Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 344: One wave is not flat, another wave rises

Seeing the tragedy in the distance, the members of the Dawn Alliance stood under the protection of the energy shield and felt the heart twitch.

It's really a wave of unrest.

They just caused heavy casualties to the enemy, and now there are groups of zombies.

Su Yuan squeezed her slender jade hands full of fine fragrance and sweat, and asked Chu Feng nervously, "We, what should we do next?"

She asked herself to be a very smart person, but in the face of a series of disasters, she realized that when facing the real big scene, the quality that a leader really needs is not wisdom, but calmness.

No matter how smart you are, if you can't keep calm before this kind of scene, what's the use of a cloud of mud in your mind.

On the contrary, a person who can remain calm in such a situation, as long as he raises his arms, he can easily respond and give people confidence.

Chu Feng was silent for two seconds, and said, "Ziqing, Zhao Fan, you two go to the Earth Gate and Water Gate to pull up the energy shield. The others are on standby and you can take a break."

Although the members of the alliance are not too tired, but their hearts are already tired.

The three-hour fire has already caused a great impact on their hearts.

The wailing of countless lives before the death made them feel tired.

Now if they are to fight, they will get a group of listless soldiers.

But Chu Feng knew that after this war, they would grow more and more, and they would become more and more adaptable to this kind of scene.

One day, they can all become the masters of all battles.

This is the only way.

Zhang Ziqing and Zhao Fan led the way.

The soldiers of Jinling creatures burst into cheers when they saw the officers' vehicles were destroyed.

"Hahaha, tell them to abandon us."

"Let them not want us."

"Deserve it."

The grievances they had accumulated for a long time, the grievances of the Broken Spine Dog, and the grievances of being abandoned, all broke out at this moment.

Although their schadenfreude is meaningless, at least before dying, they still roared twice as a human being.

But immediately, they couldn't laugh.

After getting rid of those who wanted to escape in vehicles, these zombies rushed towards everyone and blocked every direction.

Chu Feng took the opportunity to teach on the city wall: "You should have seen zombies. Even if you haven’t seen them, you should have heard of them. Such zombies can block every direction of escape. This shows that among these zombies. There should be a boss who can control all the zombies."

Su Yuyan said: "I heard that it seems like a way of 5th order is enough to have human wisdom."

This is what Chu Feng taught her before.

Chu Feng nodded: "But if you want to control more than 10,000 zombies, I am afraid that one Tier 5 zombie is not enough. Even if I tell me there are 5 Tier 5 zombies, I won’t feel surprised, but Tier 4 zombies are already there. Now that you have the instinct to drive the same kind, you don’t need to worry."

According to the experience summarized by his later generations, the number of zombies that Tier 5 zombies can control ranges from 1,000 to 5,000. If these zombies are all controlled by Tier 5 zombies, it would be a bit scary.

But what made him feel even more jealous was the group of these zombies.

Just like human beings are not united, zombies are also not united. Low-level zombies know not to attack each other, but some mutant zombies can eat together with their kind.

It is possible to prevent so many groups of zombies from attacking each other, and to form an encirclement. Either these zombies have a powerful presence behind them, or they are manipulating zombies together.

In either case, it is not good news for him.

While the soldiers of Jinling creatures revolted with guns, some soldiers of Jinling creatures ran to the energy shield and knelt to the ground.

"Please, save us!"

"We are all humans. When facing zombies, we should unite!"

"Please, let us in! We can be cattle and horses."

"We are dogs for you, we will do what you want us to do, as long as you can save us."

Seeing these soldiers kneeling and begging for mercy, Chu Feng remained unmoved.

However, some members of the Dawn Alliance couldn't bear it.

A forty-year-old female supernatural person said softly: "Leader, now we are going to face the common enemy of mankind with them, let them come in! It's also a good way to add strength."

Her words immediately caused a moment of opposition: "Shall we let them in? They were thinking about killing us all just now."

"You forgive them, who forgave those who were killed by them."

"If you want to be a virgin, be yourself!"

Although the soldiers of Jinling Biology were beaten badly just now, their past evil deeds are widely known. Just the night before, more than 10,000 people were regarded as miners. As a result, more than 7,000 people stayed forever. There, only more than 5,000 people were left to escape.

So no matter how miserable they are, most people cannot forgive them.

The female supernaturalist retorted angrily: "Now and then, we were in a hostile position before, but now they are facing the common enemy of mankind."

The Jinling biological soldiers underneath also shouted loudly:

"Yes! We have a common enemy!"

"Help us, we can help you."

Chu Feng pointed towards the Jinling Biological Base: "It was there, just the night before, where more than 7,000 people died there. Before that, more than 10,000 living people were transformed into biochemical beasts. There are countless people who died during the transformation process. If you want to save them, it is very simple. Resurrect those people and ask for their consent."

Everyone looked at the virgin with an angry look: "Yes! If we forgive them, who will forgive the innocent dead?"

"We are not qualified to forgive them, only those innocent victims are qualified."

"If you have the ability, you can bring all those people back to life, or don't yell here."

This female supernaturalist looked at everyone with incredible eyes: "How can you be like this? Why are you so unsympathetic? Is it because they have to do those wrong things, they have to die? Can't you give them a chance to change?"

Chu Feng rubbed his eyebrows and asked, "Whose subordinate is this?"

Su Yuan shook her head: "I don't know, it should be a newcomer."

She knew all the original abilities of the Dawn Alliance, and there was no such one.

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