Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 352: Simple solution

At 10 o'clock in the morning on the second day, the sky gradually brightened.

In the survival base of the Dawn Alliance, there is an extra cistern. Su Yuan explained to the outside that this cistern appeared to prevent the situation like this zombie besieged city.

This explanation did not arouse much suspicion.

Although they had already taken a look at Lingquan, the more similar preparations, the better. Chu Feng couldn't buy so many incinerators in advance, and it had a great effect.

However, people became more worried about the zombies outside.

Gu Nanfei said: "I originally wanted to attract these zombies to several other places, but now it seems that I can't do it."

He originally wanted to use himself as a bait to bring some people to attract the zombies to the other traps arranged by Chu Feng, but now that the rain outside is so heavy, even if the zombies are brought into the trap, the sea of ​​fire is also It won't burn.

Chu Xiaorou's expression was a little complicated, and her heart was even more complicated.

She hopes that these listings outside will be resolved, but she does not want Gu Nanfei to take risks, nor does she want her brother to take risks.

She understands that there is no such thing as the best of both worlds, but she still can't help but worry about it.

In the combat conference room, Huang Xiaoyu leaned back on the back of the chair, with a look of despair: "It seems that the tactics of using fire attack should not work. We can only wait for the rain to stop."

Everyone nodded.

Now it is raining heavily outside, and not only is the strength of the fire-type supernatural beings greatly weakened, even the largest number of warriors will have some restrictions on their strength.

If you go to war with those zombies now, it will be very detrimental to them.

He Chongyin could look at Chu Feng with expectant eyes: "Is there any way for the leader?"

The look of expectation appeared in everyone's eyes, and I don't know when Chu Feng has become a omnipotent pronoun in their eyes.

It seems that as long as he takes the shot, there is nothing that cannot be solved.

Even in this almost unsolvable situation, if it were Chu Feng, there would be no way to solve the problem.

Chu Feng said concisely: "Yes, go out and kill all the zombies."

Everyone was choked by this concise answer.

They didn't expect Chu Feng's answer to be so rough.

Wei Pojun's eyes lit up: "Well said, isn't it just some monsters? Can we still be unable to fight even a group of monsters? Even if it is four to fight one, we can destroy that group of monsters."

Solving problems directly with force is his favorite way of solving.

But this does not mean that others will agree.

Yu Dawen pondered for two seconds, and said: "However, our number of superpowers is still too small. If you want to deal with zombies, it may not have much effect."

If it is in small-scale combat, humans are generally not afraid of zombies.

But in this kind of collective warfare, mankind has been greatly weakened.

Gu Nanfei said: "Although I want to agree with this opinion, what I want to know is, is there any way to reduce casualties?"

He is not a person who is afraid of death, otherwise he would not propose to use himself as bait.

But he even hoped that his death would have a certain value.

"This is not a brainless tactic."

At this time, Su Yuan suddenly said: "It took 12 hours until it rained yesterday afternoon. During these 12 hours, 75% of the energy accumulated in the energy shield was consumed, but seven hours after the rain In an hour, the energy shield consumes less than 12%."

He Chongyin's eyes lit up: "Do you mean that it will weaken the zombies on rainy days? The activity of these zombies is reduced?"

The brilliance of hope appeared in everyone's eyes. If this is the case, then it is definitely good news for them.

Chu Feng added: "If you go to the city wall to take a closer look, you will find that many zombies have already started to leave and start wandering aimlessly. This shows that the monsters who direct these zombies behind will follow the heavy rain. To reduce the control over the corpse group."

Qiu Rong said: "But even if it is, there are probably very few people willing to go out of the city to kill zombies!"

After all, it is a rainstorm. Most people are not willing to go out in a rainstorm, and depending on the thickness of the clouds in the sky, the duration of this rainstorm will never be too short.

Chu Feng said silently: "If you are willing to go out of the city, follow me out of the city. If you don't want to, you will stay, Tian Jing, you can count our people and see how many of them are willing to go out of the city. Of course, if they are not willing, If you fight, you won’t have to follow me in the future."

He was talking about the 195 people who followed him first, who they chose to follow Chu Feng, and Chu Feng gave them enough benefits.

At least they will not be disadvantaged because of weapons.

However, even if they are given favorable conditions, not everyone knows how to cherish them, and some people are not very concerned about training.

Tian Jing nodded and said, "Okay, I'm going now."

With that said, she took Xu Wei and Tao Jinghua and began to count the number of people.

Chu Feng said to Su Yuan: "I will go out of the city to hunt zombies this time. I will not bring too many people. If some of your subordinates want to go out with them, they can be ranked in the second batch. Now you can prepare to meet us with some people. We are in danger, help us cover our retreat."

Su Yuan nodded, expressing understanding.

After that, he said to several deputy leaders: "If someone under your subordinate wants to go out, don't follow me in the same direction, otherwise it is easy to encounter danger and I can't take care of it."

The deputy leaders looked at Chu Feng with complicated eyes.

They suddenly felt a sense of crisis, which was a sense of crisis of their own value.

Their strength is indeed good, and there are many people under their hands, but in the face of danger, the value of all of them combined is not as good as Chu Feng.

If they have lost their value to the alliance, will they become abandoned people?

Will the power lose its value? This was something they couldn't even think of before, but now it has become a real worry.

Chu Feng didn't care about their thoughts, but began to count the number of people.

In the end, of the 195 people who were willing to follow him, only 166 dared to venture out of the city and followed him to kill the zombies, and the rest chose to back down.

For those who flinched, Chu Feng said nothing.

This is their own choice, and they may not have to bear the risk of their lives if they shrink now, but it is up to them to go where they can go in the future.

Surprisingly, all the students under Su Yuyan chose to leave the city.

But this didn't seem to be very strange, because they were originally people who had been fighting with Su Yuyan all the way not long after the beginning of the end times.

Then, among the warriors headed by Wei Pojun, 127 people decided to go out of the city to hunt zombies.

Gu Nanfei only selected 36 people from his subordinates. This was because of Chu Feng's request that it was dangerous not to take too many people out.

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