Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 325: Doubt Chu Feng

"Wow, we won."

"We won."

No matter what time it is, victory can always make people happy.

Seeing that the soldiers of Jinling creatures withdrew from the territory occupied by the alliance, the reinforcements who came to support them all gave out excited cheers.

In fact, they are not too familiar with each other, of course, they will not be too sad for the death of their comrades.

After all the soldiers of Jinling Biology retreated, Chu Feng began to pack the remaining skirmishers.

He stood on a high platform, illuminating his side with golden light charms.

When all eyes were focused on him, Chu Feng spoke:

"The spies of Jinling Biology hide among you and kill your brothers who are responsible for guarding the energy nodes. Combining the inside with the outside, bringing us heavy casualties."

"Now they have finally been repelled, but the war has not ended, and our struggle with Jinling creatures has not yet ended, so we have to continue fighting."

"In addition, I want to remind everyone that since you are on the battlefield, you must be prepared to be killed, and be prepared to throw your head and blood. If you don't have such awareness, you should find a safe place to hide early. Get up, if there is still a safe place in this world."

Chu Feng's words were somewhat ruthless, but they hit people's hearts directly.

They had just experienced heavy casualties, and it was indeed because of their own reasons that they brought the spies in.

And when they really fought, they realized that the war was different from what they had imagined.

Before the war, some people felt that war should be a great opportunity to make contributions, and felt that it was an opportunity to show their talents.

But when you really went to the battlefield, you discovered that in your perspective, every enemy within the range you can see may take your life away.

Therefore, even if it is a regular army, it has to undergo rigorous training to hold the guns in the hand on the battlefield.

It was because of Chu Feng's leadership that they mustered up the courage.

But when the blood in their hearts calmed down, their hearts were again filled with clouds of war.

The boldest-looking man shouted: "Where is there a safe place in this world? There are monsters everywhere. I heard that when insects attacked the fortress last time, only the people from the Dawn Alliance survived. Most of the others were eaten by bugs."

"Even if we want to find a place to live, we can't find it! The monsters outside are getting more and more powerful. In case there are more powerful bugs than the last time, where shall we go to find a safe place?"

"Now we are not only going to fight monsters, we are going to fight people. I have had enough of this horrible world."

This remark aroused the resonance and thought of many people.

They live in such an era, it is definitely a tragic era.

Compared with the past peaceful years, the current world is simply a purgatory.

The monsters outside are getting stronger and stronger. Even if they finally find a slightly safer place, they have to worry about food.

But they finally found a place where they could not worry about food, only to find that they had to fight not only with monsters, but also with people.

The brawny man shouted to Chu Feng, "Leader Chu, I will ask you a word now, if you are willing to take us in, as long as we are willing to take us in, give us a place to live, and give us a bite to eat, we will spend our lives. Come to protect this land, even if I confess my life here, we will admit it."

A strange voice came from a corner: "What if the leader of Chu treats you as cannon fodder? Even if you don't treat you as cannon fodder, what if you and the leader of Chu are in the same group?"

"Get out for Laozi!"

The big man yelled, and the crowd immediately separated a road, and then exposed the person hiding behind the crowd. He strode forward and grabbed the yin and yang man by the collar.

The man who was grabbed by the collar was dissatisfied and said, "Have you become angry? Chu Feng knew that tonight's things would happen, so he didn't want to open the barrier. He wanted us to die with the soldiers of Jinling creatures. League Master Chu, did he do this?"

The eyes of everyone fell on Chu Feng again.

If he does this kind of thing, then his image will change.

"Yes, I have already seen that you have spies."

Chu Feng admitted frankly.

Although he was surprised by Chu Feng's frank confession, the yin and yang man still shouted: "Look, I was right! He admitted."

Now that Chu Feng admitted it, it would be easy for him to handle it.

"What if I admit it?"

Chu Feng looked at him with sarcasm in his eyes, "What do you want to say next? Why didn't I remind you earlier? Or should I call everyone to oppose me and let us kill each other?"

At this time, everyone's eyes looked strange at the men.

The man blushed and said straightforwardly: "You are a villain, don't believe him, he is a despicable villain, a villain who killed everyone."

"I'm very surprised that it is the spies of Jinling Biology who want to kill everyone. The soldiers who are Jinling Biology are massacring everyone's lives. Why have I turned into a villain instead?"

Chu Feng still looked at him sarcastically, "If I had reminded you of spies coming in from the beginning, what would you do? Wouldn't it provoke the relationship between our Dawn Alliance and the reinforcements?"

The brawny man threw the man to the ground, making him spit out a mouthful of blood.

He said angrily: "You gang of Jinling creatures are not even beasts. What qualifications do you have to call others a villain?"

Chu Feng said: "Everything I have done is for the Dawn Alliance. I can tell you very clearly. As long as I can protect the Dawn Alliance, I can sacrifice anyone outside the alliance, but even if I sacrifice 100,000 innocent people. People, I will not put the people in the 10,000 alliance in danger.

I am really sorry to keep everyone here, but no matter what, I will never let the spies of Jinling creatures harm our internal body. "

Having said that, everyone trusted Chu Feng even more.

People nowadays hate saints very much, and they are unwilling to believe in good people, otherwise there will not be so many people who hate the army and even attack the army directly.

Because in their impression, good people are synonymous with good bullies.

But if Chu Feng, the leader, is not perfect, but has the shortcomings of brutality, it will make him more real.

Compared to a saint, everyone is more willing to follow a real person, a real and outstanding person.

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