Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 362: The curse of the family

Chu Feng has always been not the kind of person who can speak very well. Even if he gathers the hearts of the entire Dawn Alliance with his speech, it is not the level of his speech that really matters, but the content of his speech.

When people are in desperation, even if they stretch out a hand, they will gain infinite gratitude.

After discovering that he could not persuade the Hell Three-Headed Dog by deception, Chu Feng simply gave up the idea and went straight to a showdown.

What's more, his thoughts are not sour grapes.

Although the Hell Three-Headed Dog is powerful, it is only a sixth-order.

Although it can exert the power of Tier 7 for a short time, it is not lasting.

Chu Feng now has no shortage of resources and crystal nuclei, and it is only a matter of time before he reaches the fifth rank.

After he reached the fifth rank, he could condense the seeds of supernatural power. At that time, he was allowed to gallop for the first six months of the entire earth, and no one could stop him.

According to the memories of previous lives, the Thunder Corpse Dragon also undergoes an essential transformation after reaching the fifth rank.

After he understands the gate of life and death, he can also catalyze this process.

Therefore, if the Hell Three-Headed Dog is loyal, only the period before his breakthrough will be useful to him. When he and the Thunder Corpse Dragon both reach Tier 5, a Hell Three-Headed Dog will be tasteless to him. .

At this time, Zhang Ziqing also came to Chu Feng's side and saw the three-headed dog of hell.

"Why are you again? This time another accident?"

While speaking, Zhang Ziqing looked at Chu Feng with suspicion.

This is already the second accident!

The three-headed **** dog glanced at Zhang Ziqing, the big lantern-like eyes showed a complicated expression: "So it's so, no wonder it's such a coincidence."

One of the functions of the gate of **** is to expand the entrance to the passage of hell.

The normal situation is small, Chu Feng's Tier 4 summoning circle cannot summon monsters beyond the level, because here is not far from Zhang Ziqing, and this can accommodate the three-headed dog from hell.

Chu Feng also became a little more straightforward: "You haven't stated your terms yet! You have to think clearly, the only chance to negotiate terms with me is this time."

What is not said later is that after missing this time, there is no room for it to negotiate terms.

The three-headed dog of **** pondered for a moment, and then the huge body protruded out of dense fog, revealing gray-brown hair and some black rotting skin, and even dense bones could be seen in some places.

"Our three-headed dog clan of the **** is the guardian of the gates of the underworld. Twenty thousand years ago, someone stole the authority of the underworld, and all our ancestors died in battle.

In order to punish us, the Lord of the Underworld deprived us of our status as the guardian of the Underworld Gate. The curse imposed on our blood has sealed the power of our family. Those enemies who have been offended by us have come to the door. Almost annihilated us. "

Zhang Ziqing looked unbearable: "Curse the blood? This is too cruel!"

All the ancestors of the three-headed dog family of **** died in battle, which means they have done their best.

However, it is too much to impose punishment on them.

In her heart, she had no affection for the so-called Lord of the Underworld.

"You little girl, what qualifications do you have to evaluate the Lord of the Underworld?"

The three-headed dog of **** suddenly became irritable, as if the lord of the underworld was an indesectable existence.

"If you make a mistake, you must be punished. Failure to do your duty is the biggest mistake. If we don't accept the punishment, what will His Majesty the Lord of the Underworld use to maintain the balance between life and death?"

Zhang Ziqing is a little upset, helping you to speak, are you still angry?

Chu Feng stopped Zhang Ziqing: "The moral values ​​and values ​​of both of us are different. There is no need to force our moral values ​​on them."

For those high-level matters, there are not many records in the ancient books that Chu Feng obtained.

However, he knew that the Lord of the Underworld was an extremely fair existence, and had never made an unfair ruling because of his own preferences.

Since the three-headed dog family of **** suffered such punishment, it shows that they really should accept it.

Although it looks a bit ruthless, human affection cannot be greater than law.

The three-headed dog family of **** has no complaints about punishment, also because of the fairness and justice of the Lord of the Underworld.

"So, what do you mean by saying this?"

Chu Feng already had some real expectations for the three-headed dog family in hell.

The three-headed dog family of **** has a great reputation in **** now, but it turned out to be in a sealed state, then what is the state of prosperity like?

"We have no complaints about the punishment of the Lord of the Underworld, but we only want an opportunity to regain the glory of our ancestors. Unfortunately, we who have been cursed have lost even such an opportunity. Until the appearance of the master, the endangered The three-headed dog family of **** has renewed hope."

The three-headed dog of **** was full of hope, and seemed to admire the owner very much.

"He sealed our curse, planned a territory for us in hell, a place for us to rest and rest, and a chance for us to regain strength.

From that time on, our family of three-headed dogs in **** decided to be loyal to the owner forever. "

Listening to the words of the three-headed dog clan of the hell, Chu Feng also put aside his contempt for the three-headed dog clan of the hell.

Su Yuyan, Gu Nanfei and others also have some admiration for them.

No matter what the situation is, people always admire those who swear to the bottom line.

If this three-headed **** dog is true, then the three-headed **** dog family is really a family worthy of admiration.

They don't feel resentment for the punishment for making mistakes, they just want to make up for it.

The reason why they are loyal to the "master" is also because their master gave them a chance to regain their glory?

"In that case, why is your curse still there? Could it be that the master you mentioned can't completely eradicate your curse?" Chu Feng asked.

When he asked this question, he had already guessed in his heart.

But if the three-headed **** dog asks him to come and get rid of the curse directly, then he might not be able to do it either.

How could he do something that even the horror being left behind did not do?

Even if he surpasses that existence one day, it will be a long time later.

Sure enough, the three-headed **** dog had a sad tone:

"The master hasn't shown up for 1,000 years, and now even his loyalty mark has fallen on you, I'm afraid the master has encountered an accident.

But the master didn't help us to lift the curse, not because the master couldn't do it, but because we were unwilling to lift the curse in this way. "

Are you unwilling?

Wouldn't it be possible to lift the curse of the endangered race?

Everyone was full of doubts.

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