Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 317: Standoff

Chu Feng's past life can be said to have been killed all the way, during the ten years of darkness, he did not know how many killings he had experienced and how much blood was stained in his hands.

Most of the changes made by murderous aura to people are at the spiritual level, so the accumulated murderous aura has always existed in Chu Feng's soul.

When he released the power of God, the instinct for killing in his soul was also released, which produced this unexpected effect.

So Chu Feng originally planned to make a shock, but everyone is kneeling, how can you make a move?

Gu Nanfei glanced at Chu Feng in surprise, and said nothing.

He had some doubts about what Chu Feng did before, but in the end he still didn't ask.

Everyone has everyone's secret, as long as the secret is not harmful to others, then he has no need to go into it.

The defense work of the Dawn Alliance was arranged very securely. A total of 4 entrances and exits were closed, and one entrance was handed over to reinforcements.

The remaining entrance was Chu Feng's watchtower.

Chu Feng had arranged enough back players in the watch tower, which was the most difficult place to attack.

However, the enemy does not need to attack from the watchtower position.

Because the line of defense here is based on the energy shield. Although ordinary rock walls also have a certain defensive effect, they are the result of collapse in the face of the supernatural powers of the earth system.

So in the new era, many tactics of the old era cannot be used.

Although Chu Feng is not a general who can fight well, he is the person who knows the trend of the times best, so of course he is also the person who knows best how to make tactics.

After returning to the watchtower, Su Yuan asked, "Is it resolved?"

Chu Feng nodded: "It's solved."

Although he didn't understand how Chu Feng solved it, since he said it has been solved, then there is no need to worry about the problem of the frontier defense.

Chu Feng asked Su Yuan: "Who is in charge of the military in the alliance now?"

Of course, military power is actually the leader of a small team.

Su Yuan said: "He Chongyin, Yu Dawen, Qiu Rong, Huang Xiaoyu, and me."

Chu Feng frowned, "How come there are five?"

When the Dawn Alliance was first established, there were 6 deputy leaders, but I didn't expect it to become 5 now.

Su Yuan glanced at Chu Feng with a complicated look: "One of the six deputy leaders has been seized, and one of them is dead, so there are only five now."

Only Chu Feng can do it for people who don't care about major events of this degree, but still have absolute control over their own forces.

She remembered that she seemed to have told Chu Feng about this kind of thing, but Chu Feng didn't care at all.

Chu Feng was silent for a moment, and then asked, "What happened to the one who was seized of power?"

Su Yuan said: "It's a Tier 3 ability player. Because she has not been able to reach Tier 4, she carried out a bloodless mutiny under pressure."

The level difference is one rank, and the impact it brings to people is different.

Now the number of Awakeners in the Dawn Alliance has exceeded 400, but only less than 30 can reach Tier 4.

However, from the perspective of controlling military power, if you have not reached Tier 4, what do you rely on to convince the public?

Do you rely on a mouth?

Chu Feng ordered: "Let them take people into military defense measures, and arrange a rotation system for rest, because this is a protracted battle."

Su Yuan was shocked: "They didn't plan to attack?"

Chu Feng said: "Of course it will be a strong attack, but this does not conflict with a protracted war."

Although Su Yuan still had some doubts, she finally gave the order according to Chu Feng's instructions. Anyway, Chu Feng was responsible for any problems with this order.

An hour later, Jinling Biological Corps began to station outside, but did not rush to attack.

The Dawn Alliance was built around farmland. There are three counties nearby, and Jinling Biology chose its own residence among these counties and transformed the military camp.

Li Xiao asked strangely: "Are they really planning a protracted battle to kill us?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "They are waiting for the opportunity."

The time they waited is of course the time bomb exploded.

The strongest fortresses are often breached from within. The Jinling creatures who lost a lot of their troops here last time will certainly not waste their troops here in vain.

After all, they knew that if they wanted to take root in this piece of land for a long time and absorb the nutrients of this piece of land, they would not suffer heavy losses because of dealing with an enemy.

Otherwise, when the people in the military are free, they will be the first to deal with.

Human beings are still unable to accept such things as human experiments, and they will soon fall into a situation of isolation and helplessness.

Therefore, they must not only capture the Dawn Alliance, but also reduce losses.

At this moment, more than a dozen people walked out of Jinling Biology's army, and they unscrupulously symbolized the direction of the Dawn Alliance.

Seeing an enemy approaching, some of the members of the Dawn Alliance picked up a machine gun and prepared to fire.


The flames of the machine gun were vomiting, but the dozen figures were unharmed.

A person in the lead shouted: "Does Dawn Alliance treat guests like this?"

"Grass! I don't think you are guests."

"Don't tell me you guys come with so much firepower because you want to make friends with us."

"We don't welcome outsiders."

"Beasts of Jinling Biology, you should get out of here!"

Because of the good ideological work done in the early stage, the remaining members of the alliance are full of hatred for the people of Jinling Biology.

Not only because they violated their homeland last time, but also because of the evil they caused. I don't know how many women were lusted by them.

No matter what it is, they don't have any thoughts of reconciliation with each other.

Unless they are also willing to become beasts who abuse women.

The leader of the supernatural powers created an earth dragon with a wave of hands: "I know that there are 5th-tier supernatural powers among you, but you should understand what this means. If you are unwilling to communicate with us peacefully , Then I have to use my strength to wake you up."

With that, the earth dragon in his hand flew toward the energy shield: "The energy shield has one of the biggest limitations, that is, it can only defend against attacks below Tier 5."

As he said, the size of the earth dragon grew larger, and then whizzed and flew toward the energy shield.

And the supernaturalists around him are also equipped for defense.

Chu Feng said to Chu Xiaojuu: "Do it, use explosive arrows!"

At this moment, Zhao Fan raised his hand and flew out with a fireball.

The moment when a Tier 5 earth type supernatural player saw the fireball, his expression suddenly changed.

It was a glazed fireball.

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