ordinary people are just ordinary people.

Of course, if they could look back, they might not think so.


The night was long, and Chu Feng's harvest feast continued.

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