Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 334: Sword Qi and Blood Lotus

Although Jinling creatures are equipped with complete equipment, they have not yet developed a military level of defense awareness.

After all, they are just a civil organization, not a regular army.

What's more, even in the real regular army, grain and grass are often burned or intercepted, because this is simply an unsolvable problem.

If a large number of troops are sent to transport and guard the grain and grass, it will cause a waste of combat troops. If a large number of troops are not sent to defend, the grain and grass may be hijacked.

What's more, it is not far from their backbone troops. There will be one person every 5 to 10 meters, and there are many battle sequences around the heavy trucks that transport food.

Therefore, they did not expect anyone to hijack here.

After all, it is already difficult to break through the encirclement, and it is even more difficult to get out alive. How could anyone come over?

And now, they met an enemy.

Su Yuyan's sword is very fast. In fact, if you don't consider its power, the speed of each individual skill system can become very fast.

After all, relying entirely on the physical body, and the speed of infusing vital energy is completely different.

The blood-drinking sword makes up for the shortcomings of blindly increasing the deceleration and ignoring the power.

The blood-drinking sword broke out in the group of soldiers, and Su Yuyan's sword aura claimed more than a dozen lives in an instant. Su Yuyan didn't stop at all, and immediately went into the next battle.

The lives withered under her sword, and the **** feast opened here.

Her biggest belief is to save, but she also understands that the kindness to the enemy is to take her own life as the price, so she is merciless when she shoots the sword.

"Be careful, enemy attack!"

"There is an enemy attack!"

"Master with supernatural power, do it!"

When they called the superpower, the nearby superpower who was in charge of guarding the food had been beheaded by Gu Nanfei, and none were left.

The supernatural player in the distance noticed the movement here and hurried to here.

Gu Nanfei danced the Chiyan Sword in his hand, and the sword aura bloomed in the night sky like a flaming meteor. This was a flaw that the Chiyan Sword couldn't make up for, or a feature.

More than a dozen people with supernatural powers blasted towards Gu Nanfei with their superpowers at the same time, but their superpowers were directly cut open by Gu Nanfei with sword energy.

Fourth-order martial artist, vitality can disperse the elements.

Although this trick is not invincible, but when one's own attack reaches a strong level, this trick is unsolvable.

If Chu Feng's innate sword aura is a sword going slant, pursuing the ultimate in sharpness and power, then Gu Nanfei's sword is the upright sword of the right way.

Whether it is attack defense, single attack and group attack, they are all-powerful.

Most of the time, omnipotence means mediocrity, but Gu Nanfei is obviously one of the few.

When he is asked to conduct group attacks, he will be specialized in group attacks, and when he is single-unit attacks, he will be specialized in single-unit attacks, so for him, there is no defect or mediocrity.

A fire dragon appeared and stopped in front of more than a dozen people with supernatural powers.

"not good!"

"Block it!"

Dragon-shaped flames This is the symbol of fire-type 5th-level abilities. When the dragon-shaped flames appeared, these abilities instinctively developed fear, and then began to join forces to resist.

With the cooperation of a dozen fourth-order supernatural powers, they finally managed to defeat this flame.

Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, a flaming sword with red phosphorescence appeared in front of their eyes and reflected in their eyes.

The fire dragon just now was just a cover, just to provide Gu Nanfei with a chance to get close.

Gu Nanfei held the Chiyan Sword and came to the crowd.


Just before they had time to react, Gu Nanfei's sword aura formed a fiery red lotus, blooming in the crowd.

The fiery red lotus in the night sky, and the burning red flame reflected on everyone's face, looked beautiful.

But under this beautiful scene, it is full of murderous intent.

The fiery red light gradually faded, but the red color did not fade away. In the place covered by the fiery red lotus, more than a dozen figures were instantly beheaded into several segments.

This weird scene made the soldiers who came to support later couldn't help but stop, and even wanted to step back a few steps away from this peerless killing god.

"Don't go back!"

"Give me all!"

The reinforcements from the back row urged those at the front desk to move forward, because they blocked the path of subsequent reinforcements.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, someone has to die.

In the face of an invincible enemy, the war of attrition is the tactic of Bailing.

"Do you still want to come and die?"

The killing intent bloomed in Gu Nanfei's eyes, the Chiyan Sword in his hand was constantly waving, and the fiery red sword-qi lotus bloomed continuously, forming one blood lotus after another.

Facing Gu Nanfei's invincible deterrence, the soldiers of Jinling Biology couldn't help but retreat.

Even those with supernatural powers, none of them dared to approach.

In the face of such a terrible enemy who died in close proximity, their fear was reasonable.

This is why ancient warfare must be famous, because you must let the soldiers understand what they are fighting for. Only with this belief can soldiers overcome the fear of death.

But if it is just for looting, just for killing, they are not willing to give their lives for it.

In this night, Gu Nanfei used the blood lotus to divide himself into an absolute realm. In this night, he was the absolute protagonist.

On the other side, Su Yuyan had already killed all the soldiers guarding the food and resolved the reinforcements coming from the other side.

Because the reinforcements she was facing were not withdrawn from the front line, the strength of the reinforcements was not very strong, and she was quickly beheaded and no one dared to approach.

At this moment, some powerful aura kept approaching.

Gu Nanfei's expression changed a little: "Chu Feng, are you all right?"

He was very sensitive to the breath, and in an instant he judged that these people who were about to rush were all Tier 4 peaks, not opponents that could be easily resolved.

If you can't solve the opponent quickly, then the fate of being trapped in the enemy camp can only be surrounded by a chaotic army, and then exhaust the vitality in the body and die.


There was a look of regret in Chu Feng's eyes.

Because he wanted to install the entire heavy truck into the Yuan Mansion, the entrance that needed to be opened was too large, so it was very energy-consuming. After Gu Nanfei and Su Yuyan's delay, Chu Feng only loaded eight cars in.

"Although I hate wasting food, it is better than leaving it to others."

Chu Feng issued four flame explosion talisman, igniting four heavy trucks.

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