Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 345: We all kneel

After hearing the words of the female supernatural powers, the soldiers of Jinling Biology shouted: "Yes! We already know that we are wrong, how can you not forgive us?"

"Those things we do are forced by people."

"If it's not a last resort, who would be willing to do that kind of thing!"

"We won't do that kind of thing anymore."

"We are all kneeling, why don't you forgive me?"

The group of zombies in the distance got closer and closer, and their eyes showed a look of despair. Many people could not help kneeling and begging for mercy.

Chu Feng cast his gaze on the virgin supernatural being: "Since you want to save them, then I can't give you a chance."

The female supernatural person was pleasantly surprised: "What opportunity?"

The surrounding alliance executives all looked anxious.

Could it be that Chu Feng would be affected by this Virgin?

They thought that Chu Feng was too harsh before, but they didn't expect him to be a benevolent woman at this time.

Chu Feng handed her a knife, and then pointed at the group of zombies who were still walking forward unswervingly even if they were hit by a machine gun bullet in the distance.

"Zombies above Tier 3 all have steel bodies. Ordinary bullets are already very difficult to break. Even machine gun bullets, if they don’t hit the key, it’s difficult to kill them. This knife can cut like tofu. Open the minds of the zombies, you go take this knife and help them out of the siege."

This female supernatural person's face changed drastically: "Impossible, so many zombies, how could I be the opponent of those zombies?"

She only asked Chu Feng to give them a chance, but she didn't even think about taking her own life into it!

This is the difference between her and Xiaoxi.

Xiaoxi is also stupid and kind, but she is willing to give her life for her kindness, even in the face of death, she will never regret it.

But this aunt can only be generous to others.

Chu Feng's eyes gradually turned cold: "If I remember correctly, what I just said shouldn't be a questioning tone."

Feeling the substantive murderous aura in Chu Feng, the female supernaturalist took two steps back instinctively: "You, what do you mean?"

Chu Feng picked up the Madonna and said coldly: "It is absolutely impossible for us to save this group of beasts. Since you want to save them, then use the knife in your hand to open up a **** road! "

With that, he opened the energy shield and threw this female supernatural person down.

This kind of hypocritical kindness will only harm others and yourself if you stay in the team.

And Chu Feng believed that no one at the scene would dare to do such a thing to himself.


Accompanied by a screaming scream, this female supernatural person fell heavily to the ground.

However, when everyone saw this scene, they were inexplicably happy.

If you want to express your kindness and want to save others, then go by yourself!

Please don't involve others when expressing kindness.

There is no need for others to pay for your kindness.


The knife in Chu Feng's hand fell from the city wall to the ground, and plunged directly into the ground, until the handle of the knife touched the ground, then it stopped.

After seeing this scene, the soldiers of Jinling Biology showed a feverish look in their eyes.

"Good knife!"

"This knife is mine!"

An ability player with a knife directly drew the knife, and then tried to swing it to the side. A knife qi slashed across the ground, forming a seven or eight-meter-long crack.


Seeing the power of this knife, everyone's eyes showed eagerness.

It is impossible to use this knife to lead everyone out of the siege, but if you have such a magic weapon, it may not be impossible for one person to fight the siege.


The soldier who picked up the knife was about to say something, but was suddenly stabbed through the heart with a sword from behind, and then fell to the ground with unwilling eyes.

A figure quickly picked up the knife, and then fled towards the outside along the direction of the energy shield.

"He wants to escape alone!"

"Stop him!"

"Don't let him go!"

"kill him."

Seeing that the person who snatched the knife wanted to escape alone, the soldiers of Jinling creatures were angry. Some of the supernaturalists immediately used remote skills to blast towards the person who had escaped.

Under the torrent of spells, the person who wanted to escape was directly blasted to pieces, and even a scream was too late.

And this magic weapon fell to the ground like this.


Hundreds of soldiers from Jinling creatures fought fiercely for a knife.

Chu Feng sighed: "If one person takes the lead and then uses this knife in turn, some people may be able to get out, but since they don't trust each other, then no wonder this knife."

As he said, his gaze cast into the distance.

After all, there are still a few who choose to come here to kneel and beg for mercy, and most of the soldiers are still fighting.

The biological soldiers who had been seriously injured were quickly eaten to death, and became food for zombies in despair.

The soldiers who had good hands and feet picked up the weapons in their hands and began to resist.

The submachine guns and machine guns in their hands can exert great power when hitting people, but they are not powerful enough to deal with zombies with steel bodies.

Stand in the front row in a more outstanding way, with ordinary zombies standing in the back.

Some iron wall zombies even directly ignored the bullets on their bodies, ordinary bullets hit them, and even their skins could not be broken.

Of course, the encirclement formed by these powerful zombies was not airtight. The zombies in the back row were constantly swept by bullets in the air, and then fell to the ground.

However, among those groups of zombies, some zombies began to eat the corpses of those dead zombies.

After seeing this scene, everyone's hearts became more gloomy.

Although it was only a very basic level of cooperation, it was able to reach this level. These zombies were far more difficult to deal with than they seemed on the surface.

For the soldiers of Jinling creatures, some of the bullets were shot out, and some of the gun barrels started to get hot, and they couldn't be used.

Those supernaturalists constantly attacked the zombies with their abilities in their hands, causing a lot of casualties, but their killing speed was far behind the speed at which the zombies charged forward.

Finally, after the spiritual energy of some supernatural beings was exhausted, the zombies and the crowd began to contact.

"Ah! I can't take it anymore!"

Some soldiers looked at the approaching zombies, let out a mournful cry, and then ran to the periphery desperately to escape for their lives, then surrounded by the zombies and turned into rations for the zombies.

Some soldiers, looking at their companions being eaten one by one, took out their pistols in despair, and pulled the trigger at their heads.

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