Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 360: why is it you again?

Seeing the dead companion opened his eyes, the surrounding teammates immediately began to guard.

They know that in today's age, death and resurrection is not a good thing.

But soon they found that they were worrying too much. Under the gnawing of a few black mice, their companions quickly lost their breath.

Moreover, these black mice didn't seem to have any intention of eating the corpse. After killing the enemy, they returned to Chu Feng's side.

Chu Feng explained to the people who were puzzled: "They are called Soul Eater. They use souls as food. Of course, it can also be said that they use vitality as food. Don't worry."

In situations where many methods are unavailable, using Soul Eater to deal with Thousand Hand Corpse Lord is indeed the best way to deal with it.

The members of the Dawn Alliance put down their guard, and at the same time began to marvel at Chu Feng's methods.

They have also seen awesome characters. Experts who are good at fighting are also the objects of their admiration, but they have never seen a second person like Chu Feng.

Especially those members who have just joined the alliance, seeing Chu Feng's methods, are even more amazed.

They also feel very grateful that they have the opportunity to follow such a strong man.

After all, it is human instinct for the weak to obey the strong. If they submit directly with their fists, it will directly ruin the possibility of them becoming strong in the future, but by allowing them to identify with themselves from the heart, they will be able to follow their path. It will last longer.

However, now is not the time to celebrate.

"Don't froze, everyone, kill these zombies as quickly as possible, kill as many as you can, wait until the zombies are scattered, and then take the crystal core."

Chu Feng was giving the order, and suddenly saw Su Yuyan making a wary gesture towards him.

No, Su Yuyan will not watch out for me, what she has to watch out for is behind me!

Chu Feng's thoughts turned sharply, and then swept behind him with his mental power. He suddenly discovered that his summoning circle hadn't stopped.

Then, a thick fog appeared, and a giant with three heads appeared in everyone's field of vision.

There was a huge aura from this monster, which made many people shudder and couldn't help making defensive movements.

However, more people can't even do the defensive actions. It is simply a two-part battle.

Gu Nanfei also squeezed the Chiyan Sword in his hand, not knowing whether it was rain or sweat dripping from his forehead.

Seeing Chu Feng's shock just now, he knew that this call should be an accident.

Just looking at the appearance, people couldn't help feeling the aura of destruction.

"why is it you again?"

Chu Feng blurted out.

Hearing what Chu Feng said, everyone was a little surprised. Could it be that the leader knows this monster?

The faces of Su Yuyan and Lu Ming also showed weird looks. When Chu Feng showed the summoning ceremony in front of them last time, he was disrupted by this stuff.

Now it seems that this is really a narrow road to Yuanjia!

The three-headed **** dog shouted loudly: "I should have asked you this sentence. You summoned the prey I had hunted for three days. What do you want me to eat and what to eat?"

Chu Feng touched his nose awkwardly: "Ahem, I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence, a coincidence, but then again, as a three-headed dog from hell, why did you go back to the Nether Sea?"

In fact, this incident is not a coincidence.

According to what he said when the Hell Three-Headed Dog was summoned by him last time, the "seal of loyalty" on its body was transferred to itself.

When he held the summoning ritual to summon **** creatures, he would instinctively be kind to the targets he had already marked.

Although there are many soul-eaters in hell, if Chu Feng wants to summon, there is a probability of more than 80% that he will start searching for the summoned object from the mark of his existence in hell.

Although he did not feel the existence of this mark, it is unlikely that the three-headed **** dog would lie about this kind of thing.

The Hell Three-Headed Dog did not explain why he was chasing the Soul Eater. Instead, he looked at the Soul Eater that had run out of sight, and shouted to Chu Feng: "You took my food. I will compensate."

Chu Feng thought for a while, then took out a few fish from Yuan Mansion and threw them to the three-headed dog.

These are all he fished in the Yangtze River. Each fish is at least one meter long and full of vitality. Of course, he did not take out the Qingjiang sturgeon.

If you take out the best things all at once, it will be difficult to satisfy the three-headed dog in the future.

The three-headed **** dog opened his mouth and swallowed all these fish into his stomach, and then smiled contentedly: "The food in the human world is more delicious. Compared with the seriously polluted food, the human world The food of the world is simply a precious delicacy."

Hearing it, Chu Feng's eyes lit up.

The so-called summoning ceremony is to take life as a sacrifice, and then conduct equivalent exchange or labor under the witness of the **** contract.

But the principle of this calling is essentially the **** creature's desire for food in the human world.

Then, one after another thoughts began to emerge in his mind.

After eating the food, the three-headed **** dog opened his mouth and just wanted to speak, but human embarrassment appeared on his face.

Facing this three-headed dog who couldn't even hide his expression, Chu Feng quickly guessed his thoughts: he wanted more food, but he was embarrassed to speak.

The three-headed dog rolled his eyes, looked at the group of zombies around, and said to Chu Feng: "Human, since you have got the mark of my wholehearted loyalty, then you have fate with me, as long as you give five times the amount just now. No, ten times the food just now, these contaminated monsters, I will help you solve it."

Chu Feng agreed without hesitation: "Okay, but you only need to help me solve the fourth and higher ranks inside. I want to train my army for the rest."

"Deal!" The Hell Three-Headed Dog immediately agreed.

After agreeing, the three-headed **** dog spit out black flames with three big mouths, and the black flame giant directly ignored the influence of the rainstorm and burned a group of ways directly to ashes.

Anyway, Chu Feng just said to kill Tier 4 zombies. When killing Tier 4 zombies, it should be nothing to solve some ordinary monsters easily!

Next, the three-headed **** dog continued to spit black flames, burning high-level zombies to death, and in less than a minute, the zombie group was reduced by a third.

"Next, it's up to you to pay your sacrifice." The three-headed dog from the **** fixed his eyes on Chu Feng with six lanterns.

Chu Feng did not hesitate to take out enough food from Yuan Mansion and hand it to the three-headed dog of hell, and then ordered the alliance members: "Hurry up and kill the remaining zombies."

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