Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 363: Cursed seal

As if seeing everyone's thoughts, the three-headed dog of **** raised his head high:

"We are cursed, it is the punishment we deserve, and the price for us to betray the glory. All we want is an opportunity, an opportunity to regain the glory.

As long as the power of the curse is sealed, we will use our power to regain the glory that belongs to the three-headed dog of hell. That is the time when we completely lift the curse. "

Everyone was shocked.

Su Yuyan said with emotion: "In this month, I don’t know how many people I have seen who lost their bottom line due to environmental pressures, but I have never seen them. They are still trying to restore their ancestors under the curse of 20,000 yuan. Glory."

At this moment, she suddenly felt that her persistence seemed meaningful.

Indeed, in the last days, many people incarnate into beasts in order to survive, abandon their identity as humans, and then never have a chance to look back.

But no matter how dark the environment is, there are always some people who still stick to the glory of human nature.

Gu Nanfei's eyes also became firm.

Even for him, many times he doubted the meaning of what he did, but now, he suddenly felt that none of this was important.

The result is not important, what is important is that he still persists.

Chu Feng took a deep breath and said, "Do you want me to help you suppress the curse?"

Regardless of the outcome, the three-headed **** dog family is worthy of admiration.

People always like to doubt what they have lost, thinking that what they have lost is the most precious. Even Chu Feng is inevitable.

He also abandoned a lot in order to survive.

Now, at least in others, he found what he had lost.

Some character, if he can't stick to it, at least he must protect those who stick to it.

The three-headed **** dog's tone was questioning and disdainful: "This is the blood curse that the Lord of the Underworld himself cast. Although the power has been weakened a lot with the passage of time, it has passed the seal of the owner, but it is still not you. Things that can be done at the level."

The Lord of the Underworld, that is the existence standing on the highest peak!

Such an existence can set off a storm with just one sentence, and an action can make countless people feel chills.

Only the great existence of the master can resist the seal of the master of the underworld.

Although this person has obtained the inheritance of the master, how can such a weak existence be able to possess such power?

Chu Feng said, "If you don't try, how can you know?"

"Haha, it seems that if you don't try, you won't give up."

The three-headed **** dog sneered, "For the sake of our family’s loyalty mark on you, I can promise you that as long as you can suppress our time a little bit, I can lend you strength. If you can really seal the curse, then we will recognize you as our true master."

Although it is a bit greedy and playful, it still won't let go on the issue of principle.

It is loyal to the owner because of the favor of the owner, not the strength of the owner.

If it is the command of the master, they can be loyal to the current master.

But since the master did not give them a clear order, even the inheritors who got the mark of the old master must rely on themselves to get their recognition.

The mark of loyalty is only a chance for Chu Feng.

If there is no such imprint, it simply won't bother to take care of it.

As Chu Feng said, he went to the side of the three-headed dog in hell.

Zhang Ziqing exclaimed: "Chu Feng be careful!"

"should be no problem."

Su Yuyan said, "Although it's just intuition, I can feel that the three-headed dog of **** can't lie."

She didn't know whether it was because of her trust, or because she was willing to believe that there was an existence in this world that regarded glory and responsibilities more than life.

Perhaps only by falling into the darkness can we survive better, but isn't we all born to chase the light?

Seeing that Chu Feng came to him without believing in evil, the three-headed dog of **** had disdain in his eyes.

An ant with only Tier 4 actually wanted to shake the curse of the Lord of the Underworld. It was simply an worm shaking the tree.

However, with this lesson, I believe he should not be so naive!

People learn a lesson only after they lose money. This is a lesson.

But for the sake of the imprint, after this person fails, it will protect him from death, which is already considered as a face.

Then, when it saw that Chu Feng was observing the seal very seriously, it even sneered. Do you understand such a curse?

This is not psychological pride. If a primary school student tells a person suffering from a genetic terminal illness, I can solve your family’s genetic disease, and this person will also blast the primary school student away.

Being able to be polite because of the other party's identity is already considered a good cultivation of the three-headed **** dog.

In other words, Chu Feng's inheritance is big enough.

Before contacting the seal, Chu Feng just had a try.

Anyway, there is no loss if he fails, if he really does it, then it can be regarded as helping the **** three-headed dog family to reduce the pain.

When he came into contact with the seal of the three-headed dog of hell, he quickly discovered that he really couldn't understand the curse in it.

There is no way, the level of this curse is too high, that is the lord of the underworld!

In front of the lord of the underworld, even the king in **** must lower his noble head.

Such a curse of existence, if he could understand it, he would go out.

However, he does not need to understand.

Through the perception of spiritual power, he found that there are three different forces in the three-headed dog of **** intertwined, one is a flame that seems to burn everything, this is the power of the three-headed dog family of the **** itself, but only in the middle of this power , There is a discordant dark power.

"Is this the power of the curse? Then, this familiar power is sealed!"

While discovering the power of bloodline and the power of cursing, Chu Feng also discovered a power that made him feel very familiar. This power seemed to be of the same origin with his Yuan Palace.

It's just that this power that shares the same origin as Yuan Mansion seems to be water without roots and has lost its power support.

"It turns out that the curse of the lord of the underworld is continuous, entangled with the bloodline power of the three-headed dog of hell, and after the previous owner of the ancient book disappeared or even fell, the power of the seal lost its source, which is not good. , I just need to keep inputting power."

Thinking about this, Chu Feng mobilized the power of Yuan Mansion and filled the seal.

With the infusion of Chu Feng's power, the rot on the three-headed dog of **** began to fade.

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