Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 323: Devil Chu Feng

When the traitors were dealt with, the roar of artillery came from outside.

"The people inside listen to me, you are surrounded by us here."

A man with a loudspeaker shouted, "Now you have only one way to go, and that is to surrender to us. This is your only way out."

When these originally idle reinforcements heard the shouts outside, they all looked at each other.

"what should we do?"

"do not know."

"Do you want to fight with them?"

"They were obviously premeditated."

The sudden roar of artillery fire made everyone into a panic. Many people didn't know what to do. After all, it was late at night and they didn't know how many enemies there were.

At this moment, someone suddenly picked up the knife in his hand and stabbed the person around him.




"You, why are you?"

The sudden change was even more shocking. The people around him were suddenly attacked, causing them to fall into a deeper panic.

Those who suddenly violently attacked the people around them, yelling at the same time as they kept making moves:

"Long live Jinling Biology."

"Long live Jinling Biology!"

Such shouts gave everyone the illusion that this place was already under the control of Jinling creatures, and many people fled in embarrassment.

At this time, someone had an idea: "Let's run to the Dawn Alliance."

When everyone heard this idea, their eyes burst into light, and they regarded the people of the Dawn Alliance as a life-saving straw in a critical moment.

It doesn't matter if this life-saving straw works or not, just grab it.

So everyone ran towards the light gate one after another.

And Jinling Biological's troops are chasing after them.

But when they ran a certain distance, they suddenly encountered a wall.

"Why is there an energy shield here too?"

"Impossible, why is there an energy shield here."

"It was not there when we checked here during the day."

"Wait, why do you check here during the day?"

"This little thing doesn't matter, it must be the devil that Chu Feng did."

"Chu Feng, I didn't expect your heart to be so cruel."

Under the lead of some people, Human Rights immediately expressed their righteous indignation towards Chu Feng. They did not expect that Chu Feng would actually build an energy shield inside the alliance.

In this way, even if they want to bring the chaos to the direction of the Dawn Alliance, it will not help.

So they can only turn the focus of public opinion to Chu Feng.

One person shouted: "Chu Feng, the devil, must have anticipated this a long time ago, so he wants to lock us here and let us and the Jinling creatures go desperately."

"Yes, Chu Feng is a devil!"

"Devil Chu Feng."

"We must teach him."

The man who shed all the responsibility on Chu Feng continued to shout: "Since Chu Feng, the devil, has decided to abandon us, then our only way out..."

"Are you saying that your only way out is to surrender to the white-skinned pigs of Jinling Biology?"

Suddenly, a sharp shout interrupted this person.

Seeing the source of the sound, the man suddenly trembled uncontrollably.

Chu Feng, why is he here?

There was a blank in his brain. He originally thought that since Chu Feng had built an energy shield here, he would definitely keep all of them here.

So he had an idea and decided to shirk all the responsibilities to Chu Feng, so that he could recruit many people without blood.

But what I didn't expect was that Chu Feng actually appeared here.

He just wanted to say something when he suddenly found a strong murderous intent that directly locked his whole body, making him unable to move.

Some people who didn't understand the situation saw Chu Feng's appearance and asked Chu Feng about the situation.

"Leader Chu, what is going on?"

"Yes! League Master Chu, you have to give us an explanation."

However, before they had too many doubts, Chu Feng first shouted sharply.

"You want an explanation from me? Shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

Chu Feng's "supernatural power" broke out, making everyone around him feel like falling into an ice cave, "I asked you to guard this gate, but how long did you defend it before it was directly breached?"

Everyone did not expect that they were supposed to explain to Chu Feng, but Chu Feng was the first to take the lead.

Moreover, Chu Feng's aura and murderous aura are very intriguing, making people at a loss.

A power person said dissatisfied: "This is because..."

"Because the group of white-skinned pigs sent Nei Ying in?"

Chu Feng sneered and walked towards the person who surrendered to the shareholder, "In such an important place as the energy node, the people you sent were directly attacked by a few insiders? Then these killed your brothers and killed them. Those who have been your partners fighting side by side, just stand in your midst and encourage you to surrender?"

When he walked in front of the man who encouraged everyone to surrender, his right hand pointed like a sword, and an afterimage was drawn in the air, and a human head fell to the ground.

Chu Feng held the head high in the air with one hand and shouted loudly: "Jinling creatures are a force established by a group of white-skinned pigs and black-skinned dogs. As an experiment, what do you say we should do?"

One person yelled instinctively: "Kill them!"

"Yes, this group of beasts arrested our compatriots, treated our compatriots as experimental objects, transformed our compatriots into biochemical beasts, and finally dealt with us in turn."

Chu Feng shouted, "So as a citizen of Huaxia, I, Chu Feng, will never compromise with this group of white-skinned pigs. Anyone who wants to invade my Huaxia land will bear my anger from Chu Feng."

After that, Chu Feng said to Zhang Ziqing and Zhao Fan: "I will charge on the first line facing these invaders, and you will follow me."

As he said, he yelled to everyone without looking back: "I don't know if you have forgotten your identity as descendants of Yan and Huang, but if you want to be dogs for those white-skin pigs, don't blame the sword in my hand. No mercy, Zhao Fan, follow me."

As he said, a glazed flame meteor pierced the sky and flew towards the formation of Jinling creatures, and then there was a burst of explosion.

Holding the sword of death, Chu Feng rushed into the formation of Jinling creatures with an arrow, and then a half-moon-shaped sword energy slashed through, and dozens of figures rushed to the ground.

Seeing Chu Feng personally take the lead in the charge, the blood in countless people's hearts seemed to be directly ignited: "Jinling Biology has determined the power of the white pig."

"We will never allow the white paper to wreak havoc on our land in China."

"To defend our homeland, we must use our own blood to defend our homeland."

"Kill! Kill all these invaders."

These reinforcements, which were originally like skirmishers, immediately summoned a lot of courage and began to charge fiercely toward the enemy's formation.

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