Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 329: Incredible change

Black blood vessels appear under the skin, which is a sign of becoming a zombie!

Is this kind of medicine in danger of turning people into zombies?

Chu Feng frowned, then took out a single injection needle, plunged it into Tian Jing's body, and injected the medicine inside.

This medicine is the result of research by people in the military, and it can turn people who have not had time to completely become zombies back into ordinary people's zombie serum.

With the injection of zombie serum, Tian Jing gradually returned to normal.

The breath in her body began to become stronger and stronger, and the information that had gradually become chaotic became calmer.

When everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Tian Jing's body suddenly cracked.

Immediately afterwards, her skin began to crack continuously, blood seeping from the cracks in the skin, and gradually began to stain her clothes red.

Upon seeing this, Chu Feng snapped a magic rune.

As the magic rune took effect, Tian Jing's body gradually stabilized.

Just a minute later, Tian Jing opened her eyes with weakness: "I'm fine."

With that, a powerful momentum burst out from her body.

Feeling the momentum on her body, everyone was a joy.

Although she encountered some dangers in the process of promotion just now, the improvement of her current strength is real, which proves that this strengthening path is feasible.

Chu Feng asked, "How do you feel now?"

Tian Jing thought for a while, and then said: "I haven't awakened like Sister Ye, but my level has reached Tier 3 and Tier 5. Not only did I break through that big realm, but I also improved 5 small steps."

There was an incredible look in everyone's eyes.

"Impossible! You didn't even reach the second-tier peak before!"

"A potion can improve so much, is this crazy?"

"How could there be such a shortcut?"

"If Jinling Biology also has such a mature method..."


They finally understood why Jinling's biological level was originally slightly lower than that of the Dawn Alliance, but after only a few days, their physical fitness improved.

The reason lies in such means.

If Jinling Biology controls such technology, how can they be opponents?

At this moment, Tian Jing stretched out her hand, then took out a dagger, fold it gently, and she broke the dagger forged with stainless steel.

Gu Nanfei's eyes lit up: "If I'm not mistaken, you probably didn't use your vitality just now."


Everyone exclaimed.

If you use vitality, then it would be fine to break a stainless steel dagger, but if you only rely on physical strength, it would be incredible.

Could this medicine also strengthen the body's functions?

Tian Jing nodded, affirming Gu Nanfei's guess: "I feel my body's strength has increased, but I feel very hungry now."

Gu Nanfei said: "If this medicine can strengthen the body, it is normal to feel hungry because of lack of energy."

Su Yuan asked in a deep voice, "Are there any flaws in this kind of medicine?"

Chu Feng handed Tian Jing a piece of fish and said, "Eat it."

This is the fish meat of the fifth-order Qingjiang sturgeon, which contains much more energy than ordinary meat, which can effectively supplement the energy that the body strengthens and lacks.

Tian Jing turned out to be fish, and then chewed it in disregard of the image.

Chu Feng said to everyone, "Just an example is not enough."

Xu Wei and Tao Jinghua said immediately: "We have to try too."

Although the relationship between the two of them and Tian Jing is good, it is normal for them to compare and compete with each other even if they are friends.

They are not willing to fall behind the girls.

Chu Feng did not refuse, but silently handed two potions to them.

In the next three minutes, what happened to Xu Wei was almost the same as what happened to track and field. Only when he was rescued by Chu Feng did he barely recover.

After his strength stabilized, his level reached the third level and third level.

Although a little worse than Tian Jing, it is equally surprising.

On Tao Jinghua's body, there were no signs of zombies from beginning to end, but the medicine was completely digested.

It wasn't until his body seemed to be broken by a blood vessel that Chu Feng rescued him.

When his body gradually stabilized, he stretched out his hand and shook it, and a white thunder and lightning appeared on his hand, which was a sign of the awakening of the supernatural being.

The brilliance in everyone's eyes is even greater.

Although most of you here are awakened, they also understand how valuable this medicine is. It is a medicine that can awaken ordinary people.

If it spreads out, it will definitely cause many people to fight.

Tao Jinghua said: "My level is still second-level and ninth-level, but there is no information about abilities in my mind, and there is no basic use method."

Chu Feng is not surprised: "You are not congenital awakened, and it is normal that there is a gap with congenital awakening. You can use crystal cores to improve yourself."

Then, Chu Feng faced everyone:

"Next, let me explain about this knowledge."

"According to our preliminary experiments, it can be roughly determined that this medicine is barely a successful medicine. It can not only strengthen the human body, but also improve one's own strength."

"Although this medicine has certain side effects, that is, it may turn people into zombies, but zombie serum can be used to solve this problem."

"As for the pros and cons of zombie serum, I think everyone understands."

Zombie serum can save people who have not completely converted into zombies, but this is not absolute, and some deeply infected people cannot be saved.

Moreover, according to the intelligence disseminated by the military, if the infection is repeated, there is no way to rescue it.

Of course this is not a problem for most people.

The people who were bitten by the bereavement can be rescued, thank goodness, why do you still ask for so many details?

Su Yuan said: "I think this shouldn't be a shortcoming. At most, everyone takes a limited number of medicines. If you take too much, you may become a zombie."

Everyone was relieved instead.

If relying on this kind of medicine can continue to strengthen, and there are no side effects, then it would be too unfair to them who are capable.

Of course, they will never think that they are awakened, and it is unfair that others are not awakened.

Now everyone can use limited medicines, but it can further encourage them to use medicines to expand their minds.

Chu Feng said: "Of course this is not a shortcoming, but the real shortcomings are not just those that looked just now, but something under the water."

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