Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 354: Tentacle Jue

"The Tentacle Corpse Lord!"

When the soldiers of Jinling Biology were preparing to escape, Chu Feng saw the scene of the tentacle corpse jue taking action on the wall.

The cart carrying more than twenty people was so easily lifted by the tentacle corpse, and then fell heavily to the ground, and the people in it became food for the zombies.

Of course Chu Feng couldn't sympathize with the soldiers of Jinling creatures, he was just afraid of the tentacle corpse.

The tentacle corpse has three abilities. The first is two tentacles, or more. These two tentacles have powerful strength and are very flexible. They can easily find the flaws in the armor and launch attacks from the gaps. It's hard to guard against.

The second ability is to command zombies.

However, it is raining weather now, and there are not many zombies that Tentacle Zombie can command, and even many zombies have already left after leaving the command.

The third ability is regeneration.

The tentacle corpse has a powerful regeneration ability, not only can make the tentacles quickly regenerate, but can even transfer their life core into the body of the same after killing a similar species.

In less than three seconds, its kind will become a new tentacle corpse.

It is precisely because of this characteristic that Tentacle Zombie has become very daunting.

More importantly, the tentacle corpses are gathered in groups.

It is precisely because of the above characteristics that even in later generations, some weak Demon Hunter squads are walking around when they see the Tentacle Corpse Lord.

"Teacher Su, have you seen the tentacle corpse in the distance?"

Han Chen pointed at the tentacle corpse not far away with a short sword, and then pointed at another place, where it looked like an ordinary zombie, but in fact its tentacles were hidden on his waist.

"There are two tentacle corpses there, and the tentacle corpses have the ability to regenerate repeatedly, so if you want to kill it, you must also kill the surrounding tentacles.

Moreover, the tentacles of the tentacle corpse are very powerful. It only takes one move to kill the third-order martial artist, even if it is defenseless, it is impossible for ordinary people to go up and die.

Later, I will take someone to cut off the contact between the Tentacle Zombie and the outside group of zombies, but the fatal blow to the Tentacle Zombie will trouble Teacher Su, Gu Nanfei, you are responsible for preventing accidents and protecting Teacher Su as much as possible. To be safe, and to protect these people as much as possible. "

Chu Feng didn't care about other people's lives, but he was still good to his own people.

Even if it was someone like Huang Tianhua, Chu Feng would tolerate him until he violated the bottom line.

Therefore, each of these people who are about to become his direct line is a very valuable combat power. The casualties of any one person will weaken his future strength.

Gu Nanfei nodded: "I understand."

Although he is a warrior, his comprehensiveness is second only to Chu Feng. If he wants to save people in team combat, he is the best choice.

The warrior is weak in the face of the superpowers of the same level, but he can cross a large-scale existence by himself.

After getting the Chiyan Sword, his strength has improved rapidly.

Therefore, in today's Dawn Alliance, his strength is second only to Chu Feng.

And the reason why he didn't break through the fifth rank was not because of his lack of talent, but because he had been comprehending the profound meaning of every small realm, and was opening up a path of warriors for sentient beings and reducing the risk of warrior cultivation.

Su Yuyan also nodded: "I will kill the tentacle corpse as much as possible."

After she established contact with Yin Xuejian, her strength has also been greatly improved, and she even feels that she is only a thin line away from Tier 5.

It's just that she hasn't had a chance to participate in the battle these days, and she hasn't made a breakthrough.

Chu Feng nodded: "The tentacles of the tentacle corpse can regenerate, you must be careful."

As he said, he ordered the team behind him: "The 16th to the 26th teams, all follow me. Be careful not to fall behind."

After giving the order, Chu Feng quickly rushed towards the front left.

The members of the team did not dare to neglect, and immediately followed forward.

In the process of advancing, Chu Feng kept pointing through the token:

"Each team of 12 people is divided into 4 groups, with three people in each group standing in front, back, left, and right positions. When encountering a powerful zombie, the three in the middle retreat, and the three in the back row follow up and work together to deal with it. With the attack of a powerful enemy, the six people from the left and the right immediately moved forward and reached the enemy's rear left and right at the fastest speed, so that they could form a triangle formation with the fastest speed."

Chu Feng's token was communicated to each team's ears. After hearing Chu Feng's words, those teams immediately began to adjust their formation.

No one is smart about this, thinking that Chu Feng's words are not credible.

In fact, in this dangerous environment, as long as someone speaks with enough confidence, it can immediately arouse the conviction of many people.

Because when others have no masters, it is the easiest to gather others' minds.

Therefore, since this was Chu Feng's guidance, of course they were like a treasure.

Even those who have just joined, don't have a high sense of identification with Chu Feng, and they completely obeyed orders at this moment.

Because they know that they are outsiders, if they suddenly jump up at this time, then no one in the team can accommodate them.

Just as Chu Feng was leading people on a detour, a member of Team 1 suddenly slipped and fell to the ground.

It is a rainstorm and it is normal to slip on the ground.

But when he slipped and fell, he suddenly saw a pair of pale eyes.

This is when they were just fighting, they were chopped to the ground, but there were no zombies completely dead.


A scream came and the first injured person appeared.

Looking at the scarlet blood on the ground, the team was rioting.

"Help him."

"Any zombie serum?"

"No, he was bitten in the neck, it's no longer saved."

Zombie serum is not omnipotent. If it is directly bitten in the aorta, or close to the head, the loss will quickly invade the brain.

Such a person has no possibility of being rescued.

Su Yuyan hurriedly shouted: "Don't bend down to help, hurry up and be prepared for attacks by the surrounding zombies."

However, it was too late for her to remind. Just when a person reached out his hand to instinctively pull up the injured teammate, a short zombie less than one meter tall suddenly fell on his body, his thin limbs tightly hugged him. On the man's upper body, the sharp teeth bit his neck.


A violent scream came and the team was in chaos.

Su Yuyan was about to step forward, Gu Nanfei held her shoulders: "I'll go."

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