Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 338: Overture to Total Attack

After half an hour, the three of them came to the city wall casually, as if nothing happened.

If it weren't for Gu Nanfei, Chu Feng would have used force to solve the problem.

So after a long time of thinking, Chu Feng decided to let the flow go.

Feelings are the most difficult thing to control. If you interfere too much, you may only get counterproductive results, so it's better to pretend that nothing happened.

Only in this way can she give Chu Xiaorou enough time to observe and consider, so that she will not force her to run away for rebellion.

Of course, with Gu Nanfei's stupid character, it is estimated that Chu Xiaorou wants to elope, but he may not be willing.

Therefore, after Chu Feng found that he had no alternative, he could only accept this fact.

If his sister is really just a momentary young girl carrying spring, and the feeling of Gu Nanfei is only a momentary throbbing, then over time, under Gu Nanfei's indifference, this feeling will of course slowly fade.

If this feeling is true, then Chu Feng will not be able to get involved.

What's more, Su Yuyan's words also reminded him.

Although he is a scumbag, but he still hopes his sister will marry a good man, marry a dedicated man, this is a common problem among men.

But in this era, the kind of things between men and women no longer need feelings.

Take Tian Jing, for example. She and Xu Wei Tao Jinghua often go on threesomes, but the friendship between them is more of the robes than between men and women.

When the three of them go to find a man and a woman again, they will not affect each other.

This is a change of concept brought about by the times, and it will not be shifted due to personal will. Although Chu Feng can open up a pure land for his family, he can do nothing about this kind of thing.

If you don't want Chu Xiaorou to become this kind of woman, it's better to give her some hope.

"Leader, is the matter resolved?"

Su Yuan cautiously said to Chu Feng, "I saw that although the soldiers of Jinling Biologics are still on the offensive, they have already begun their shifts. Most of them have begun to rest, and it is very likely that they will suddenly attack at a certain time. ."

Seeing the movement of the opponent's army, she had roughly guessed that Chu Feng should succeed.

But when she saw Chu Feng's expression, she still couldn't help but tremble.

She was very good at trying to figure out people's hearts, but now she saw Chu Feng's appearance, as if she saw a volcano about to erupt.

The calm now is not really calm, he is a precursor to an outbreak.

Su Yuyan took her sister's jade arm, and said: "The other party's logistics has been resolved, get ready for tomorrow's general attack! They should be desperate, let's go to rest!"

If you do not use sneak attacks, then the guns and ammunition should be the best effect during the day.

Jinling Bio's munitions have an absolute advantage, so they should choose to attack during the day.

Su Yuan nodded, and then made command arrangements.

After these days of training, her commanding ability has also been improved.

A good commander is accumulated by experience. She was originally a talented person, and of course she has made rapid progress in the past few days.

If her strength will cause some doubts, then Su Yuyan's existence has completely resolved her worries.

After Su Yuyan got the Blood Drinking Sword, his strength was close to Tier 5, and if it was pure attack power, it was the highest level among Tier 5.

This is not an exaggeration, but because of the advantages of the equipment.

After all, there are not too many magic weapons in this era, and only Chu Feng can have the means to forge magic weapons.

When the veins of various rare metals appear later, and people gradually control the various uses of the materials on various mutant creatures, this advantage will gradually be smoothed out.

But by that time, Su Yuyan had already reached a higher level with his early advantages.

The so-called step-by-step step-by-step, as long as the early development is fast enough, then apart from a few abnormal level geniuses, few people can close this gap.

Both parties inside and outside the alliance have entered a stage of rest and reorganization.

In the next morning, before dawn, the soldiers of Jinling Biology were awakened in large numbers, and then lined up to receive their food.

While everyone was eating, commanders at all levels began to give speeches before the general attack.

"When everyone is eating, I want to announce one thing to everyone."

"I believe you have heard about what happened last night. Our food-carrying vehicle has been destroyed by these thieves, and some have been stolen by space-based supernaturalists."

"I can tell you very clearly that we have no retreat, because our follow-up logistics will take several days to arrive."

"If we continue, we will all starve to death here."

"So now there is only one road before us."

"That is to use all our strength and then attack the Dawn Alliance."

"If we can't do it, then starving to death in this wilderness will be our only end."

"So, our soldiers, please take up the weapons in your hands and fight hard. Only victory is our only way to survive."

The commanders’ speeches have been specially modified, so that the method of directly putting all the difficulties in front of the soldiers can resonate more deeply.

Now they are in the situation of a lasting fight. If they win, they will live, and if they fail, they will die.

So their only choice now is to win.

The soldiers who were eating, under the threat of death, broke out with strong fighting spirit.

"The thieves of the Dawn Alliance stole our food."

"This method is really despicable."

"That's right, is this our last meal now? If we can't attack the Dawn Alliance, we will starve to death?"

"Even if we die in battle, we don't want to starve to death."

"Rushing into the Dawn Alliance, killing their men, snatching their women, this is our only way out and our only vitality."

Suddenly, the Jinling creature, which was originally a miscellaneous army, burst into a strong fighting spirit.

Although they are not a regular army, they will still do the two choices of starving to death and fighting to death.

There is only one way left before them, which is to enter the alliance.

Under such last-minute speeches and impetus, the members of Jinling Biology were united for a while.

Su Yuan and the others, who were observing the state of the enemy on the wall, felt the momentum of others gradually condensed into one, and an indescribable fear grew in their hearts.

If the enemies gather together, can they still resist?

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