Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 320: Die to understand

Huang Tianhua complained incessantly, and it was because he was too scared that his flaws were revealed.

However, he still tremblingly said: "Master, even if you are going to execute me, you must let me die! I know that I have played with a few women, but this is what people want, and I will give it too. It’s good enough for others! If I am punished just because of this, I will not accept it!"

As soon as he spoke, he directly attributed his guilt to the fact that he was fake.

Following Chu Feng's side, he also got a lot of benefits.

Apart from other things, when he went out hunting all day in the fortress, he could hunt without hesitation, because the powerful prey would be dealt with by Chu Feng.

And as the person close to Chu Feng, all the benefits belong to him.

Therefore, after the establishment of the alliance, he also accumulated a fortune.

Now many women who are helpless, but dare not to be a warrior, just give them a bite to eat, and they can sleep with themselves all night.

For this kind of thing, Chu Feng also closed one eye.

After all, this allows many men to vent their excess energy, and will not do irrational things just because they endure desire for too long.

And it can also prevent those helpless women from starving to death in the alliance.

"Die to understand?"

Chu Feng's tone was full of coldness, "Let me ask you one thing. You usually act with Tao Jinghua and the others, and you are even lazy in training. Why would you suddenly think of going to the city wall today? Dao’s line of defense?"

Huang Tianhua looked aggrieved: "I, I'm also trying to please my master!"

Chu Feng said, "If you want to please me, don't you know my preferences? With Tian Jing, there are opportunities to please."

Huang Tianhua just wanted to continue to defend something, Chu Feng continued:

"Let me talk about it! You accumulated a lot of wealth when you were by my side, so after the alliance was established, you wanted to use this wealth to have fun. This is the nature of a man, and you are willing to fall for me. Blame you, but you shouldn’t rely on selling my intelligence to continue to reap the benefits after lack of money."

Chu Feng had thought that Huang Tianhua had fallen for himself, so he ignored him.

After all, the opportunity was given to him, and he didn't cherish it himself, would he still lick his face to beg him to move forward?

However, when he came back to his senses, recalling something about Huang Tianhua, he suddenly realized that he had enjoyed too much during this time.

The league is a fair trade place. Since he is stunned every day, it is absolutely impossible for him to continue to rely on his previous income. He must have other sources of income.

As a person around him, the first source of income is to take bribes and then speak good things for others, but he did not speak good things for others around him.

After all, his right to speak is so light, he still knows this.

The second source of income is to use intelligence.

Huang Tianhua was scared to death, and then couldn't help but knelt down and begged for mercy: "I have never betrayed unfavorable information about the master!"

Chu Feng said: "You don't need to sell any unfavorable intelligence. You only need to sell basic intelligence. The enemy will naturally have specialized intelligence analysts."

Huang Tianhua cried and said: "I don't want to either! But they..."

"But they tell you that they have inferred my weakness from the news of the leak in your mouth."

Chu Feng said, "This gives you the illusion that you have betrayed me deliberately. As long as you let me know about this, I will definitely kill you, so you really become hidden from them. The spies here, this is why they will notify you before they act."

Huang Tianhua crawled on the ground, he was already speechless.

Now he only had fear in his heart, and he was able to reason out the cause and effect of the whole thing without any evidence and only with clues. In front of such a master, whatever he said was useless and impossible to deceive. Pass Chu Feng.

Chu Feng said to Ye Xiaohui: "This matter is my fault. I didn't expect that even the people around me couldn't stand it, so he left it to you to deal with it."

Ye Xiaohui looked at Huang Tianhua with hatred: "Thanks to the leader!"

Because the betrayal of this traitor almost caused her daughter to suffer an accident tonight, she would never let this person die easily.

"Master, master for your life! Master save me!"

Huang Tianhua kept crying and begging for mercy. He knew something about Ye Xiaohui. This woman's position by Chu Feng's side was obtained entirely by killing.

If in the hands of such a fierce god, he might even die as a relief.

After seeing this tragedy in the hall, the senior officials of the Dawn Alliance shuddered, and were impressed by Chu Feng's methods.

Chu Feng had always asked about anything in the alliance because he had enough confidence in his own strength and prestige.

And they knew that Chu Feng's wrist was definitely not what they could match.

However, what happened today made them understand more, don't make any small moves in front of Chu Feng.

Not only because the possibility of being discovered is too high, but also because...

Chu Feng punishes people without telling evidence!

They are both senior officials of the Dawn Alliance. Punishing a person is not a big deal for them, but without evidence, they directly reason out the cause and effect of the matter, and then directly hand it over to a female killer for punishment. Or torture.

It may seem a bit harsh in the eyes of ordinary people, but for people in high positions, they can see other things.

That is, as long as Chu Feng confirms it, there is no need for evidence at all.

If they want to rebel, want to seize power or something, let alone what they have done, even if they have not had time to act, as long as they show something in their performance, they will suffer a devastating blow.

Unless they are confident enough to deal with Chu Feng, don't think about those things.

After handing Huang Tianhua over to Ye Xiaohui for disposal, Chu Feng did not wait for Tian Jing's disposal results, but said to Zhang Ziqing and Zhao Fan: "Come with me. The defense work here is left to Su Yuan."

With that, he took the two of them and disappeared into the night.

Although the other members of the alliance were a little strange, no one dared to ask a question.

After a long time, Su Yuan smiled bitterly and said, "Let's do our job well!"

At this moment, there was a violent explosion on the energy shield outside, and everyone immediately ran out at the fastest speed.

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