Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 349: Jinling Bio's last resort

Jinling Biology has three bases, which are more in line with their character of the Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit.

Being able to establish three bases in Huaxia is something they barely managed to achieve at a huge price, and the rest are more of small strongholds.

One of the bases had just been established, right near the Dawn Alliance. Now this base has been interfered by Chu Feng and is almost abandoned.

Now the second base was also destroyed by people with ulterior motives.

Crowds are easy to instigate, as long as they are given a goal to make them feel confident, they will dare to do all dangerous things.

Even if it is trampling on the bottom line of law and human nature, it will not hesitate.

After the second base was destroyed, people did not let the third base go.

The third base was built in a village, and they controlled all the people in the entire village by special means.

They also pretend to be villagers when they enter and leave.

After the great changes happened on the day and the earth, they had given up all cover-ups, completely sealed off the village, and prohibited anyone from entering or leaving.

Anyway, the law has collapsed now, even if all the people close to it are killed, no one dares to say anything about them.

At this time, the people at Jinling Biological Headquarters were already crazy.

"Why, why will our base be discovered?"

"Counter, this is our last base."

"It must be held."

"Call the headquarters for support."

"What are you kidding? Now that the plane can't take off anymore, our headquarters is in the United States, how can we call for support?"

The third survival base has caused a lot of obstacles to people.

Countless soldiers were hiding behind the building, shooting from the window with machine guns, causing a lot of casualties, but that was all.

Many of the people who came to attack Jinling creatures were abilities.

Under the massive flood of spells, any battle bunker will be directly destroyed.

This is the last base of Jinling creatures and the place where they hide their troops. If this is breached, they will have no place in China.

When their evil deeds were announced, not many people sanctioned them, but when they were carrying a lot of treasures and were in a disadvantaged position, it was of course that everyone pushed them down.

The collapse of social law will have a fatal impact on the weak.

They are certainly not weak, but strong and weak are relative.

When most of the troops of Jinling creatures were dispatched, they were weak.

At this time, the thing that Jinling Biology people regretted most was why they built the base underground.

Originally the base was built in the basement for concealment, but now, whether it is the water system ability player pouring water into it, or the fire system ability player directly setting fire to block the exit, they have become turtles in the urn.

The masses who came here originally came here for destruction, of course they are even more rude.

At this moment, people suddenly discovered a large amount of food.

"Haha, there is a bag of rice here."

A warrior carried a bag of rice, and then greeted his companions, "Looking at this posture, we probably won’t be able to grab any good things. Let’s come and go! Now the price of food is too expensive, and many people No money, only the crystal core, let's go quickly!"

Several of his companions also brightened their eyes: "Now it is too difficult to go out to find food. Many supermarkets have been eaten by rats. This bag of rice can be enough for us to eat for a long time. By the way, is there any more in it?"

The martial artist said: "We have a few catties and a few taels, don't you have a point in your heart? There are already many people fighting because of these food, and it will be too late if you don't leave."

After finishing speaking, he immediately left with the rice in his hand.

His companions looked at each other, then gritted their teeth and followed him away.

The three bases of Jinling Biology each have different functions. The base they destroyed before was mainly used for researching potions, and this base was used as a base for war, but the manpower inside has been sent out in large numbers. , So the interior is empty.

Because of the large number of people, there are also many supplies here.

Some smart people saw the large amount of supplies here, immediately grabbed some things and left with their accomplices, but there were also some greedy people who wanted more things, so a melee was triggered.

Just when people were constantly beating, smashing and looting, and even fighting for the distribution of benefits, in the basement at the bottom of the village, some core scientific researchers of Jinling Biology gathered together.

"Now our base here can no longer be guarded."

A yellow-haired scientific researcher said, "Even if these people did not find us, they have destroyed everything on our ground. The military are still camping nearby. If these people can't solve us, pick up What comes down to welcome us is the baptism of the military."

People in the military will not attack them, but they will not naively think that the military will let them go.

Based on the things they did, no one could escape.

What made them even more frightened was that the military would actually use ordinary people.

This is what scares them even more.

An honest person is best to bully, because you can provoke his bottom line unscrupulously, until he completely broke out, you are very safe.

Chinese soldiers are such honest people in their eyes.

If the Chinese soldiers attacked, they would not have no countermeasures, such as using hostages to delay time, but you use hostages to threaten those who have already red eyes?

It will definitely be regarded as not seen, and then directly killed by the flood of spells.

However, the current Chinese soldiers would actually use ordinary people's greed and other desires to deal with them, which is a bolt from the blue for them.

This means that they have abandoned some of the old bottom lines and have made new changes.

If they anger them, they will be greeted by an unscrupulous military that may even sacrifice everything to deal with them.

This is also a disaster for their country.

A scientific researcher said: "Now we only have one last way, and that is to open the thing underground and let it out."


A Chinese scientific researcher said, "That thing is the legendary Tai Sui. We only extracted a part of its blood, which has improved our research progress so much. If we lose Tai Sui, we will do future research. "

"Do you know what the situation is now?"

An old man grabbed his collar and said, "Now our base will be gone. If we don't release that monster, we will all die. Only by waking up that monster can we bring us a ray of life."

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