Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 318: Give away heads

The dragon-shaped true energy and the colored glaze flame are the signs of the fifth-order fire system, but it does not mean that the two can be superimposed.

If you want to superimpose the two, you need a strong fire control ability.

However, in fact, even with glazed flames, that is, the real fire of Samadhi, it is very difficult to use ordinary fire skills.

A Tier 4 capable person can only control the true fire of **** with fire exorcism, and a Tier 5 capable person who can master the true fire of **** is already considered great.

However, Zhao Fan directly used Samadhi real fire to form a fireball, which made him horrified.

What he didn't know was that this was actually the function of the wrist that Chu Feng gave Zhao Fan.

That wrist is made of Chiyan Fine Gold, and it can store the flames of the Samadhi real fire. This function looks very simple, but it is equivalent to increasing the blue bar of oneself, but in fact it is very scary.

Because he has just become a fifth-order supernatural ability person, he can't skillfully use Samadhi Real Fire.

Even if it is to control the real fire of Samadhi by using fire exorcism, it will take some time to practice.

But if you use this wrist, you only need to release the samaya real fire stored in the wrist.

Since you don't need to do it yourself to set off the real fire, you have the energy to control the fire.

Because of this, Zhao Fan can directly use the "Flame Meteor" skill with Samadhi Real Fire.

The flame meteor formed by the real fire of Samadhi whizzed past, and it only smashed the earth dragon in an instant, turning it into earth and rocks in the sky.

This is not over yet, the flames of the real fire of Samadhi have not yet subsided, but continue to whistle downwards.


"Block him."

The fifth-order earth system supernatural power directly summoned a huge earth wall, the earth wall shone with crystal-like luster, blocking the path of the flame meteor.

Just like the fifth-order fire element can control the real fire of samādhi, the fifth-order earth element has the ability to crystallize soil and stone, which is the symbol of the fifth order.

It is a pity that he is not very proficient in the control of this trick, and he can only add a thin layer of crystallized protection to the dirt wall he controls.

Under the attack of the flame meteor, this crystalline protective layer was fragmented in an instant.

But it also bought them time.

The abilities around him also took action one after another, the water curtain shield, ice crystal shield, earth wall, wind wall, and the abilities of each department desperately blocked the path of the flame meteor.

Under their full blocking, the flame meteor finally dissipated.

After all, it is not easy to continuously break through the earth dragon and the earth wall with the crystallized protective layer, and the flame meteor has not much power.

The fifth-order earth-type supernatural person wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

He didn't expect to encounter such a terrifying opponent, and just a face-to-face attack put their entire team into danger.

"Never do such dangerous things again."

He cursed silently in his heart, originally thinking that with a dozen or so Tier 4 abilities, he should be able to retreat no matter what kind of danger he faces.

But what I didn't expect was that the other party could actually control the existence of the true fire of Samadhi.

Just when he breathed a sigh of relief, the red arrow pierced his chest directly with lightning speed.

When Zhao Fan attacked, Chu Xiaorou, who had been ordered by Chu Feng, had already opened her bow and set an arrow, shooting this desperate arrow.

"How, how come..."

When he saw the red light on his chest, before he had time to feel the pain from his chest, he suddenly found that the whole world was flooded with red.


The Explosive Arrow, which was stacked with the seven-fold Explosive Flame Talisman, made a violent explosion, and in just an instant, it exploded and shattered the Tier 5 ability person who had not even had time to report his name.

The power of the blasting arrow has not yet ended. The huge explosion not only blasted this Tier 5 supernatural person to pieces, but also affected the supernatural persons around him.



"No, we are blocked."

In the explosion just now, a few people still barely reacted, and hurriedly used their abilities to protect their bodies and save their lives.

Although he was still seriously injured by the aftermath, he at least survived.

However, just as they were about to march towards the large force behind, the route next to them was suddenly blocked by an ice wall.


They frantically attacked the ice wall in front of them, but how could the ice wall arranged by Zhang Ziqing, a fifth-order ability person, be easily broken by these powerful abilities at the end?

Then, the glazed fire of Samadhi came again, harvesting the last life.

When the members of this team were attacked, the members of Jinling Biology in the back row had already begun rescue work.

But when they finally broke through the ice and snow walls, all they saw was coke in one place and some ashes formed after burning.

Not even the broken body was left.

Since they wanted to give the head away at the start, Chu Feng had no reason not to accept it.

After seeing this scene, the members of the Dawn Alliance were shocked.

After a while, there was a burst of cheers on the wall.

"Long live, long live the leader!"

"Long live the Dawn Alliance!"

"It seems that the leader didn't make a move just now!"

"No matter, long live the leader!"

Chu Feng did not make a move just now, but when fighting in the legion, the soldiers' record was calculated on the head of the general, so no one thought there was any problem.

And it made them feel honored and excited even more.

Chu Feng's strength is obvious to all, and he is undoubtedly the strongest in the alliance.

But now Chu Feng hadn't made a move. The opponent's Tier 5 ability players, plus a dozen Tier 4 ability players, didn't even turn up a single wave, so they were killed directly.

This approach made them feel even more enthusiastic, because they not only have a leader close to invincibility, but also a large group of strong men who can protect them.

Following behind such a strong man gave them an infinite sense of security.

Contrary to the fanaticism here, the morale of Jinling creatures suffered a major blow.

They are all witnesses to the power of the 5th-order supernatural powers, and they have also established the impression of the 5th-order invincible in the promotion and demonstration.

After all, showing one's strength is the best way to improve morale and unite people.

But what they didn't expect was that such a great figure, plus a dozen great figures who were second only to the tallest figures, would be shot and killed remotely under the walls of others, let alone making credit. Yes, even the walls of the house haven't been scratched.

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