Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 312: Is there any misunderstanding in your investigation?

"Level 4, level 6, huh~"

When the long night finally passed and the first ray of light rose in the east, Chu Feng almost transformed the vitality gained from refining into his own strength.

He killed more than 100 people with supernatural powers tonight, and most of them were of Tier 3 and above.

All these gains only raised his level to Tier 4 and Tier 6.

Of course, the exercises he practiced are very special and powerful, and cannot be treated according to common sense.

His Tier 4 strength can already be invincible below Tier 6, unless it is a genius who can do what Tier 6 can do when it is Tier 5, otherwise he is not afraid.

When he stabilized the vitality in his body, the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was the look in Su Yuan's eyes that looked at a monster.

"What, are there flowers on my face?" Chu Feng smiled.

Originally, he still had some thoughts about Su Yuan, but as the relationship with Su Yuyan progressed, he gradually faded that thought.

Because of his interest in Su Yuan, another man in beautiful women.

However, because of this kind of interest between men and women, the relationship between himself and Su Yuyan was destroyed. In addition, the base was missing a manager, and it would be a big loss.

Anyway, he is destined to have no shortage of women by his side, nor is he short of this one.

Of course, if Su Yuan gave herself in, he would not refuse.

Su Yuan looked at Chu Feng with the look of a monster: "Do you have any misunderstandings about investigation?"

She originally thought that Chu Feng should be single-handedly doing investigations and spying on the enemy's intelligence, but what she didn't expect was that Chu Feng went to reconnaissance, and directly destroyed the entire base.

When she rushed to the camp quietly, nothing was left except the corpse and the broken walls.

Chu Feng touched his nose and said, "Who would call those idiots so stupid, they used more than 2,000 people to guard more than 10,000 people. Do they think they are still in the old age?"

Most people are not able to adapt to the changes of the times. Although many people can work hard against the surrounding environment, this is not adaptation.

In the past era, even more than 100 people with heavy machine guns could control more than 10,000 people, but in this era, the deterrent effect of guns on people has been greatly reduced.

In the past, as long as he was shot by a gun, he would be disabled if he didn't die.

And after the person in the front row falls, the person in the back row will immediately enter the range of the machine gun.

But when people's physical fitness is improved, it is not a fatal injury, and the impact on people is almost a cut in the glass.

As long as you can resist the pain, you can still charge forward.

Therefore, under the resistance of those in the front row who can withstand the pain, those in the back also have the opportunity to reach the front row and get rid of those with guns.

Coupled with Chu Feng's harvest, everyone's hearts are full of fear of the unknown.

No one is not afraid of an invincible existence in the dark.

Everyone is worried that the next person to die is themselves, how can they unite?

Su Yuan said: "I probably already understand why you don't care about those powers. In fact, you don't really care about it. You just have the confidence that everyone will not oppose you."

The interior of the Dawn Alliance is divided into groups. This is an inevitable trend and human instinct.

Because humans are gregarious animals, in this dangerous world, only a group can give each other some comfort.

However, even if some groups were formed, none dared to oppose Chu Feng.

Because they all knew that the Dawn Alliance was able to unite together because of Chu Feng's prestige. If someone dared to provoke Chu Feng, then he would become the enemy of the entire alliance.

Maybe this influence will weaken over time, but as long as Chu Feng can always guarantee his absolute force, then no one can provoke Chu Feng's position.

Even if it's her Su Yuan, it won't work.

Chu Feng said, "It's good if you understand, so you should also send some information in your usual practice, relying on crystal nucleus to cultivate, after all, it will not last long."

Su Yuan shook her head: "If you have the strength, you and your sister will have enough. If you don't take advantage of the heat to consolidate the alliance, no matter how high your future status is, it doesn't make sense that the alliance is not strong."

Chu Feng didn't persuade anymore, everyone had their own ideas.

Moreover, what Su Yuan said was correct, as far as the strength was concerned, he would be enough, not short of Su Yuan.

After the development of the alliance is really on track, maybe she will have the intention to hone her strength!

Then, Su Yuan told the whole alliance what happened last night.

"Are those gangsters of Jinling Biology coming again?"

"Fight with them."

"This is our home. Whoever dares to offend our homeland, we will fight him desperately."

Finally settled down here, watching the crops in the fields begin to mature, everyone's most worried food and clothing problem has finally been resolved.

After a month of suffering, it was finally hard to see the light.

However, now some people want to destroy their homes.

How can this make them endure? So they don't care at all now, no matter who wants to destroy their hard-won stability, they have to fight to the end.

Of course, there were a few people who left quietly, and Chu Feng just didn't see it.

There is no safe place in the outside world. Most of the army's power is used to encircle the magic capital, and there is not much food and who can send it to ordinary people.

Last time Mosling told Chu Feng that if they used the step-by-step strategy, they would not have enough food.

Because such an approach was originally very consuming supplies, and they had to think about it for a long time, that is, the food distributed to ordinary people.

And Chu Feng's answer is, I think your food should be enough.

What he meant was that if you can take it seriously, then you don't have to worry about the food issue. This issue should be left to ordinary people to worry about.

If they lack food, they can go out and find it by themselves!

Apart from other things, there are a lot of mutated organisms, and there are also many mutated plants. If you really take risks, you still have a chance to get food.

There are already smart people who have learned the construction model of the survival base of the Dawn Alliance and started to build their own homes with farmland as the core.

Although there is no energy shield to protect them, they still need to worry about the harassment of monsters, but such a model has been established, and anyone who is willing to build and guard a new home can still settle down.

However, their water source problem is not so easy to solve.

The Dawn Alliance has the Spirit Spring, so there is no need to worry about water, but they can only get water from the nearby canals and the Yangtze River for irrigation.

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