Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 330: Disadvantages of strengthening potions

Of course, Chu Feng is very familiar with the shortcomings of this medicine.

Because the gene-enhancing medicine is a kind of bad street goods in the later stage, more than 90% of the survivors have used this medicine.

And one of his roommates, Fatty, died of the side effects of this medicine.

Of course, this is no way, because as the environment deteriorates, not being strong is death, and the gene-enhancing medicine is already his only hope of becoming strong.

"One of the biggest shortcomings of this medicine is that it is easy to eat itself back with the spinal cord of the zombie and the blood of the mutant creature."

Chu Feng said, "But this is not something that can't be solved, but there is still a big flaw, that is, the increase is too large, and it is easy to be unbearable."

Su Yuan asked: "Can you reduce the amount of medicine injected?"

Chu Feng said: "Usually when a martial artist is cultivating, if he inhales too much vitality from the heavens and the earth, he is prone to risk of getting into trouble. Everyone must be careful when cultivating. What is the difference in cultivation? At least it is still controllable during cultivation."

These words directly extinguished the minds of many people.

In fact, the cultivation of martial artists can be very fast.

But if you want to exceed the limits of your body, it is easy to explode and die.

So as long as you feel something is wrong, it is best to stop immediately.

The Dawn Alliance has already had Gu Nanfei, a professional to guide him, but in the past 10 days, there have been more than 30 people who have gone crazy, and even Chu Feng has not had time to save.

In the outside world, this risk is even greater.

He Zhongyin smiled bitterly and said: "Sure enough, risks and returns have always been proportional. If you want to gain more power, you have to bear how much risk."

Reduce the amount of medicine injected, the effect is similar to the usual practice of the martial artist, but if you increase the amount of injection, there is a risk of death.

This seems to be an unsolvable situation, it seems...

Everyone has just noticed that Chu Feng has a special method to calm his body's vitality.

Chu Feng seemed to see the concerns in everyone's hearts: "I know what you want to ask. I admit that my awakening power does have a special way to calm my vitality, but it also puts a heavy load on me, even if I don't sleep. One day of endless practice can only save 10 people."

Everyone's enthusiastic eyes immediately dimmed.

If it only helps 10 people to awaken, then the value of this medicine is too low.

After all, the congenital awakeners must have an advantage over the acquired awakeners. Instead of spending a huge price to train martial artists, it is better to use these energy to attract the awakeners.

Moreover, Chu Feng's time is also very precious, and it is impossible to waste it on such things.

Asking him to help the people around him awaken is already wasting a lot of energy.

If he is asked to help more people improve their strength, how can he maintain his authority?

What Chu Feng had to do was to become the uncrowned king in the Dawn Alliance, not a respected doctor. There could be compatibility between these two ways, but the former should always be the master.

Chu Feng continued to explain: "This medicine has a third disadvantage, that is, most of the materials of this medicine are not very precious, but the core material is the blood of mutant creatures and the spinal cord of mutant zombies. You should Understand the difficulty of obtaining these two things."

Yu Dawen said: "In other words, if this kind of medicine is to be produced on a large scale, then you must risk hunting in the wild."

Chu Feng said: "There is nothing wrong, but in addition to the above-mentioned shortcomings, everyone should pay attention to one very dangerous thing."

Su Yuan blurted out and said: "Does Jinling Biology control better technology?"

Yu Dawen's neck shrank: "Jinling Biology has studied this kind of medicine for so long. The quality of the medicine in their hands must be better than the quality of the medicine in our hands. If they use this medicine as a bargaining chip for recruiting soldiers, they must It will attract a lot of people."

You must know that most ordinary people are mothers who have milk. In the old days, there were people who did things that violated human nature for a salary of several thousand yuan, let alone now?

So if this medicine becomes popular on a large scale, it must be a disaster.

Su Yuan said in a deep voice: "If Jinling Biology already controls a very complete technology, it will definitely not be kept open, and then use this to recruit troops."

"No, you are wrong."

Chu Feng shook his head, "The extent to which Jinling Biology controls this technology needs to be understood by the soldiers outside. They just spend more energy on how to control the soldiers, because for them, if they are recruited If your soldiers are not loyal, it doesn’t make any sense."

Everyone shuddered after hearing this.

Want to directly control the soldiers? Are all the news spread by the military true?

Chu Feng said: "But if they are driven into a desperate situation, or if another medicine appears on the market to compete with them, they may jump the wall in a hurry."

Because this medicine is currently only fully controlled by Jinling creatures, they will not be too anxious.

But if they were to know that this kind of medicine was already in the hands of the Dawn Alliance people, then they might do something rushing over the wall.

Even if they are not driven into desperation, competition is normal.

If this happens, it will be difficult for Jinling Bio to deal with it.

Thinking of this possibility, everyone's hearts are heavy.

Faced with such an enemy that controls cutting-edge technology, the pressure on people is unimaginable.

What's more, the relationship between them and Jinling creatures is endless, and there is no possibility of compromise at all, unless they are willing to become controlled puppets.

However, everyone here is not the kind of people who are willing to steal their lives, so their only choice is to fight to the death.

Su Yuyan asked Chu Feng, "Is there any way?"

The people in the conference room looked at Chu Feng with expectant eyes. Under such an environment, they could only believe that Chu Feng had a solution to the problem.

Before he knew it, Chu Feng had become everyone's hope.

Even the sign of omnipotence has been established in their hearts.

Chu Feng looked around the crowd for a week, and then said in a painful voice: "If news of this medicine spreads, the consequences will be catastrophic, and Jinling Biology will expand its influence as a result, so We have only one way now, and that is to make this medicine public."

Su Yuyan opened her mouth wide: "Public? But, is this really useful?"

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