Hearing Chu Feng's arrogant words, the military officer's mind suddenly changed.

The meaning of Chu Feng's words was obvious. He came here to destroy the energy shield because he couldn't attack it for a long time.

Although he had not received any news in this regard, he was not surprised.

First of all, although the battle situation on the front line seemed fierce, and the clashes between the abilities, the ripples splashed by the attack shield have been endless, but it did not directly initiate the general attack.

The people above seemed to be waiting for something.

Suddenly there was a big man who made him immobile only with his aura, and the words of this big man made him more sure of his guess.

These adults who suddenly appeared must be the support from the company headquarters, specifically to help them attack the masters here.

So he immediately lowered his head and said, "Yes, my lord, I will take my lord to the front line."

As he said, he shouted to several subordinates: "Hurry up and show me the way!"

Of course, he also had some doubts in his heart, and that was whether these big men were his own, but soon this idea was forgotten.

Because the place this person is going to is on the front line, there are more than 2,000 third-order abilities there, plus many adults who have reached the fourth tier, ready to take cover at any time.

If it is the enemy, how can you dare to go to such a place?

Only the big man on his side will rush to the front line without scruple.

Taking a step back, even if these adults are really enemies, they can be easily resolved if they are placed on the front line, where they have the most people.

At this moment, Su Yuyan said in a delicate tone: "I'm hungry, can I have something to eat first?"

Chu Feng glanced at her coldly: "A military order is like a mountain. If you want to eat, you can eat after the matter is finished."

Su Yuyan said coquettishly: "But, people are hungry."

Chu Feng's tone was still indifferent: "Why, isn't what I said doesn't work well?"

No pity for Xiangxiyu...

The officer and the soldiers shook their heads secretly, expressing contempt for Chu Feng's incomprehensible style.

If it is a big beauty with such a good figure, and asks them in a coquettish tone, it is estimated that their bones will be crisp, and they will agree to any request.

But think about it, there should be no shortage of women for such a big man!

Su Yuyan lowered her head and said, "Is it a waste of time to eat?"

Gu Nanfei asked the officer, "Is it past dinner time?"

A soldier said: "I just had dinner, but there is still..."

Before he could say anything, he was covered by the officer's mouth, and then said to Chu Feng in a flattering tone: "Although dinner has been eaten, there are still some fruits and fast food in the car, if If you don’t dislike it, you can go and enjoy it."

The officer also complained secretly.

Your subordinates are so dumbfounded, do you still want to let these big men eat the leftovers from us? This is simply looking for death.

It's okay for you to kill yourself, don't pull us.

Su Yuyan's eyes lit up: "Is there any fruit? I have eaten a lot of barbecue recently, just to change my taste."

Chu Feng glanced at her disdainfully: "Have you never eaten at the base?"

Su Yuyan said: "The group of people in the research room actually wanted to study the consequences of the special mutated fruits under us who have supernatural powers. I almost got slapped, so I appeared near those lunatics. I don’t eat any food."

Gu Nanfei curled his lips: "You just want to make an excuse for your hunting."

After hearing the conversation between the three of them, the officers confirmed their identities even more.

The weird people in the laboratory, everyone stays away, because no one is sure whether they will catch some of their own people on a whim and use them as research materials.

He himself had a subordinate who was caught in as an experiment.

He originally wanted to get his subordinates out, but was stopped by his boss, and then his boss told him, don’t look at those Frankensteins who don’t have any positions, but their status is higher than all of you. high.

The conversation between these three people now confirms their special status.

So, he said in a flattering tone: "I will take the adults to enjoy the fruit."

Nowadays, fruit is a luxury item, and it can be used to enjoy two words.

Chu Feng continued to maintain his unkind image: "It's important to get things right now. Don't think about what you have or not. Eat after the battle you want to eat."

Gu Nanfei discouraged: "Anyway, these few minutes are not bad."

The officer also said: "Yes! If something is damaged during the war, that would be bad. Now that these fruits can be enjoyed by several adults, it can be regarded as the best use."

Chu Feng seemed to be moved a little, he hesitated and said, "Well then! Don't delay too long."

The officer said: "No, a few adults can take fruits and eat them while discussing strategies against the enemy with the adults on the front line without delay."

Although this cold, unkind person seems to have the highest status.

But he understands that such a person is the most unpleasant, so he would rather please the beauty behind him, and the man with a good personality.

Even if you just remember a favor in others' hearts, you can play a special role at critical times and positions.

Seeing Chu Feng finally let go, Su Yuyan couldn't wait to follow a few people to the direction of the heavy truck.

In fact, they revealed a flaw at this time, that is, when Su Yuyan went to the direction of the heavy truck, there was no movement to look around.

It's as if she already knew where the food was.

Fortunately, these people around are not so careful.

In addition to the cover of the night, and the oppression brought by the identity and strength of a few people, they did not dare to ask a few more questions, and could only take people to the heavy truck.

There are 12 heavy trucks loaded with food. Because there are no traffic regulations, the food loaded on them is more than enough for an army of more than 20,000 people.

If you don’t consider that there are still some vegetables and fruits on the car, just the rice flour and the like, then an army of more than 20,000 people can eat for a month.

Even if there is something that takes up space, it is enough for everyone to eat for more than ten days.

According to Chu Feng's estimation, these grains should not be specially supplied to the army, but used to build survival bases. However, considering that it is not safe to place them in the survival base, it will be placed on the heavy firepower army.

"My lord, this is..."

The flattering officer was about to introduce the things here to Chu Feng and the others, when he suddenly felt a cold in his neck and blood gushing out.

"Why, why?" His last gaze fell on the attractive beauty, who had a **** sword in her hands.

The half moon shaped sword light bloomed here.

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