Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 332: Change strategy

An hour later, the black silhouettes of Sandao wearing night clothes quietly left from the direction of the closed ground door and shuttled through the night.

Because the sky was very dim, no one noticed the three figures.

The reason why Chu Feng chose Gu Nanfei and Su Yuyan was because they were both masters in close combat, and their speed and explosive power were both terrifying.

If they want to escape, few people can stay.

In addition, as long as they do a little post-off work, their survival rate is the highest.

All three of them have very good skills, and they didn't disturb anyone along the way.

After they walked around more than 1 kilometer behind the enemy of Jinling creatures, many people who found Jinling creatures were still eating dinner.

Although the distance is not too short, the hearing of the three has been strengthened, and they can roughly hear their conversation.

"Oh! When is this kind of life big!"

"That is, fireworks will be set off under the city wall all day long. When can I get in!"

"I said! If we were to concentrate on attacking a little bit, we would have gone in long ago."

"How about you go tell the commander about your idea?"

"Forget it, I dare not."

There are always many people who are not proficient in military affairs, who like to pretend to be familiar with strategy, and feel that other people's tactics must be stupid.

In fact, when looking back on the history of China, there are many famous generals who made stupid mistakes. Are they all stupid?

In fact, it is because on the battlefield, you have no way to observe the battlefield from the perspective of God.

Limited by intelligence, resources, and vision, there are very few generals who can give full play to their command capabilities.

Why can the Han Dynasty produce so many outstanding generals?

The first is because there is an emperor who is wise and martial, and there is an emperor who cherishes talents, and the second is to have enough resources as support.

If a general can not worry about logistics, troops, or good equipment, then even a mediocre general can have a peerless reputation.

At this moment, they suddenly heard a woman's cry.

"Hehe, it's finally our turn to rest. I wonder if those ladies miss Lao Tzu."

"Haha, they must have received a lot of moisture during our rotation."

"Pharaoh, why didn't you go? Wouldn't it be cool to take the opportunity?"

"It shouldn't be too tired in the morning, now it's not working!"

"Hahaha..." There was a ridicule around me.

"What are you talking about! I just think that when the girls were arrested at the beginning, the way they resisted was very refreshing. Now when I go to them, I don't know how to resist.

"Oh! That said."

"However, it's not bad that some are cool. In case the real siege begins, I don't know if I can survive!"

"When Lao Tzu enters the Dawn Alliance, I must catch a few to resist."

There was a burst of lewd laughter in the distance.

"Don't panic!"

Chu Feng held down Su Yuyan, who had already concealed murderous intent, "Now there is no point in doing it."

Su Yuyan took a deep breath and calmed herself down: "That's what I said."

Those voices just now were that the soldiers of Jinling Biology were discussing the military prostitutes who enjoyed the arrest. After all, this was also an effective way to maintain the morale of the army.

Especially for the irregular army whose military discipline is not clear, if even this kind of thing has to be restricted and there is no sufficient guarantee, it will easily cause a decline in morale.

Now give them a channel to vent their excess energy, so that they can be more unscrupulous on the battlefield.

Although Su Yuyan had heard of this kind of thing, but hearing these people's disgusting conversation, she still couldn't help but want to get rid of all these chores.

Gu Nanfei said, "As long as we can win, none of these people can escape."

Although what he said was a bit idealized, it effectively calmed Su Yuyan.

Chu Feng said: "The attack on logistics can only achieve the greatest effect when it is done the first time, so we only have one chance. If we want to do it the second time, the success rate will drop a lot."

At this moment, several figures went from the side to the heavy truck with supplies.

"Hey, check the supplies."

One person shouted.

The soldier guarding the heavy truck nodded and then opened the door.

However, just as these adults were counting the supplies, they took a bag in their hands, put something in the bag, and left here.

Because it was within the scope of the investigation, Chu Feng was able to see clearly that he was holding some fruits.

Those soldiers who were in charge of guarding the supplies pretended not to see this scene.

After seeing this scene, Chu Feng's eyes lit up and he had new ideas.

Because of the changes in the rules of the world, things like fruits are very perishable, and it is difficult to obtain them.

Therefore, the price of fruit is several times more expensive than the actual product. These people took some fruit from the supplies, of course, to honor some big people.

This kind of thing shouldn't be a problem, but since their military discipline is abolished, it gave him a chance to take advantage of the loopholes.

Several people who checked the supplies after the dinner time was over, after checking all the supplies, left here immediately and rushed to the front line.

At this moment, Chu Feng and Su Yuyan changed their outfits, then appeared from the side and walked towards the heavy truck loaded with supplies.

As they approached the heavy truck, several soldiers blocked their way.

"What do you do?" an officer with a military rank on his shoulder interrogated.

During the interrogation, his eyes narrowed and looked at Su Yuyan.

Although she couldn't see her appearance in the night, but in the dim light, her figure appeared more hot and attractive.

If it hadn't been for the darkness to hide the embarrassment of his body reaction, he would even have to bend down.

Seeing these disgusting eyes, Su Yuyan's eyes flashed murderously. She was about to do it, but was stopped by Chu Feng's eyes.

Chu Feng showed a faint power, and under the influence of the divine might, the aura on his body gradually formed its essence, pressing like a mountain on the officer's body.

"What did you say, I didn't hear it."

He wouldn't be obedient to cope with the other party's cross-examination. After all, the more he said, the greater the possibility of making mistakes, so putting on this comprehensive posture was the best result.

The officer who wanted to smash Su Yu's sect under the banner of questioning suddenly felt like falling into an ice cave, and the pressure on his body like a mountain made him breathless.

He gritted his teeth and reluctantly replied: "My lord, this is a misunderstanding. I don't know this is your woman."

Although I don't know who Chu Feng is, it is certainly not an ordinary person with such a terrifying aura.

Chu Feng showed a scornful look: "Look at your identity. Not all women are qualified to get involved in your level."

"Yes, what the lord said." The officer bowed his head.

Chu Feng put on a high-profile look, and directly ordered: "No wonder it can't be attacked for a long time, take me to the front line and watch me break the energy shield."

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