Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 331: Deep behind enemy lines

Everyone was surprised by Chu Feng's thoughts.

After making this medicine public, then Jinling Biology has no support?

Yu Dawen objected: "But if you control this medicine in your own hands, the expansion of our influence will be very large."

"Do you want to destroy Jinling creatures directly?"

Chu Feng asked back, "Now there are three parties in charge of this medicine. One is Jinling Biology, the other is the military, and the third party is us. Please come and develop a good way to kill the mouth."

Yu Dawen opened his mouth, then closed it obediently.

He certainly knew how much influence this kind of medicine would have if he was completely in his hands.

But he also understood that if the Dawn Alliance had the ability to destroy any of the other two forces, then they would not sit in the conference room to discuss countermeasures.

Before the army of Jinling creatures came out, they had no way to go out.

At this time, the monopoly was thought of because of greed, it was simply an act of seeking death.

Therefore, although I am a little unwilling, I can only do this.

Chu Feng said to Gao Yangsong, who had been silent for a long time: "Spreading news will trouble you. Before this kind of news is completely disseminated, we will try our best to hold the Jinling creatures."

Gao Yangsong said, "I will."

With that, he took the people away and prepared for communication.

The later he did this kind of thing, the more variables he had, so after he got Chu Feng's permission, he immediately started the action against the clock.

Although everyone saw Gao Yangsong's departure from the back, although a little regretful, they also understood that they couldn't be stopped.

As the saying goes, greed is not enough to swallow the elephant, if they want to stop Gao Yangsong's actions at this time, then they will definitely be destroyed.

After Gao Yangsong left, Chu Feng said to everyone: "Our strength is still insufficient, so we must rely on the military's help. I hope everyone can understand."

He said this to those who have just joined.

Wei Pojun said, "I know that the leader of Chu also aims to reduce casualties."

If they didn't know Chu Feng, they might still leave a timid impression of Chu Feng in their hearts, thinking that he might have done this because he was afraid of fighting.

But after experiencing the experience of Chu Feng taking the lead in the charge last night, none of them dared to question Chu Feng's courage.

After the meeting, everyone organized their troops.

After the battle last night, Jinling Bio's army also entered a rest period.

After all, their superpowers also need to rest. It would be too extravagant to directly use the crystal core to restore their strength.

So in non-emergency situations, they can only use time to recover slowly.

Some Jinling creature soldiers entered the area captured by the Dawn Alliance, but Su Yuan led them to directly counterattack, causing more than 1,000 casualties.

After all, even if it was captured, it was the territory of the Dawn Alliance.

Their own people's understanding of this place is of course deeper than that of outsiders.

Moreover, the military defense measures here are all external. When they attack from the area behind the gate, the soldiers of the Jinling creatures are equivalent to their backs.

In addition, it is to set off fireworks above the city wall.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the sky became dim.

After the sky darkened, Chu Feng gathered the people around him, and then began to arrange tasks.

"Xiaorou, Ziqing, Zhao Fan, you cooperate with Lu Ming and the others to defend the front, regardless of the angle of their attack from the secret door, they will not be able to attack from there for a while."

Chu Feng ordered, "You are all good at long-range combat. There shouldn't be any problems. Gu Nanfei, Teacher Su Yuyan and I went to harass behind enemy lines."

Chu Xiaorou was anxious: "But, this is too dangerous."

Chu Feng pondered for two seconds, and then asked, "Who are you worried about?"

Chu Xiaorou glanced at Gu Nanfei sheepishly, then quickly lowered her head, her face flushed and stopped talking.

But Gu Nanfei looked as usual and said nothing.

Seeing his sister actually showed such an expression, Chu Feng was also a little helpless.

He remembered what Xu Yan had reminded himself, that before he came to the fortress, they also encountered a danger, but they were saved by Gu Nanfei.

It is probably that time.

But Chu Feng didn't say much, but said, "Don't worry too much. I have enough confidence. If I don't have enough confidence, I will go alone."

Hearing this, everyone was more relieved.

If you are not sure enough, just go by yourself. Only if you have enough certainty can you bring it together, and this kind of logic is more feasible in Chu Feng's body.

Chu Feng said: "Now that the matter about the medicine has been spread, and the military will specially remind one thing when spreading the news, that is, Jinling creatures have the means to control people, such as biochemical beasts, and this Many people have seen it with their own eyes.

So don't worry about the public opinion orientation of the people. As long as Jinling Biology shows a little bit of decline, it is the result of everyone pushing the wall down. What we have to do is to win the battle before us. "

Su Yuyan asked, "But how much threat can we cause if we go deep behind the enemy line? With just a few of us, the casualties that can be caused should be limited!"

If she was someone who was afraid of death, she wouldn't be so desperate when facing the insect emperor.

She asked this, in fact, only to determine how much she could play a role.

Chu Feng said: "You may not know much about war. A real war is not just a competition of strength, but also a competition of comprehensive national strength. Our purpose this time is to cut off the other side's supplies. Burn it, then everything will be resolved."

Gu Nanfei thoughtfully: "No wonder you stayed on the wall for a day today, it turned out to be for this."

Chu Feng said: "Jinling creatures had no plans to fight a protracted battle, so they don't have much food, and they don't have much sense of defense. They are all installed on several heavy trucks. As long as we can get these vehicles All the heavy trucks were burned, and our strategic goal was achieved.

There is a certain gap between the strength of the enemy and us, but a group of hungry people can't beat a group of people who are full. "

Su Yuyan nodded: "Then let's start!"

Chu Feng held her shoulders and said, "Don't worry too much. It's time for them to eat dinner. The heavy trucks with grains are close to the crowds. Because of the crowds, they spend at least the time for dinner. It will take two hours, and we have to wait two hours before setting off."

Then, his eyes were cast on Zhang Ziqing and Zhao Fan: "Your purpose is to cover the city wall to help us attract attention."

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