Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 359: Usage of sacrifice

A monster that only knows cannibalism, and a monster that can save itself and then continue to eat people, the threats of the two are not at the same level for humans.

The Thousand-Handed Corpse Jue just now used the head of the zombie as if it was throwing a shot and projected it toward the periphery. This was not originally a blinding method, because if Chu Feng didn’t intercept it, it might have been thrown out just like a shot. The body of Thousand Hands Corpse Jue is now.

Such terrible tactical instincts, if they continue to grow, will be a nightmare for mankind.

Although Chu Feng didn't have any big ambitions for the country and the people, since he was a member of mankind, he was always threatened by zombies.

If this monster is allowed to live, it will definitely become a confidant of the Dawn Alliance in the future.

The Dawn Alliance is gone, what else does he rely on to protect the people around him?

"It must be killed!"

Among the three threats of insects, beasts, and zombies, the most threatening to humans is zombies, because the biggest desire of insects and beasts is to satisfy their appetites. No matter how fierce they are, they will rarely abuse after eating Kill the innocent.

But zombies are different. There is no restriction on the evolution of zombies. As long as they continue to devour lives, even as long as they continuously absorb the vitality between heaven and earth, then zombies can continue to be strengthened.

If it's those iron-headed babies, that's fine. As the saying goes, the more powerful a zombie is, the more likely it is to be killed by humans.

Even if some zombies give birth to spiritual wisdom, they are rarely human opponents.

After all, human wisdom has gone through tens of thousands of years of evolution, and the crystallization of human wisdom has also been thousands of years. How could a zombie that has just turned on its wisdom be a human opponent?

But just as there are some geniuses among humans who have completed all their studies at the age of twelve or thirteen, there are also geniuses among zombies.

This Thousand-Hand Corpse Jue is such a genius.

Now the arrival of the end of the world can grow into a thousand-handed corpse noble after only one month. If such a genius has enough time to grow, the consequences will be disastrous.

"kill him!"

Seeing that their teammates were killed, the alliance members around them immediately responded instinctively, wanting to kill the monster that killed their teammates.

However, the sword in their hands had not yet landed on the monster, and the two tentacles had easily penetrated the throats of the two people.


Seeing the members of the alliance die one by one, Su Yuyan's eyes turned red. The most difficult thing for her to accept was the death of people around her, especially when she saw her students become zombies and attacked her original classmates. She swore in her heart that she would not let this happen again in front of her own eyes.

Seeing Su Yuyan rushing towards him, Thousand-Hand Corpse Jue immediately stretched out his tentacles... and stretched out towards the outside.

It is very clear that he is not yet an opponent of Su Yuyan, who has reached the fifth rank. Now escape is its only way to survive. Only by living can there be a future.

At this time, the eyes of the three killed members also began to turn white, and they attacked Su Yuyan.

"Be sure to kill you!"

Su Yuyan's eyes were red, and she mercilessly beheaded several members who had been transformed into corpses, and then continued to pursue and kill the Tentacle Corpse Lord regardless.

However, the tentacle corpse did not stay at all. It stretched out its tentacles and wrapped it around a stone, then cut off half of its body, and with the weight of the stone, it threw its upper body away and entered a group of zombies. among.

Seeing this scene, Su Yuyan's eyes were a little desperate.

Didn't you expect to let it escape?

However, her eyes regained firmness in just an instant.

Since it can be reborn with the help of zombies and can continue to parasitize, it is enough to kill all the zombies here. As long as they are all killed, can it still live?

Just as she was about to continue her attack, stone pillars suddenly rose on the ground.

These stone pillars are like prison cages, surrounding Thousand Hands Corpse Jue and the dozens of zombies around him, and a layer of invisible power also appeared between these rising stone pillars.

"You can't escape."

Chu Feng came to the stone pillar cage, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. It was this monster who killed several of his subordinates and suffered a huge loss.

However, it is not so easy to kill Thousand Hand Corpse Jue completely.

He wasn't sure whether there was a clone of Thousand-Hand Zombie Jue, and whether the Thousand-Hand Zombie Jue who was escaping in front of him was the only deity.

After all, with the cunningness of this Thousand Hand Corpse Lord, this kind of thing is completely possible.

However, Chu Feng, who had experienced ten years in the apocalypse, knew the weakness of Thousand-Hand Corpse Jue very well.

Although there are many methods that cannot be used, there is exactly one method that can still be used.

A few insect feathers appeared in Chu Feng's hand, which easily took the lives of a few zombies like a flying knife, and soon there was only one zombie left in the dungeon cage.

Su Yuyan was about to do it, but was stopped by Chu Feng: "Wait a minute, I want to make sure I can kill it."

Su Yuyan was a little surprised, but she had always trusted Chu Feng, so she retracted the sword, but still made a defensive action. If Thousand-Hand Corpse Jue had something unusual, then she would directly do it.

With a swipe of the short sword in Chu Feng's hand, he cut off the lower body of the parasitic object of the Thousand-Handed Corpse Lord, leaving only the head capable of sustaining life.

Then, a colorful formation appeared beside Thousand Hand Corpse Jue's parasitic object.

This is the sacrifice circle.

Thousand-handed Corpse Jue who was trapped in the sacrificial circle let out a stern roar, but such a stern roar could not be anyone's sympathy.

The Virgin, who even sympathized with zombies, had already been eliminated.

Even humans can't tolerate such a fool.

Chu Feng took out a clean red dagger and slashed it on his left hand. The blood left behind the heavy rain and entered the circle.

[Soul Eater wandering in the Nether Sea, in the name of the ancient contract, I call for your coming. 】

The sacrificial circle was running, and a black monster, like a mouse, emerged from the circle, and then one after another monster appeared, gnawing the Thousand-Hand Corpse Jue clean.

However, these black mice did not stop, but rushed towards a killed alliance member.

The members of the alliance were about to stop, Chu Feng hurriedly shouted: "Hurry and stop, the Soul Eater is looking for the breath of Thousand-Hand Corpse Lord, and he has been parasitized."

Chu Feng had absolute prestige in the Dawn Alliance. Following his stern shout, the members of the Dawn Alliance stopped and watched the black mouse lying on his companion.

At this moment, the killed man suddenly opened his eyes.

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