When the Dawn Alliance and Jinling Creatures were fighting, the information that Chu Feng had previously entrusted Gao Yangsong to disseminate had spread around the southern capital.

After all, it is the military, even if there are many fools who do not believe in soldiers, they are still the most influential one.

Therefore, the evil deeds of Jinling creatures are once again widely known.

The difference from last time is that in addition to condemnation, there is greed this time.

"Have you heard? Jinling Biology has developed a potion that can improve human strength, but if this potion is not used well, it will turn people into zombies or beasts."

"So terrible? Is this the way they promote their strength?"

"Yes! It's terrible."

"However, if this kind of thing can really be done, it's okay to take a little risk!"

"Hehe, don't think about reaching the sky in one step. If you really want to take a risk, you might as well speed up the practice of martial arts. This is more realistic."

In this precarious era, a shortcut that can quickly improve people's strength is very attractive to people.

In particular, there have been incidents of bullying by ordinary people by the Awakened in various places. Many Awakened people feel that they have the strength and can act recklessly.

Therefore, most ordinary people hate the awakened.

However, they had to accept the blessing of the Awakened.

This makes them feel humiliated even more.

Some people give the food they have collected so hard to the awakened, and some even give their wives and daughters to the awakened to enjoy.

In exchange for some protection.

Of course, there are still many people who are more willing to believe in the power in their hands. They will not be afraid of the risks brought by the martial artist's cultivation path, but will go forward bravely and protect their family with their fists.

But such people are hostile to those awakened who like to bully.

Now suddenly I heard that there is such a shortcut, and it immediately made many people's minds active. Some people want to obtain such a method and then improve their strength, but some people do not want such a method to be used. Make it public.

In addition, the headquarters of Jinling Biology had been announced, so many people began to gather and attack Jinling Biology’s headquarters.

There were few such people at the beginning, but over time, more than 100,000 people gathered near the two headquarters of Jinling Biology.

Such a large number has brought people great courage, and it also gave them enough confidence, that is, let them feel that as long as there are more people, they can do everything.

"What do you do?"

The army members have long camped near the headquarters of Jinling Biology, but they have not done anything, but have followed the instructions of their superiors to prevent anyone from entering or leaving.

Now seeing a large number of people coming here suddenly, of course they have to come forward and question.

So these passionate people shouted: "We are here to deal with Jinling creatures."

"The actions of Jinling Biology violated the bottom line of mankind, and we want to eliminate them."

"My family was taken away as slaves by people from Jinling Biology, and they died in the mine. I want to avenge them. No one can stop me."

If there are some awe-inspiring elements in the first two words, then the excuse of revenge on one's relatives will make people unable to refute them.

People are avenging their families. Do you want to use the rule of law to discourage them?

As a result, those who regardless of whether their family members were killed, shouted loudly.

"My parents were all taken away by people from Jinling Biology and used them as experimental products."

"My wife was also taken away by them and became a military prostitute, oh oh oh..."

"My child! My poor child!"

"My seventh uncle grandpa!"


Whether it is true or not, but seeing so many people crying, even the military cannot help but feel moved.

Although I know that many of them here are fake, because the people of Jinling Biology usually catch people together with the whole family, and there are very few fish that slip through the net.

The atrocities they committed were true.

Especially when those who died at the mining site with their family members are even more moving, because this is something that has just happened recently.

Not to mention that these soldiers were moved, even these people themselves, seeing the people around them cry like this, they doubt whether these things are true.

If it's not true, why do you cry so much?

Just when some soldiers were going to continue to discourage them from doing such dangerous things, they suddenly received orders from their superiors.

"Retreat and let them in."

Although I don't understand the meaning of this order, it is the instinct of soldiers to obey the order, and they have to follow it.

The blocked people saw the army let it go so easily, so excitedly filed in and began to aggressively attack the Jinling Biological Base.

An officer questioned his superiors angrily: "Why should they be allowed in? Don't you know that this approach will cause many casualties?"

Not only him, but even many soldiers questioned this order.

We can obey unconditionally when executing the order, but since we have executed the order perfectly, should you give us an explanation?

"This is the commander's order!"

The superior threw a report on the face of the questioning officer, "Look at this report, and you can see how many soldiers there are. Because they blocked the crowd from going out for adventure, they were beaten to death by the crowd. Do you want to become one of them?"

The officer shouted: "We are not afraid of sacrifice."

"You tell me, what is the value of this sacrifice?"

The superior yelled, "Do you know how many demons have? More than 30 million people! Then do you know how many of these 30 million people have become zombies? Do you know how many things these people have become zombies? Mutant zombies, the one that can't even be shot with a machine gun?

The officers were silent.

"I understand that you are not afraid of sacrifice, but there are some dangerous things that only we can face."

The eye sockets of the superiors also turned red, "Now we are the only ones willing to face the tide of corpses in the Demon City. If you have sacrificed for such boring things, if you have sacrificed for such meaningless things, Then tell me who is going to deal with those zombies? Do you want to deal with your own corpses? No, now even if there are many corpses, if they are not incinerated in time, there will be the possibility of corpse transformation, so even if it is I beg you to save your own lives to protect your family and your country."

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