Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 321: Six formations

"They are attacking the energy shield, what are we going to do?"

He Chongyin asked Su Yuan for instructions.

Although he was also one of the five deputy leaders, he knew that his position was definitely below Su Yuan, and his ability was far inferior.

Especially in this alliance building, the struggle for power is very meaningless.

Because at this time, the more power you grab, the greater the responsibility you need to bear.

Of course, considering the responsibilities he has now, he will directly determine the results obtained in the future, so he has nothing to be dissatisfied with.

In this case, you can do as much as you can.

The deputy leader who retired honorably chose to quit because of this reason.

Su Yuan said: "Not only is the leader not here, but the two Tier 5 masters are also called away, so it is not suitable to fight them head-on."

Yu Dawen said: "Should we just let them attack the energy shield and fight them attrition? The number of our superpowers is far lower than the opponent, and the attrition war is very bad for us."

The proportion of ability players in the Dawn Alliance is the lowest among all forces. Of course, it is not because they can't absorb powerful ability users, it is because they accept too many ordinary members.

Ordinary private forces, supernaturalists look down on ordinary people.

Even if they have the qualification to become a martial artist, they are not in their eyes, because they are crushed regardless of their growth rate or strength.

However, considering the need for someone to serve oneself, but because of the need for cannon fodder in the battle, the ratio of most power supers to ordinary people is generally one to ten.

Some of the supernatural beings who are more Virgin, they will accept more ordinary people.

But the Dawn Alliance is the only one that can reach almost 1:100.

Because they have enough abilities to allow a warrior to play his role, so that every person who pursues progress can rely on his own strength to feed himself.

This is also the attraction of Dawn Alliance.

Su Yuan said: "Then have you ever thought about why the leader would take away all the two Tier 5 supernaturalists? Wouldn't he consider that someone would attack here?"

Yu Dawen suddenly realized: "Isn't their real offensive target here?"

Su Yuan nodded: "That's right, their real offensive target is definitely not here, so the momentum outside is very great, but they will definitely control a certain degree, and will not really regard this as a real battlefield."

He Chongyin suddenly exclaimed: "Time bomb?"

Everyone looked at each other a few times and found that it was very possible.

If you can attack from behind and easily resolve the battle, I believe Jinling creatures will not lose a lot of troops here.

Su Yuan continued: "But don't take it lightly. If you can't make a sneak attack from behind, it will really turn this place into a frontal battlefield."

At this time, Chu Feng and Zhang Ziqing came to the area arranged for reinforcements.

Because the Dawn Alliance was preparing to expand to more than 100,000 people from the beginning, many buildings were built in advance to accept new members.

Following Su Yuan's investigation of public opinion and her secret layout in the outside world, she built many more buildings, even if it can hold 600,000 years, it is more than enough.

This led to the emergence of a large number of vacancies.

So after the reinforcements arrived, there was no worries about no place to live.

And whether it's the kitchen or something, the facilities are very good.

After Chu Feng "arranged" the reinforcements, Su Yuan sent some people to solve the food problem of the reinforcements so that they could eat hot meat porridge.

Such a move eased the shadow they had received from Chu Feng a lot, and some even chanted that they had not come here earlier, and the scene was in chaos.

Of course, they are not idiots, and amidst the clamor, they arranged some people to guard the entrance and exit.

Because these forces were originally scattered, no one noticed even if some people were missing.

At this moment, some sneaky figures walked towards the defensive node of the energy shield.

The energy shield is something similar to a light curtain. Although there is a cycle of energy, it still consumes energy. The function of the energy node is to absorb the vitality between the heaven and the earth and supplement the consumption of the energy shield.

Otherwise, it is only a 100 square meter energy shield, and the rate of energy consumption can squeeze a Tier 5 ability player dry in an hour.

Seeing the changes of those people, Zhao Fan was about to do it, but Chu Feng held his shoulders.

Zhao Fan asked in a low voice, "Why didn't Brother Feng let me do it?"

Chu Feng whispered: "Did you forget what I said during the day?"

Zhao Fan was silent.

He remembered the plan made during the day, and now he understands how the plan will be implemented.

Chu Feng comforted: "I know you can't bear to see casualties, but you should understand one thing, if the commotion here affects the frontline, what will be the consequences."

Zhao Fan whispered: "I understand, there is no sacrifice in a war. If we have enough strength, we may be able to avoid this situation, but since we can't do it, we can only reduce ourselves as much as possible. Human casualties and kindness to others are cruel to oneself."

Chu Feng didn't persuade him much. Zhao Fan also experienced a lot of things around Su Yuyan. He believed that Zhao Fan could figure out these things.

So he drew a six-pointed star on the ground and said: "When I built the energy shield, I had already considered this situation. No matter how hard the fortress was, it was broken from the inside, so I designed a six-pointed star. Array, specially used to deal with this situation."

Zhang Ziqing asked: "Can this formation defend against the enemies inside?"

Chu Feng pointed to the hexagon of the six-pointed array and said, "We call the opposite corners, the light door hidden door, the ground door air door, and the water door fire door. This method seems to form a hexagon between the 6 portals. Protective cover, but it’s not actually like that."

Zhao Fan's eyes lit up: "Could it be that there are internal combinations among the six doors?"

Chu Feng said: "Unexpectedly, you guessed it. They guarded the hidden door. We mainly guarded the light door. But we connected the diagonal line of the ground door and the air door. This will form your defense again. The wall, and then we will connect the water gate to the fire gate, which is another defense."

Zhao Fan took a deep breath: "In other words, even if the enemy enters through the secret door and wants to reach the protected area behind the light door, he still has to pass through two defenses?"

Such a design made him breathe a sigh of relief. Others finally attacked the inside of the fortress, but there were still two defenses to greet them.

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