Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 313: Jinling creatures strike again

When the people of the Dawn Alliance were united, the atrocities against Jinling creatures began to spread like wildfire.

Of the more than 10,000 miners, almost five to six thousand people escaped from the control of Jinling creatures, and they committed more of their actions to nearby fortresses.

After hearing the atrocities committed by Jinling creatures, people were filled with outrage.

Then it's gone.

The people of Jinling Biology do not know where they control a large amount of armament. With a large amount of munitions, plus a team of supernatural powers whose ratio is obviously abnormal, how can they have the courage to compete with Jinling Biology?

So in this situation, not many people dare to confront them.

At about 1 pm, some of the Dawn Alliance hunting squads found the trail of the Jinling biological force from a distance, and then quickly returned to the alliance to report.

I heard that the people from Jinling Biology were coming soon, and the members of the Dawn Alliance were very excited.

"It's been a long time since I saw this group of clutters not pleasing to the eye."

"Fuck them."

"To dare to invade our homeland is simply looking for death."

Although I didn't stay here for a long time, I finally had a place to live and live, and finally there was a place like home, and it was hard to live as a person.

How can they allow outsiders to destroy?

When the Chinese nation truly has a sense of belonging to the homeland, the power that bursts out to protect the homeland is unpredictable.

So the members of the alliance are all gearing up, and the senior leaders of the alliance are all gathered together.

Just as the army of Jinling creatures was approaching the survival base of the Dawn Alliance, suddenly a large number of members came from other places.

"what's the situation?"

Chu Feng was a little confused and asked Su Yuan for information.

Su Yuan's face showed a weird look: "They all said that they couldn't understand the way Jinling creatures did, and they wanted to fight against foreign enemies with us."

After hearing Su Yuan's words, everyone was extremely excited.

If they can get unexpected reinforcements, they may avoid a lot of losses, and they will be more confident against the enemy.

Gu Nanfei asked, "How many of them are there?"

Su Yuan said: "More than 30,000 people."

Gu Nanfei said: "This time is too coincidental. If these 30,000 people are controlled by Jinling Biology, then letting them enter the survival base will cause us incalculable loss, let alone they control it. Even if they only control part of it, if it suddenly breaks out, it is a force that cannot be ignored."

After listening to Gu Nanfei's words, everyone was thoughtful.

Why do these "reinforcements" do not come early or late, but come at this time?

If these reinforcements are really problematic, it will definitely bring them annihilation.

Su Yuyan frowned, "But we can't easily shut all of them out, so that whether they are reinforcements or not, they will become our enemies."

After hearing this, everyone felt even more headache.

If these people have problems, it would definitely be a death to let them in, but if these people have no problems, then shutting them out is equivalent to offending them all.

Su Yuan said: "Now the Dawn Alliance has spread in the fortress, but how many people want to take refuge in us, just because of Jinling creatures, not many people will take refuge. If they want to use this opportunity to give charcoal in the snow, That is not impossible."

Her words made everyone feel more headaches.

Because this phenomenon exists objectively, if they reject everyone's kindness, it will be a disaster for the Dawn Alliance.

Xu Yan suddenly asked: "Are these reinforcements all as a whole, or are there many groups?"

Su Yuan was startled, and then quickly replied: "It's a lot of small groups."

Xu Yan said: "That's right. If they are all controlled by Jinling Creatures, it is unlikely that Jinling Creatures can control so many people. Unless they are pointing at them with a gun at the back, otherwise it would not happen last night. The miners have rioted."

Su Yuan's eyes lit up: "You mean?"

The most ordinary people of Jinling Creatures have very weak control, at least they won't let everyone listen to them obediently.

Even if it is for people to mine, more than 2,000 people will be threatened with machine guns, and many supernaturalists will assist them.

It is impossible to let so many people in to do dangerous work now.

Because there is no way to guarantee loyalty, and those scattered people are reluctant to organize, and it will not be a climate.

After all, the soldiers of Jinling Biology are not really regular troops, and their discipline is extremely limited.

"Don't be happy too early."

Xu Yan continued, "I believe that the vast majority of people here are innocent. After all, as long as we spread things out here, there are still a lot of people who can attract them. It's just that they came at a coincidental time. If you rush together, there will be a problem."

Su Yuyan said: "You mean, those people had no problems, but the people of Jinling Biology made the difference and forced them to integrate?"

Xu Yan nodded: "That's what it means."

After hearing Xu Yan's words, everyone suddenly felt a bit cold behind their backs.

This is simply a dead end!

A few Jinling creatures control most of them, and it can't be regarded as control. It's just secretly telling everyone about the song and tying everyone together to increase the price.

Those people were all used by them as shields, or cover.

If the Dawn Alliance puts these people in, then the people of Jinling Biology will definitely stab everyone in the back at a critical time.

But if you don't let them in, the people of Jinling Creatures will definitely be monsters in the crowd.

"We kindly came to support you, but you were shut out! What do you mean?"

Just imagine such a picture, everyone will feel a little shuddering.

Su Yuyan muttered to herself: "Putting it in is equivalent to a time bomb after school. If you don't put it in, you will fight against more than 30,000 people. No matter how you choose, it will be dead!"

Zhao Fan said to Xu Yan: "Then what can you do?"

Everyone's eyes turned to Xu Yan. Since she can understand all the conspiracies, does she have any solution?

And Xu Yan's gaze was cast cautiously on Chu Feng: "I haven't thought of it yet."

She didn't expect it, but she was a little afraid of being too sharp.

Chu Feng chuckled, "It doesn't matter, even if it's just an idea, you can say it boldly, and then everyone will work out a solution."

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