Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 322: Kill traitors

Chu Feng said: "So the most important thing for us now is to build the energy shield between these two diagonal lines."

Zhao Fan pondered for two seconds, and said with difficulty: "Okay."

He knows very well what the result of doing this will be, but he has no choice, because if he doesn't do this, then all the Dawn Alliance will suffer.

Zhang Ziqing has long been accustomed to Chu Feng's style, knowing that no matter how cruel Chu Feng's heart is, in fact his approach can minimize casualties.

So the two followed Chu Feng to pull up the energy shield.

Of course, what they don't know is that this formation can continue to expand.

In addition to the connection between the two sides and the link between the performance, there is also a method of connection, that is, the connection through a node.

When a six-pointed star is formed inside the hexagonal formation, more nodes will appear inside the formation, which will hinder the enemy's attack to the greatest extent.

Only because of time, Chu Feng couldn't establish such a detailed.

As a result, the three began to quietly pull up the defensive line.

After pulling up the defensive position, the three people fell into a long wait.

After about an hour and a half in this way, suddenly several figures came towards this side.

"No, they have to discover that a new energy shield has appeared."

Chu Feng's pupils shrank, and then he said to Zhao Fan, "Hurry up and shout loudly, someone is destroying the energy node, and you should get along with the people outside."

Many people are familiar with his voice, and although he can transform according to the other's understanding, there is no way to amplify his voice.

Zhao Fan yelled without hesitation: "No, someone has destroyed the energy node and wants to destroy the energy shield and let people in."

When he yelled this sentence, he suddenly found that his voice was amplified.

This is because Chu Feng formed a "big horn" based on his own control of the wind.

The abilities of Yuan Talisman in ancient books are all-encompassing. Regardless of the abilities of the department, they are recorded. However, for Chu Feng, these Yuan Talisman is not so much a mature combat method as a key to open the door to a new world. Or it is a treasure map leading to treasure.

Yuan Talisman is the foundation. Through Yuan Talisman to understand the essence of vitality, this is the way to become stronger.

Amplification through big speakers makes people unable to find the source of the sound.

After shouting these words, Chu Feng immediately left the place with the two of them.

Although he believes that most people cannot find the source of the sound, if there is a genius in the wind system among these people, it is not guaranteed.

Zhao Fan's shout made the entire camp panic.

"what's going on?"

"Who wants to destroy the gate?"

"This is fake!"

"No matter, go and see first."

Although I don't know whether this unknown person's shouting is true or not, since someone shouts like this, their instinct will also prompt them to check the energy node.

Because most of the resolvers' awakening support includes this aspect, which is also the basic use of vitality, so they understand the importance of this matter.

Not only were they in a panic, but even the members of Jinling creatures lurking in the crowd were also in a daze.

Although it's very close to the time they agreed, they haven't done it yet!

So they glanced at each other: "Do it!"

Now they have been reminded and understand the importance of protecting energy nodes, so if they don't take this opportunity to do it, they probably won't have the chance to do it.

They cannot let go of this good opportunity.

"Puff!" A warrior responsible for protecting the energy node was directly stabbed through the heart.

"What are you doing?"

"Are you going to rebel?"

Those in charge of protecting energy nodes suddenly noticed that a large number of people began to approach them, so they fell into a panic.

But before they had time to resist, they were quickly cut off their heads.


These lurking members of Jinling creatures immediately scrambled to destroy those arrays that shone with colorful light.

Although the defensive effect of the energy shield is very strong, the energy node is very fragile.

In less than 5 seconds, the first energy node was destroyed.

The other Jinling biological members who lurked in also started to take action one after another, and one energy node after another was destroyed in this way. Soon the 12 nodes near the secret door were all destroyed.

But this scene was also seen by the reinforcements who arrived soon after.

"What are you doing?"

"Are you crazy?"

Their minds hadn't turned their heads yet, and they didn't expect that these people would actually do something frantic like destroying energy nodes.

The members of these Jinling creatures did nothing, and immediately took out the fireworks in their arms and lit them.

"啾—" "Boom!"

Fireworks bloomed in the night sky. At this time, no matter how stupid these reinforcements were, they knew what was going on. Among them, they were mixed with Jinling creatures.

"This place has been taken by our Jinling Biology. Now surrender is your only way out."

"Quit! Otherwise, all of you will die here."

However, they just yelled twice, and suddenly a large amount of fire rain fell from their heads, making them embarrassed.


"what is this?"

"Water system, put it out quickly!"

"Fight back."

Now when everyone was shocked by the sudden blue rain of fire, a shout suddenly came from the back of the crowd: "Kill these traitors!"

With this roar, people were immediately ignited by anger.

No matter what time it is, people hate traitors.

We are all people who have come to join the Dawn Alliance. You **** dare to mix in with us and destroy the energy node and energy shield. What does this mean?

So no matter what you say, we know that you are traitors.

The members of Jinling Biology just wanted to escape, but found that they were directly blocked by the ice wall behind them.

This discovery made them despair.

Because an unknown person suddenly shouted, they had to do it in advance, which also caused them to never show up to cooperate with them when they did it, so there was some deviation from the original plan, if they were allowed to persuade them , It is not impossible to save the situation.

But since it has been directly manipulated by others, it is a disaster for them.

So angry reinforcements began to take action, and all these traitors were wiped out. Under the obstacle of the ice wall, none of them could escape successfully.

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