Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 319: Assassination or kidnapping

The impact of this kind of head start is like the impact of beheading a general on the ancient battlefield, and the morale blow will be fatal.

So Jinling creatures immediately began to retreat and regrouped.

If there is a big offensive at this time, then all the people on the front desk will be daunted.

But Chu Feng silently closed the energy shield and returned to the tower.

Then came the cheers of the Dawn Alliance.

Although the real war has not yet started, the victory at the beginning has made them excited, as if they had achieved the final victory.

After another two hours in this way, the sky gradually darkened.

As the sky darkened, the soldiers of Jinling creatures began to move around.

Just as the soldiers of the Dawn Alliance began to be alert and ready to fight, there was a sudden violent battle fluctuation on the first floor of the watchtower.

Chu Feng, who was cultivating, opened his eyes and jumped directly from the window to the outside of the first floor, and then walked into the observation tower.

Looking into the eyes, the ground is full of corpses.

Above the corpse, was Ye Xiaohui holding the Chiyan Sword.

Ye Xiaohui spit out a mouthful of blood, and then pointed to the few remaining people: "Leader, they have to break in. I can't stop them, so I can only kill them."

The faces of those who were identified flushed, and they blushed and blamed Ye Xiaohui with a thick neck: "What are you talking about? We obviously want to see the leader, but you directly attacked the killer."

"Yes, we just want to see the leader."

"Leader, this woman must be careful when she hides evil intentions."

Facing this group of people who turned black and white, Ye Xiaohui's eyes showed a strong killing intent. She was originally the most murderous person under Chu Feng, and she liked to use killing to solve problems.

Since these people don't know good or bad, they can only kill them.

Chu Feng asked Su Yuan who came over, "Whose people are these people?"

Although it is impossible for Su Yuan to know all the people in the alliance, it is not a problem to recognize all the supernaturalists.

Su Yuan shook her head: "They are not from the Alliance."

A man wearing a blue jacket showed an angry look on his face: "We are the reinforcements who came to help the leader. Now we just want to ask the leader for instructions. I didn't expect you to treat us like this. Since the Dawn Alliance If we are not welcome, then we have to leave."

As he spoke, he cast a bitter look in his eyes, and he was about to take someone away.

Just as they turned and left, a voice like Jiuyou Hanbing came from behind them:

"Did I let you go?"

"Do you still want to..."

Before the man in the blue jacket had time to say anything, he suddenly felt that his neck was directly strangled, and then a feeling of weakness came, and he collapsed directly to the ground.

Chu Feng slapped several people in a row, then threw these people like dead dogs directly to Tian Jing, and coldly ordered:

"Let them speak."


Tian Jing did not ask how to get them to speak, and there is no need to ask about this kind of thing.

Then, she said to Xu Wei and Tao Jinghua: "You can help me."

Xu Wei and Tao Jinghua took a look at Chu Feng and found that after Chu Feng had no additional instructions, they dragged them away with Tian Jing.

Su Yuyan frowned and said, "Are they here to assassinate?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "If it were to assassinate, these people would be a little too weak."

Although the people of Jinling Biology don’t know his true strength, only the part of his strength that he showed is worthy of them to treat with stronger strength.

If only such a few people came to assassinate him, he would be too despised.

Su Yuan guessed: "Are they trying to take hostages?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "Too weak, we are not worth catching here, wait..."

He suddenly looked at Ye Xiaohui with a vigilant look.

Ye Xiaohui was startled first, and then she understood something: "They are the target Yiyi?"

There is no strong presence among these people, and even if they add up, they don't threaten the existence of Tier 5.

So the goal they want to deal with is definitely not too strong.

Considering that some people still need to come to the queen, then their goal is even weaker.

In this watchtower, the only people who can be regarded as hostages, who can threaten Chu Feng, and who can be safely taken away by them, are only Yiyi.

Ye Xiaohui's eyes were apologetic: "I'm sorry, it's me..."

Yiyi is her daughter, and she takes this matter as her responsibility.

"It's none of your business, it's my decision."

Chu Feng shook his head. He is not the kind of person who can shirk responsibility, "You just need to do defense work here, Su Yuan!"

Su Yuan immediately said: "Yes!"

Chu Feng didn't tell her about Yiyi.

However, she also guessed something. Chu Feng has no shortage of women today, and he is able to restrain his desire for her, so he is unlikely to be interested in Ye Xiaohui.

And she has also seen many women clinging to men in the company. There is a fundamental difference between the appearance of women who are moisturized by men and independent women.

But under such circumstances, Chu Feng actually allowed Ye Xiaohui to live on the seventh floor of the watchtower. There was a problem behind this incident.

In all likelihood, it is related to that little girl.

Chu Feng asked, "Where is Huang Tianhua?"

Su Yuan thought for a while, and then replied: "It seems that you are going to defend on the wall with your direct line."

There was killing intent in Chu Feng's eyes: "Interrupt his leg, and then bring him over."

Su Yuan's eyes trembled, and then said: "Okay."

She is not a fool, of course she knows that there seems to be something wrong with this matter.

A minute later, Huang Tianhua was thrown directly in front of Chu Feng by two of Su Yuan's direct powers, but his legs did not break.

It’s not that they are going to violate Chu Feng’s orders, but because Huang Tianhua is someone next to Chu Feng. Even if they want to punish, it should be Chu Feng’s business. If they really interrupt Huang Tianhua’s two legs directly, But afterwards Chu Feng forgave Huang Tianhua, then they might be unlucky.

Rather than offend 10 gentlemen, not one villain.

This is a very common way of being in the world, so they just brought Huang Tianhua over.

Huang Tianhua saw Chu Feng's eyes full of killing intent, his body began to tremble, and then he fell to his knees with a thump: "Master, I didn't do anything. You can't punish me like that!"

"So what?"

Chu Feng stepped on Huang Tianhua's head and said in an icy tone, "I haven't said what you have committed yet!"

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