Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 351: Rainy night

"It's raining unexpectedly."

Chu Feng, who was resting, was awakened by the sound of rain outside, and then walked out of his new residence, looking up at the observation tower in the distance.

The watchtower was behind the light gate and was his residence.

But even the mysterious atmosphere he deliberately created was just a preparation for the shocking trap he prepared for himself.

Everything he did was to make the enemy not doubt his preparation.

However, it is raining now.

Seeing Chu Feng waking up, Su Yuyan also rushed to Chu Feng's side, with a worried expression on her face: "There are so many clouds in the sky, I'm afraid this rain will not stop in a few days."

If the rain keeps going, then they can't start a fire attack.

Of course, even when it is not raining, the possibility of a successful fire attack is not too great.

Because these zombies appeared just after the soldiers of Jinling creatures were defeated, and formed a complete encirclement, it was obviously premeditated.

Even if you leave the survival base from other directions, you may encounter an ambush by zombies.

When facing an enemy, you can't overestimate it.

Chu Feng looked at Su Yuyan with some distress in his eyes: "You should have been tired last night!"

He is not talking about physical fatigue, but the heart.

In just one night, he felt that Su Yuyan hadn't slept for several days or nights.

Su Yuyan wrote lightly: "Some people can't stand their spirits, and they can't find a way to vent, so they vent their energy on women, and I kill them."

Although it was only a short sentence, Chu Feng heard the **** storm behind this sentence.

The current population of the Dawn Alliance is close to 50,000, of which more than 30,000 are men, because men have a greater chance of survival than women.

So the probability of this kind of thing happening at night was very high, and Su Yuyan didn't know how many people he killed.

Chu Feng didn't say much, but said: "Thanks for your hard work."

Su Yuyan shook his head: "The person who really works hard is not me."

Chu Feng said: "You go to sleep for a while! We still have things to do later, now we can regain some energy, and then we will have the strength to kill the zombies."

Su Yuyan is a little confused, should he go out in this weather?

But she didn't say much, but nodded silently.

Chu Feng greeted Zhang Ziqing in the room: "Look at Teacher Su, I'll go out."

Zhang Ziqing, who was lying in bed, got up lazily and helped Su Yuyan, who was exhausted to the extreme, into the room.

Chu Feng, who walked out of the room, came to the middle of the alliance, which was also the core hub of the formation guarding the alliance, but this hub was hidden by him.

Su Yuan came behind Chu Feng and asked, "I thought you would sleep a little longer, but I didn't expect to wake up so early. Is it because of the rain?"

She didn't come here by accident, but sent someone to guard Chu Feng's vicinity. When Chu Feng just woke up, she had already notified her.

She didn't shy away from such blatant surveillance, because it was for the safety of the leader. Since the leader does not live in her watchtower, of course she has to bother about it.

Chu Feng nodded, and then said: "The formation of the Guardian Alliance actually has many functions. Now I want to tell you one of them."

As he said, his hands were pressed on the ground, and then a large hole began to appear on the ground, which was still expanding.

Su Yuan was a little puzzled, what did Chu Feng do to put the mud into the space?

Then, she suddenly raised her head and found that the energy shield above had started to leak.

The highest height of the energy shield is 30 meters. The energy shield in the sky is used to protect birds and various flying insects.

After all, enemies with wings are more difficult to deal with than enemies on the ground.

Now the energy shield in the sky suddenly starts to leak. Does this mean that the energy shield has been damaged? This matter is very troublesome.

She was about to remind, but heard Chu Feng say: "When I designed the energy shield in the sky, I left an arc specially. It can be used as a funnel, and of course it can be closed at any time. Now it can be used as a reservoir. The pool, take the water from the sky."

Su Yuan wondered: "We are in the south, so there should be no shortage of water!"

Although mineral water still has a high value here, the value of water is still lower than that of food, because it is in the south after all.

Apart from anything else, the distance from here to the Yangtze River is only 20 miles. With the current physical fitness of the martial artist, even if he ran to bring a few tons of water over, it would take less than an hour.

If you are digging a canal, you don't have to worry about it.

More than fifty people with supernatural powers can complete it in one day.

"I'm talking about clean water."

Chu Feng pointed to the energy shield in the sky, "I put a dragon ball on it. Well, in short, it is something that can purify water. After the energy shield in the sky receives the water, it can be transmitted down. Wait for me. A dragon ball will also be placed in the pool below. Remember to send someone to defend it in the future."

Even if the water falling in the sky has been purified once, it is not allowed to enter the puddle, and it may face secondary pollution.

Therefore, he has to carry out double protection, so as to ensure that the water he obtains is water that he can drink with confidence.

The problem of water pollution will become more and more serious in the future, and this design is also to solve the problem of drinking water.

It may not be used now, but it will not be guaranteed in the future.

Su Yuan was silent for two minutes before slowly saying: "Actually, when you were ambushing those burning objects, I found them all, but pretended not to see them."

Chu Feng continued to collect soil from the ground, expanding the size of the puddle: "What then?"

Su Yuan said: "I was very strange about those designs, but yesterday you taught me a lesson and found that it was all because of your foresight."

Chu Feng didn't ask this flattery and was moved, instead he lowered his eyes: "What else?"

Su Yuan looked around and found that no one was near them. Then she questioned: "So you are in a place where you don't need to worry about ordinary water resources. You have made so many preparatory measures so long in advance. Because these preparations will also be used in the future?"

The rain in the sky is getting bigger and bigger, slapping on the energy shield, awakening many dreamers.

Facing Su Yuan's question, Chu Feng hesitated for ten seconds before slowly speaking, "Yes."

He did not explain too much, nor did he explain why he could foresee the future, but he was unwilling to make this kind of thing public.

Because he didn't owe anyone an explanation.

There was a trace of sadness in Su Yuan's eyes: "I understand."

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