Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 343: Zombie attack

Hearing the last words of this soldier before he died, the soldiers of Jinling Biology showed a sad look in their eyes.

Some of them joined Jinling creatures only when they were tempted by profit, and some joined them after their lives were coerced.

But no matter what reason they joined, they have lost themselves after joining this group.

They instinctively keep climbing up, and even give up everything for this.

They arrested their compatriots as experimental objects. In order to show their determination to integrate into the group, they committed a conscientious atrocities against women.

But no matter how hard they work, they can never reach the core.

No matter how hard they work, they can only become a more advanced dog.

What is even more ironic is that what prevents them from becoming the core members is not their insufficient military service, nor their insufficient loyalty.

After all the obstacles were broken, there was another obstacle like a moat, intercepting them on their way to advancement.

That is their skin color.

In the eyes of Americans, whites are the upper-class people, blacks are the middle-class people, and the yellow-skinned people are the inferior people, but they will decorate themselves with democracy and freedom and shout the slogan that everyone is equal.

But many people still believe it.

But when they abandoned their homeland and made every effort to join this democratic and free family, they found that their skin color was the biggest obstacle to their integration.

As long as your skin color and your race are different from theirs, you will always be just a dog in their eyes, at best, you will become a higher-level dog, or a higher-level dog.

"We can't help it!"

"It's not our fault."

They, no, they justify themselves.

They don't think it is their own fault. Even if it is wrong, it should be because of their skin color and their birth.

They feel that everything they do is beyond their control.

At this moment, a cloud of smoke suddenly came from a distance.

They fixed their eyes and found that a group of ragged people in the distance were rushing in their direction. Their movements were stiff, but their speed was not slow.

After seeing these things clearly, they found that the corners of the mouths of these "people" were full of flesh and blood, their eyes were white or red, their skin was white, and the black blood vessels under the skin looked very hideous.

"Zombie, zombie group!"

The soldiers of Jinling Biology were completely blank in their minds. They did not expect to encounter a group of zombies at this time, and the direction of the group of zombies was their direction.

"Run, run!"

"We are not rivals!"

"This group of zombies is already tens of thousands! Why didn't you get news before?"

"Where is the scout? Why didn't it detect it?"

There are tens of thousands of zombie groups, if they are in their heyday, it is not impossible to solve it, but when all of them are seriously injured, it will be difficult to deal with.

After all, when the corpse group reaches more than 10,000, there will almost certainly be a powerful zombie as the commander.

Now their morale is at its weakest time, and they are not opponents of these zombies at all.

The white people who supervised the battle yelled in panic as they got into the vehicle: "Hurry up and cover us, let us go out before the corpse group has time to form an encirclement."

With that said, more than a hundred white men in the army entered the vehicle just like this, completely disregarding the soldiers outside, regardless of their life and death.

The soldiers showed a desperate look.

They had just maimed their comrades in order to show their loyalty to them, but in a blink of an eye, they were just like this.


The armored vehicle started, and the white people got on the vehicle and prepared to flee toward their base. Even if their base was surrounded by the military, this was their only hope.

The blond woman also stuffed the pet dog who accidentally got off the car into the car.

The soldier whose legs were broken let out a sorrowful laugh: "Do you still think that we can get the same status as dogs by being dogs?"

Everyone looked ashamed.

When they are running for their lives, they can leave them unceremoniously, but even if they take a dog away, they are not willing to take them away.

In the eyes of these people, even dogs are inferior!

"I can't take it anymore. It's death anyway. What could be more terrifying consequences than death?"

A soldier with burn marks all over his body roared, then raised his heavy machine gun and shot it in the direction of the military vehicles.


The heavy machine gun spit out flames, and the machine gun shell fell to the ground.


The military vehicle in the distance made a violent puncture sound, and then a military vehicle quickly tipped over to the ground before it had time to reflect the situation.

With the first resistance, there is the second resistance.

These abandoned soldiers picked up their guns every day, and then desperately strafed towards the direction of the military vehicle, and the tires of the military vehicles burst one after another.


"Yellow monkey, you dare to resist us."

"Teach them a lesson."

"Kill them."

These foreigners got out of the car they overturned and looked cursing, but they didn't have time to teach their dog, but greeted the car in front.

"Bring us."

"Hey, stop, stop!"


The vehicle in front didn't even slow down, and just rode away like this, without paying attention to the people who were regarded as compatriots.

In their eyes, their own life is the most precious thing.

All the rest must be back.

If the group of zombies were to form an encirclement, let alone an armored car, even a Tier 5 supernatural person might not be able to escape.

A Tier 5 ability person can rush in and out of the crowd, this is because people use fear, and when the strong rush towards them, they will be afraid.

But the vast majority of zombies are existences that don't understand fear. They are like iron-headed babies who don't understand fear, frantically attacking all the lives they can attack.

"Fleeing soon!"

The foreigners in the dozen or so cars that escaped looked at the zombies who were too late to stop themselves, and their eyes showed excitement.

"Hey, come here!"

"Haha, can these beasts catch up to us?"

When passing by the group of zombies, they even raised their middle fingers to the group of zombies, using their own taunts to vent the gaffe of abandoning their companions in front of these monsters.

At this moment, the person in a car suddenly felt the sky spin.

"Oh! What is going on?"

"Then, what is that?"

The people in these vehicles suddenly felt a huge force and threw their vehicles directly into the air, overturning to the ground.

When they finally crawled out of the car, they were shocked to see that there were a few terrifying monsters with huge tentacles more than ten meters long, dancing the tentacles in their hands, as if greeting them.

"Oh no!"

Looking at the group of zombies that are constantly approaching, these people who were still pointing their middle fingers to the zombies just made the final screams.

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