Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 348: Break through

The soldiers in charge of defending here were silent after the news from their superiors spread.

Some people even shed tears quietly.

They have always believed that as long as they have a firm belief, they can overcome all difficulties and smash all difficulties and obstacles.

However, many difficulties cannot be overcome by faith.

The education level of Huaxia's soldiers is very high, and even if they join the army, they still have to receive more education, so they quickly understood the pros and cons of this matter, and finally reluctantly accepted the facts.

They can not be afraid of death, they can choose to sacrifice.

But it is more difficult to survive than death.

They are the only ones who can deal with the tide of corpses.


The excited crowd rushed into the base of Jinling creatures with their own ideas. They had no order, and they did not need order.

Because most of the Jinling biological soldiers have been dispatched, more than half of the guards have also been dealt with by the military.

The rest can be easily solved as long as the human sea tactics are used.

The gate outside Jinling Creature was quickly breached, no, it was stepped on.

Those who dare to come here to find benefits, although not all desperadoes, but there are still many people on the top of the blood, they directly trampled all the obstacles in front of them with their feet.


"Where are the people from Jinling Biology?"


"Fuck! I am not a beast of Jinling Biology!"

The excited people couldn't tell the enemy from us at all, they kept looking for the people of Jinling creatures, and then wielded the butcher knife in their hands.

It has been more than a month since the end of the world. Although he didn't say he was adapting to this era, he didn't have much resistance to killing.

What's more, they killed damned people.

It was also a large number of left-behind personnel of Jinling Biology, who were directly solved by them.

"There is a basement here!"

A man inadvertently kicked the floor and found an entrance to the underground, so he excitedly greeted his companions to go in and hunt for treasure.

His startled breath drew a large crowd, and people began to swarm in toward the basement.

Some researchers who were conducting research in the basement had not had time to react, so they were killed directly.


"Keep alive!"

"Don't set fire, don't set fire!"

"Dogri's offspring, don't you hear me telling you not to set fire?"

"They want to monopolize these things, they want to destroy these things."

After the crowd poured into the basement, some people searched for research materials and medicine, and some wanted to catch some alive.

Although this success rate is not very high, it is always promising.

But protection is always much harder than destruction.

After some ulterior motives entered the basement, they quickly killed all Jinling creatures, and then set fire to burn all the research materials.

After doing all of this, they began to continue to mess around.

Seeing their style, many people reacted quickly. Not everyone wants this medicine to be made public. On the contrary, many people hope that this medicine will never be seen again.

These people are dominated by supernatural beings.

They originally possessed great power, how can they be allowed to surpass them now?

Although I don't know how much effect this kind of behavior can play, there are definitely not few people doing this kind of thing.

Some art candidates in fine arts even paint the back of their paintings and destroy the next classmate's painting when they hand in the paper, ruining his life.

Although destroying a person can't improve one's rank much, but there are many people who enjoy this kind of thing.

This is the human mind, this is human nature without reason.

Humans who claim to be the spirit of all things possess outstanding wisdom that surpasses all life on earth, but they still cannot completely get rid of emotional control.

"Kill them, they want to destroy these things!"

Some people who saw the destruction of research materials, and those who saw bottles and jars were directly broken, vented their inner anger on those who wanted to destroy the materials.

It's also a big battle.

War broke out throughout the basement.

Abilityists do have an advantage when facing warriors, even those with physical skills, their attack power far exceeds those of the same level.

In such a small space, many times the opponents in the battle are not more powerful than those who attack, but who attack the enemy's vitals first.

Even a Tier 4 ability player will die if he is hit by a Tier 2 ability player.

"In that case, we will ruin this place."

Some people with supernatural powers saw their companions die here because they took up too little space, and burst into intense anger, so they released their power desperately.

The ice blade that can burn all hells, the ice blade that freezes life, and the wind blade that can cut through the steel, fly everywhere, turning the entire basement into a mess.

There are also those with earth-based supernatural powers, who have now directly destroyed the ceiling and the ground, allowing the first and second floors of the basement to be directly connected together, and then buried together.

Some clever people had already fled the basement when the melee started. After escaping, some people continued to attack the basement, preparing to bury the whole place.

The whole basement was filled with gunpowder smoke.

There are also some people who are constantly destroying other buildings. Building after building is torn down by them, every inch of the ground must be carefully inspected.

There are even powerful abilities of the earth element, don't let the whole earth crack open, let all the basements be exposed to their eyes.

In less than half an hour, the entire base of Jinling creatures had become ruins and scorched earth.

Those original basements have been turned into deep pits, those buildings have been turned into ruins, and countless lives have stayed here forever.

The army guarded for 4 weeks looked at this scene with pain in their hearts.

"Is this all we want to protect?"

An officer murmured to himself, "Fortunately we did not participate, otherwise no matter which side wins, it will be a tragedy in the end."

He has now shaken his belief in protecting the people.

An officer next to him patted him on the shoulder and comforted: "We are not protecting China for these talents. We are willing to sacrifice our lives for those worthy of protection and for China itself."

Now they no longer doubted the orders of their superiors.

They are not afraid of sacrifice, but it would be worthless to sacrifice to stop these people who have gone crazy.

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