Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 326: Close up

The brawny man stepped on the man’s head and said loudly in a rough voice: "We don’t know about other things, we know two things. The first is that the leader of Chu protects shortcomings, not the kind of woman in the legend. People who are human, the second thing is..."

His gaze turned to the people around him: "When facing the enemy, the leader of Chu rushed to the forefront of everyone."

Many people's hearts were moved by his words.

Is this a weakness? If he is not regarded as his own, that is a weakness, but if he is regarded as his own, that is the greatest strength.

As for the second point mentioned by the strong man, that is even more exciting.

The reputation of the Dawn Alliance has spread in the vicinity, and many people have quietly come here to investigate, and they are very excited about joining the alliance.

Otherwise, they wouldn't risk coming here just to improve their status.

In fact, the biggest worry in their hearts is not being squeezed out. What they worry the most is being treated as cannon fodder by the leader and going to death stupidly.

But when facing the danger just now, it was obvious that they brought this danger, but Chu Feng still stood in front of everyone without hesitation.

The brawny man continued: "Leader Chu could have stayed out of the situation, there was no need to come out, but you still came out, and you are still at the forefront, so as long as you say a word, our life will be handed over to the leader."

He looks like a rugged man, but his limbs do not mean he has a simple mind.

He knew that his brain could not go around so many bends, so he simply gave his brain to someone who can go around the bends.

But he doesn't trust most people, he still has fists as the leader of such a group.

Now in his eyes, Chu Feng was the best candidate for the boss.

It doesn't matter whether Chu Feng is cruel or vicious, it doesn't matter to him, the most important thing is that when encountering danger, he will not treat others as cannon fodder.

Because if he wants to treat people as cannon fodder, he must stand in the forefront.

His words were answered by everyone.

"Yes, the leader of Chu can completely stay out of the matter, but he has come out to fight alongside us."

"What does it mean to fight shoulder to shoulder? It's called one horse to take the lead."

"Yes, following such a leader who will stand in the forefront when encountering an enemy, we recognize it even if it is regarded as cannon fodder."

"As long as the leader is willing to speak, our fate is the leader's."

A smile appeared at the corner of Chu Feng's mouth. At this moment, these people were considered to be initially homed.

It is impossible to expect them to be very loyal to him now, and he is not naive enough to think that this one action can handle so many surrenders.

He just set an example when everyone was at a loss.

So their loyalty is actually not important, what is important is that they finally saw a bright light in this dark world.

A beacon that can guide them forward.

The first round of the battle was over, and Jinling Biological’s surprise attack ended in failure, with more than 2,000 people injured.

However, the number of casualties in these two cases exceeded 7,000.

The huge casualties have reduced their right to speak in the Dawn Alliance. Even if they join the Dawn Alliance, they will inevitably be divided one by one.

But they actually didn't care about this matter, because they were originally idle individuals and came here just to find a backer.

It doesn't matter if you can achieve your goal now, even if you make a discount.

In this process of reorganization, there hasn't been any stupid behavior such as fighting for power. Even if someone thinks like this, it is not a good opportunity to take the lead.

Otherwise, it is easy to be regarded as a spy.

The brawny man's name was Wei Pojun. What surprised Chu Feng was that he was actually a martial artist, and he was a martial artist who only began to practice in the new era.

According to him, his martial arts practice seems to be very smooth, without any bottleneck.

His strength is only Tier 3 and Tier 5, but his strength has grown very quickly after practicing the martial arts technique. In addition, he has good luck and obtained a good knife. Therefore, his strength is among the best in the world's physical arts.

And because of the natural divine power, Tier 4 abilities also have to avoid their edge.

Such a person can be said to be a certain aspect of talent, but Chu Feng doesn't care too much, unless he can perform brilliantly next, he will focus on training him.

Otherwise, Chu Feng wouldn't care about geniuses or not.

There will be more geniuses who will die in the future. It is not certain whether this kind of person who is more talented in a certain aspect can be regarded as a genius.

After reorganizing the organization, the territory of the Dawn Alliance shrank by one third.

Chu Feng also had no plans to "recover lost ground" immediately, because if the enemy were to be eliminated, then no matter how much territory it was, it could be recovered again.

But if the enemy cannot be resolved, even if the lost ground is recovered, it will inevitably end in a complete fall.

The abilities of Jinling creatures attacked the energy shield on the edge of the alliance all night, but did not cause much damage, only caused some energy consumption.

Of course, it's not that they have too few abilities, but that they dare not attack with all their strength.

Chu Xiaorou’s arrows were too terrifying. Although she was protected by Chu Feng, she could shoot a Tier 5 supernatural player at a glance. Just the aftermath of a burst could kill a dozen Tier 4 players. The power of is too terrible, so they dare not send a master at all.

If they really send a master to attack the shield, then they will be greeted by another arrow.

Since they didn't dare to make an all-out effort, the people in the Dawn Alliance were happy to take it easy.

In this process, Su Yuan made a special discovery.

"Although the abilities of Jinling creatures who are responsible for attacking the energy shield are all Tier 3, the number exceeds 2,000. Such a number is terrible, but the consumption they caused, we only used 150 strangers. Those who are able will make up for it completely."

This unequal consumption is not the same as the consumption of the energy shield in her memory.

However, she did not tell this discovery.

This should be a special effect of the formation established by Chu Feng, which is different from ordinary traffic shields.

In particular, the energy node established by Chu Feng can not only maintain the daily consumption of the energy shield, but even have a surplus without being attacked.

She had never experienced such a method in the knowledge of awakening.

But this was Chu Feng's secret, and she couldn't tell it without permission.

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