Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 337: Night talk

The logistics of Jinling Biology has been cut off, and the food that is big enough to eat for more than ten days is also robbed and burned, and the rest is enough for everyone to eat.

If they can't enter the Dawn Alliance tomorrow, they will be hungry.

Under such circumstances, they can only fight to the death.

Just as Jinling Biology ordered the whole army to rest and fight tomorrow morning, the three of Chu Feng had already entered the secret door.

Just when they were about to return to the gathering place, Chu Feng suddenly stopped.

"Did something happen?"

Su Yuyan asked.

Chu Feng clenched his fists, then let them go, and said to Gu Nanfei in as easy a tone as possible: "Before it was inconvenient to say, now we can talk about this, what's the matter with you and my sister? "

Su Yuyan was startled, then silently flashed aside.

Gu Nanfei said indifferently, "It's just the little girl's worship of the hero who saved her. This emotion is only temporary, and it will subside after a while."

Seeing Gu Nanfei's indifferent expression, Chu Feng had the urge to not be able to punch.

He took a deep breath, he wanted to contain his impulse: "Nothing?"

If it weren't for Xiao Rou's thoughts, he almost had the urge to fight Gu Nanfei directly.

What is this kind of emotion only momentary? Don't you just take this kind of thing seriously?

Only when I found out that my sister had a special feeling for Gu Nanfei, Chu Feng had the urge to beat Gu Nanfei, but when Gu Nanfei didn't take this matter seriously, his impulse became even stronger.

Chu Xiaorou is Chu Feng's younger sister, who dares not take her seriously.

"I think you should understand that I don't have any thoughts on children's personal relationships."

Gu Nanfei looked as usual and said, "Xiao Rou is also a good girl. If she can be sure that her feelings for me are not a temporary impulse, maybe I will accept her! But for me, feelings are never the most important thing. I will not let go of my dreams for the sake of my children."

The innate sword aura in Chu Feng's hand began to gather, and his tone began to gritted his teeth: "What do you think of Xiao Rou?"

What does it mean to accept? What do you think of my sister?

Gu Nanfei did not back down.

He didn't have the need to lie about this kind of thing, nor would he deliberately lie to Chu Feng about it, because such an approach had no meaning at all.

"Chu Feng, don't be impulsive."

Su Yuyan put a hand on Chu Feng’s shoulder, "Actually, you two are quite alike. Although the things you want to protect are different, they are all people who can sacrifice everything for the things you protect. In his eyes, feelings are actually nothing!"

The murderous aura on Chu Feng's body gradually subsided.

Yup! In fact, he and Gu Nanfei are the same person.

His belief is to protect his family, people around him, everything he does is for this goal, for which he can sacrifice everything.

On the other hand, Gu Nanfei has the righteousness of the nation and the future of the human race.

For the dream in his heart, Gu Nanfei can also sacrifice everything, including his own life.

Although their beliefs are different, they are essentially the same.

Originally, with Gu Nanfei's talent and foundation, he could easily reach Tier 5, but he did not choose to break through, but stayed at Tier 4 instead.

Because he wants to get insight into the details of every realm, so that he can reduce the casualties of people breaking through when he is studying the exercises later.

In order to be able to open up a path of warriors for the human race, he can sacrifice his progress.

So he is alive now, in fact, he is not only alive for himself.

Such people should actually be respected, and Chu Feng also respected Gu Nanfei's approach.

Because you may not be able to become such a person, but you are still benefiting because of such a person, and because of the existence of such a person, this world will be worthy of nostalgia.

But if you want your sister to entrust such a person, it would be a bit difficult.

Gu Nanfei said, "I can say nothing of this. You can also relay my words directly to Xiaorou. The belief in my heart will not change. If she really likes me, she must learn to accept it."

Su Yuyan pressed Chu Feng’s shoulders to prevent his murderous explosion: "You calm down, I know that it’s hard to calm down your sister’s affairs, but you have to do this, and Xiaorou’s character is also yours. I understand that she is a person who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. Do you want to make decisions for her?"

Chu Feng sat down on the ground and looked up at the sky.

He understood that Xiao Ruan's own personality was actually very similar.

If it weren't for 10 years of darkness, then myself and my sister would be a copy.

As long as it is what I believe in my heart, no matter what I have experienced, it will not change.

Even if she had taught her sister some guidelines for survival in the last days, it was only after she had personally experienced the catastrophe of the insect tide and the invasion of Jinling creatures that she began to understand Chu Feng.

If you want to make decisions for her, then she will only hate yourself for a lifetime.

Su Yuyan said: "Everyone wants to experience a perfect relationship, but this is very unrealistic. Among the students I have taught, those who have experienced a perfect relationship, even less than 1%, I know you hope very much. My sister became that minority, but now the times have changed."

Chu Feng sighed, "Yes! Times have changed."

I hope my sister will marry a perfect man. This is a normal idea as an older brother, but there is no perfect man in the world.

Even if she retreats and wants to find someone who will love her for a lifetime, it will take a lot of luck.

After all, knowing people, knowing the face and not knowing the heart, even if you can really penetrate the heart, the heart will change with time and external experience.

So wanting a perfect relationship or a perfect marriage has become a luxury.

Even Zhao Fan and Xu Yan, who are enviable, were just a deliberate plot at first.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng smiled bitterly: "Forget it, I am just a scumbag myself, why should I force others on this matter? I don't care about this matter."

Although he was very dissatisfied with Gu Nanfei, Chu Feng understood that even if the two really couldn't get together, that was Chu Xiaorou's own decision.

With her weak on the surface and a very strong inner personality, it is impossible for her to be influenced too much by herself.

Gu Nanfei looked at Chu Feng apologetically: "I'm sorry, but this kind of thing is not something I can decide. I can only give you a promise that I will not touch her until I decide to take responsibility for her."

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