Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 356: Su Yuyan, break the boundary

Since you want to cultivate your own team, complete fairness is absolutely undesirable.

Treating everyone fairly will make most people unbalanced.

However, if it is unfair, it will make more people unbalanced.

Therefore, the best way is actually to give everyone a fair chance to let everyone fight. Will anyone still dare not accept the result of such a fight?

Now the 12 people around Chu Feng are the training targets that Chu Feng has selected.

Among other things, the light armor cast on their bodies with the blue magic gold represented Chu Feng's attitude towards training.

The blue magic gold is flexible and cannot be used for casting sharp weapons. Even if it is used as armor, it is not suitable, but it can be used to make mechanical arms.

Chu Feng has not yet mastered such high-end technology, but it is still possible to make some soft armor.

Flexibility means softness and toughness. This also means that after being made into soft armor and worn on the body, it does not affect people's body too much, and basically does not affect movement much. In addition, people's physical fitness has also been generally improved. , With only 12 kilograms of the blue magic gold soft armor, for them they also wore a key piece of clothing.

The mere 12 kg load is nothing to them.

Moreover, Youlan Mojin is very tough, but it prevents attacks from most sharp weapons, even if it is hit by a bullet, it can evenly unload the strength on the muscles of the body.

Therefore, the blue magic gold is the best battle armor in the wild, even more popular than chain armor.

Now, all 12 people are wearing neat blue magic gold armor, holding a mountain knife, or two-handed sword, all of which are heavy weapons.

It's not that Chu Feng wants to train them to develop in the direction of heavy weapons, but they are all people with relatively high fighting talents, or people who are not afraid of death. This kind of fighting method is more suitable.

When they passed this test, of course Chu Feng would tailor them with more suitable weapons.

Now, following Chu Feng's order, the team began to show its fangs.


A Tier 4 zombie that was able to make ordinary abilities detour, was split with a long-handled great axe, and the body of steel seemed to be like tofu, without the slightest obstacle.

Wei Pojun slapped the giant axe in his hand, showing a satisfied look: "This is the weapon I have always wanted, and the leader of Chu is indeed the leader of Chu."

Chu Feng said to Wei Pojun: "Then the battle here will bother you."

Wei Pojun patted his strong chest: "Wrap it on me."

He belonged to the kind of person who was born with supernatural power and was born good at fighting. For him, such a wide-ranging killing was the most in line with his heart.

Moreover, Chu Feng just gave him a handy weapon, which was able to fully display the advantages of his natural divine power, and made him a little grateful.

Then, under the leadership of Wei Pojun and the team, the nearby zombies continued to decrease.

If in normal times, they kill the zombies by such a large margin, it will definitely arouse the vigilance of the nearby zombies, and then the smell of blood will draw all the zombies in their direction.

However, now it is rainy weather, and the zombies in the distance can't smell it at all.

Although there are some zombies that can observe the outside world through their eyes, they can judge whether the enemy is their own for the time being, and they still use the sense of smell.

So even if the zombies in the distance saw them, they couldn't tell the enemy or the friendly army.

After fighting like this for 10 minutes, the nearby zombies had been wiped out, forming a vacuum zone. One third of the zombies were killed by Chu Feng's core team.

With the blue magic golden soft armor, they don't need to worry about defense at all, they just need to keep attacking.

Watching the encirclement continue to take shape, Chu Feng issued an order to Su Yuyan:

"Get started!"

Su Yuyan received the order, and sprinted forward with a stride, a half-moon-shaped sword gas swept across, and a dozen zombies' heads flew away.

Her eyes did not fall on these miscellaneous soldiers for a moment, but stared at the tentacle corpse.

"Success! Extremely slashed!"

Su Yuyan waved a sharp cone-shaped sword gas forward, and several zombies along the way were cut into two halves on the spot, exposing the tentacle corpse to Su Yuyan's eyes.

As if sensing the threat of Su Yuyan, the tentacle Ziejue immediately responded. Two tentacles stretched out towards Su Yuyan, with sharp blades on the top of the tentacles, as if they could cut everything.

However, when these tentacles approached Su Yuyan, a sword gas passed through, and the two tentacles withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is the ability of the blood-drinking sword, blood-drinking!

The initial function of the blood-drinking sword was only to absorb the energy and blood of the enemy, making itself stronger, but in Su Yuyan's hands, the blood-drinking function became stronger.

It can even absorb the energy and blood of the enemy in a short period of time during battle.

However, because the actual contact time is too short, this requires very precise judgment. Su Yuyan also mastered this trick after a long time of practice with a good natural talent.

Seeing that his tentacles were constantly withering, even approaching his own body, there was a slight panic in the eyes of the tentacle Shijue.

Then, it backed two steps, and at the same time, several zombies stopped Su Yuyan on the way forward.

"Don't get in the way!"

Su Yuyan screamed, and the white sword light waved from her hand, and several zombies in the way were immediately taken away by her blood-drinking sword.

The tentacle corpse still needs to retreat, but it is too late. Su Yuyan has come to his side with lightning speed, and a sword pierced its eyebrows.

"No, it's fake."

At the moment of contact, Su Yuyan did not feel the strong vitality of the other party as Tier 5, but felt that the other party seemed a little weak.

How could a Tier 5 zombie be so weak?

At this moment, the hands of a zombie five meters away suddenly turned into tentacles.

"This is what Chu Feng said. If you want to kill the tentacle corpse, you have to kill the zombies next to him, right?"

Su Yuyan has a clear understanding, but she is also a master of many battles. When she was in school, she had faced even more terrifying ghost crows.

And her method of breaking the game in this situation is also very simple, just kill all the zombies.

The tentacle corpse had just been reborn, before he had time to adapt to the new corpse, a sharp sword light swept across, and then a suction force penetrated the tentacle corpse's life core.

People who are fast, let it even have no plan to transfer the core of their lives.

After killing a tentacle corpse, Su Yuyan exploded with sharp white sword aura, and a powerful aura erupted from her.

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