Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 353: Out of town

"Everyone is a group of 12 people, and they are numbered within the group. If No. 1 dies, stop No. 2 command, and No. 2 will listen to No. 3 command. It is absolutely impossible to have no command."

Chu Feng ordered the members wearing neat raincoats, "Then each team receives its own number plate. This is the number of your team, which is 1 to 26. When I issue an order, it will be released directly. There should be no confusion on the name of each group."

Not all of these 26 teams are reorganized, and some teams have only 11 people.

But this question is harmless. Is it because one person is missing and there is no way to fight?

After a simple organization, more than 300 people in this group walked out of the survival base through the gate.

Of course, before leaving the city, those with bad weapons were replaced by Chu Feng.

Seeing these people wearing raincoats walk out of the survival base, the few deputy leaders who stayed in the survival base glanced at each other, and they all saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

"Are our prices just used to set off?"

He Zhongyin smiled bitterly, "I originally had some thoughts of seizing power, but looking back now, such thoughts are really ridiculous."

Qiu Rong said: "Yes! No matter who wants to seize the power of the leader, the first thing to do is to do the same thing as the leader!"

But is this possible?

Countless members of the Dawn Alliance looked at these warriors wearing raincoats out of the city, and some of them showed a fanatical look in their eyes, and they could not hate that one of the people in the city was theirs.

Others showed a look of jealousy, wondering why they are so courageous, but they don't have the courage to leave the city?

Others have resentment in their eyes.

Why can those people get good weapons? Are they willing to follow Chu Feng?

At this time, an untimely male voice appeared: "Going out now is simply looking for death, you see, those zombies have been besieging them."

Beside this man, a woman with a **** voice said in a sharp tone: "I want to see, how many of these people can come back alive?"

It may be because people are divided into groups, and the people around them also echoed one after another: "It is an idiot to take my life for a good knife."

"Look! These zombies will go away by themselves in a short time."

"These people are probably out of luck."

The people around looked at this group of people with disgusting eyes, while Su Yuan came to a few people with murderous intent, and said every word: "You, here, what are you talking about?"

Seeing the deputy leader's anger, the **** voice woman was not afraid: "What? Did I say wrong? The leader and some supernatural powers are so powerful, why can't they solve these zombies? Why do ordinary people go out and risk their lives? Danger? Isn't this just to harm them?"

"Are you finished?" Su Yuan's eyes gradually turned cold.

The **** shouted the woman: "What? You still want to teach me not for this?"

Before she finished her words, she suddenly found a bloodstain on her neck.

Immediately afterwards, her head appeared in Su Yuan's hands.

Even to death, her face still has a look of disgust.

The long sword in Su Yuan's hand danced, and the few people who didn't know the height of the earth were killed by her almost instantly, and there was no process of begging for mercy.

Seeing Su Yuan's terrifying strength, everyone's eyes showed fear.

They originally thought that Su Yuan could have the status of one person below ten thousand people in the alliance, relying on her own management ability.

But what she didn't expect was that when she killed someone, she would be so clean.

Su Yuan threw the woman’s head on the ground, and said to the silent people who were afraid to speak: “These zombies outside threaten each of us’s lives. Now the leader takes people out, whether for For whatever reason, they are all protecting everyone in the alliance."

There was a look of shame in everyone's eyes.

Perhaps it was Chu Feng's performance yesterday that made them fear Chu Feng in their hearts.

But anyway, everything this terrible man did was to protect them.

Su Yuan continued: "So you think the people I killed just now, they just said a few words, they shouldn't be sentenced to death, but in my eyes, what they did is Insult those who spare their lives to protect everyone."

The look of shame in the eyes of everyone is more.

Those people who went out to hunt zombies, they are taking the risk of using their lives to make a **** path for everyone, but they let these people insult those heroes.

Do they still deserve to be called people in this way?

He Chongyin said: "Maybe in the old era of peace, heroes shed blood and tears, but now the social order in the past has collapsed, and a new order is being established. If anyone dares to protect everyone To speak insultingly, or to insult and despise them in any form, there is only one way we execute, and that is capital crime."

Qiu Rong also stood up: "No one can insult a hero in front of us without paying the price of blood."

Yu Dawen and Huang Xiaoyu also began to state: "We agree with Su Yuan's approach."

Chu Feng was unaware of the first small disturbance in the league.

Of course, even if he goes back, there is only one way to deal with those people, and that is the death penalty.

There is no room for relaxation, nor will they have any chance to argue.

We can understand to shrink back when facing danger, but this is not your wanton insults and curses for those brave enough to face the enemy.

Even those who are fighting are not fighting to protect you, but since you have accepted their favor, you must not make any insult to them.

Maybe such people say this kind of words just to cover up their inner cowardice, and there is not much malice, but the impact they cause is very bad.

If these people are allowed to spread their speeches, then fewer and fewer people are willing to fight the enemy when facing danger, because they are unwilling to be poked in the back when facing others without their chests.

The meaning of their existence is to hurt others and disgust others.

After leaving the survival base, countless zombies threw their teeth and claws toward the crowd.

Gu Nanfei breathed a sigh of relief: "Only zombies within 30 meters will attack us. It seems that the impact of this rain on zombies is not small."

Su Yuyan under the raincoat also breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes! Maybe, we can really kill these zombies."

Chu Feng nodded, and then his order came out from everyone's tokens: "One group to five groups, start to the left front, six groups to ten groups, go straight ahead to the right, remember to support each other, ten One to fifteen groups, set out in the direction straight ahead, and the rest are behind us."

Although he was surprised why Chu Feng's voice came from the token, everyone strictly followed Chu Feng's order.

Then, Chu Feng's eyes fell on a monster with tentacles not far away.

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