Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 357: Thousand Hands Corpse Jue

After feeling the vitality fluctuations on Su Yuyan's body almost materialized, everyone was shocked.

Without any reminder, they all knew that Su Yuyan had broken through.

Originally, Su Yuyan was only one step away from Tier 5, and just after killing Tier 5 zombies like Tentacle Shijue, coupled with the role of the Blood Drinking Sword, her strength gained a breakthrough.

After Su Yuyan felt the abundant vitality in his body, she couldn't help but shook her left hand.

"No, there is no time to adapt slowly now."

If there are no enemies now, then Su Yuyan can slowly adapt to the new power, but just now Chu Feng reminded her that it was two tentacle corpses.

The second tentacle corpse did not show its tentacles, as if it were an ordinary zombie.

But since Chu Feng specifically reminded him, Su Yuyan would not doubt it.

She knew Chu Feng, and his understanding of various monsters was better than anyone else.

Just when she was about to kill the second tentacle corpse jue, Chu Feng's voice suddenly came: "Be careful behind you."

Su Yuyan instinctively turned around with a sword and cut off the two tentacles on the spot.

At this time, her originally intended goal has become a corpse.

"It actually sacrificed its original body when I just broke through, and directly transferred it to other zombies with the ability to regenerate!"

Su Yuyan was startled. If she hadn't reminded Chu Feng just now, she would have been injured now.

A cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes. Tier 5 zombies can possess wisdom, but there is still a gap between the activation of spiritual wisdom and true wisdom.

Under normal circumstances, the tentacle corpse will only choose to transfer the core of life and swallow the new body when it is killed.

This has an advantage, that is, in a group battle, you can effectively protect your life, unless you kill the entire group, otherwise you will not be killed.

This method also has a weakness, that is, if you encounter an opponent like Su Yuyan, many times you will die before you have time to transfer the core of your life.

However, abandoning the original body when there is no life-threatening danger, just to catch the opponent's flaws, such an opponent would be too decisive.

Even if it is a man who has experienced many battles, not everyone can break his arm.

"over there!"

Although she was a little surprised at the sneak attack by Tentacle Zoe Jue, Su Yuyan was not afraid, she quickly shuttled among the corpses and aimed at the new corpse of Tentacle Zoe Jue.

After the two tentacles were cut off, the tentacles quickly regenerated the tentacles, but this time the shot did not directly attack Su Yuyan, but directly pierced the heads of the two zombies.

Zombies can also cannibalize one another, especially mutant zombies, some even feed on zombies.

The tentacle corpse can speed up its recovery and regeneration by sacrificing the same kind, or as its own brand new carrier.

"which one?"

Su Yuyan's speed slowed down again, and she didn't expect this tentacle corpse jue to be so cunning, to be able to use such a tactic so quickly.

Now the tentacle corpse man once again abandoned his body and chose one of the two zombies to parasitize, but Su Yuyan didn't have much time to judge which one it was.

If she chooses the wrong target, she may be injured.

At this moment, Su Yuyan's eyes suddenly projected fine light, and she felt a subtle connection between herself and the Blood Drinking Sword.

There was a faint feeling of bloodthirsty from the blood-drinking sword, and the bloodthirsty object was the tentacle corpse himself.

Feeling the will to drink the blood sword, Su Yuyan's eyes lit up.

"Yeah! Who said that if the tentacle corpse stretched out, it must be moving? The body of the tentacle corpse just turned into a mummy, which means that when the tentacle corpse is transferred, the original corpse power will fade. If this is the case, then it means that the tentacle corpse noble has not transferred at all!"

Thinking of this, Su Yuyan couldn't help feeling a little afraid.

On the way to the southern capital, she didn't know how many zombies had fought. For her, the threat of zombies was far less than that of mutant creatures or humans.

However, she now discovered that the wisdom of the original zombie should not be underestimated!

"Unfortunately, you met me!"

After Su Yuyan broke through Tier 5, although he hadn't had time to adapt to his strength, his strength and speed had risen a lot.

Her figure shuttled in the heavy rain, piercing the body of the tentacle corpse quickly.

Feeling the power of blood and blood from the body of the tentacle corpse, Su Yuyan's mouth showed a smile, she was right, the target of this attack was right...


A sword light composed of vitality passed by Su Yuyan.

Su Yuyan turned her head and looked over and found that the two tentacles were cut directly by this sword qi, and the one holding the short sword and severing the two tentacles was surprisingly Chu Feng.

"Chu Feng, no, why are there still tentacles?"

Su Yuyan only felt that her forehead seemed to ooze fine cold sweat. What she didn't expect was that after she confirmed that the target of the attack was correct, she was almost attacked.

Chu Feng's tone was chilly and self-blaming: "It was my fault. I didn't expect it to be a Thousand-Hand Corpse Jue."

Although the tentacle corpse jue is also a more difficult opponent, but in the stormy weather, the tentacle corpse jue's threat has dropped by more than one level.

However, if it were Thousand Hands Corpse Jue, it would be different.

Thousand-Hand Corpse Jue does not really have 1,000 tentacles, but a variant direction of Tentacle Corpse Jue, which can continuously produce tentacles by drawing power.

But the number of tentacles is second. More importantly, Thousand-Hand Corpse Lord can directly turn other zombies into his own puppets, but if his own deity is beheaded, one of those puppets will become himself. The real deity.

Chu Feng didn't expect that a monster like Thousand-Hand Corpse Jue would have been born at this time.

Thousand-handed corpse jue is even more difficult to kill than tentacle corpse jue, and even a thousand-handed corpse jue with hundreds of zombies has the possibility of breaking a survival base.

Even if it is the Dawn Alliance, if it is facing a monster like Thousand-Hand Zombie Jue, it will be greatly injured, and Thousand-Hand Zombie Jue can escape calmly.

"Why is there a rare Thousand-Handed Corpse Jue born here? There are certain conditions for the birth of a Thousand-Hand Corpse Jue. It is impossible to appear for no reason. What has changed?"

There were some doubts in Chu Feng's heart, making him put these doubts behind him in an instant.

No matter why Thousand Hands Corpse Lord appeared during this time period, the most important thing for him should be to solve this big threat, otherwise, the entire Dawn Alliance would be in danger.

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