Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 364: Hellhound's contract

"How about, this curse is not you..."

Hell Three Dogs just wanted to ridicule a few words, but immediately after that, he felt a powerful force suppressing the curse that was eroding him.

The head on its left side glanced at the rotting skin on its body, and found that the rotting skin had gradually returned to normal, and even a bunch of golden hair had grown.

"This, this is the master's power!"

The six eyes of the three-headed dog of **** almost shed tears at the same time.

This is the power of the master, this is the power it is familiar with. It can feel that the curse that is constantly eroding its own vitality is being re-sealed, and the power that originally belonged to it is gradually returning.


The three-headed **** dog let out a loud howl, not at all barking like a dog, but a bit like a magic wolf.

It had an urge to run, but immediately, an invisible suppression fell on it, making it immobile.

However, this did not affect its excitement in the slightest.

It excitedly said to Chu Feng: "You are really the successor of the master. I can feel that this is the power of the master. According to the agreement, since you can help us suppress the power of the curse, I can regard you as mine. the host."

Chu Feng's face was a little pale, but he decided to tell the truth:

"It is not my power that seals the power of the curse, but the seal that was originally in your body. I just used my power as a primer to activate a part of that seal, but my power is too strong. Weak, unable to do more."

"Enough is enough, after a long time, I finally see hope again."

The three-headed dogs of **** did not feel dissatisfied at all. After a long period of darkness, their family finally ushered in the dawn.

However, just 1,000 years ago, this light of hope was gradually extinguishing.

Today's three-headed dog clan of **** is gradually weakening, they are very afraid, afraid that one day they will not even have the power to protect themselves.

They are not afraid of death, but for them, what they fear most is losing the opportunity to regain the glory of their ancestors.

For this hope, they can even give up their lives!

Chu Feng didn't understand this kind of sentiment, but he could feel that after he activated the seal, a special connection was formed between the Hell Three-Headed Dog and him.

"If you want me to help your clan seal power, you must wait for me to further lift the seal." Chu Feng said.

He has now put away his contempt for the three-headed **** dog.

He could feel that the power of the three-headed **** dog only recovered a small part, but it was only a small part, and it had reached the level of seventh.

If the power of the three-headed dog of **** is unblocked, what extent can it reach?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but arouse his gratitude for the existence of the legacy.

This is simply the legacy left by the predecessors!

At this moment, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, that is why he had never summoned the tribe of the three-headed dog in the **** in his previous life?

However, this doubt was quickly forgotten by him.

Using a fourth-order summoning array to summon a sixth-order or even seventh-order creature, it is only possible to do this kind of thing near the gate of hell.

Also, his Yuanfu was different from his previous life.

In his previous life, he only comprehended the power of "death" and death. In this life, he comprehended the power of life, which caused an essential change in Yuan Palace.

If it hadn't been for the special power that was born in the Yuan Palace, he would have no way to awaken the power of the seal.

"No, this world hasn't undergone enough transformation yet, it can't contain my power!"

The complexion of the three-headed **** dog changed, and then a mark was struck on Chu Feng's hand, and a drop of golden blood was also integrated into the mark.

"I have no way to be in this world for a long time. This is the contract mark of the hellhound family. You can use this mark to summon all the hellhounds with the blood of three hellhounds, and then command them with the power of this drop of blood. They can help the little master regain his strength."

After speaking, the thick fog re-wrapped the three-headed dog of **** and pulled it back to hell.

Seeing the disappearance of the three-headed dog of hell, everyone felt that their breathing suddenly became smoother.

Li Ran patted his chest: "I feel that if it continues to stay, I might be suffocated."

Other people feel the same way.

Unlike the last time that Chu Feng summoned the Hell Three-Headed Dog, this time the Hell Three-Headed Dog was full of coercion, and it was almost breathless.

However, after recovering a little bit, Su Yuyan looked at Chu Feng in disbelief: "How did you get its allegiance?"

Chu Feng nodded: "That's right, but it's called the little master. It's estimated that it will be called after I further seal the curse in them!"

His heart is also full of expectations. The cursed Hell Three-Headed Dog possesses such a powerful power, so how powerful the Hell Three-Headed Dog in its hey state should be.

Even if it's just contact with perception, it makes people shudder.

If the power of the blood is allowed to burst out, how powerful will it be?

It should be said that it deserves to be the race that the powerful existence that has left the inheritance optimistic about is really extraordinary.

It's a pity that the time for the earth to be transformed by special laws is still very short, and it can't contain too much power, so the three-headed dog of **** can only be used as a hole card.


Chu Feng looked down at the mark on his arm, which was the mark of the Hellhound clan.

The three-headed dog of **** is the royal family among the **** dogs. This royal family is not the kind of royal family of the feudal dynasty, but is truly powerful from blood and soul.

According to the three-headed dog of hell, this contract seal can summon the **** dog to serve himself.

Especially the hellhounds with the blood of the three-headed **** can be suppressed by the power of the blood, making them absolutely obedient to themselves.

The Hellhound clan possesses the attributes of loyalty, which Chu Feng has no doubt about.

"It's an extra gain, right?" Chu Feng thought of his Knight Order's idea.

There is a branch of Hellhounds, called Hell Shepherd Dogs, which are often trained by powerful existences to guard their own territory or pasture. If one's own can have a piece of their own territory in the hell, then the construction of the Knights, Maybe it can speed up several times.

Of course, this requires oneself to have stronger strength, otherwise, even opening the door of **** in Zhang Ziqing's body will bring her unexpected risks.

"Fifth order..."

Chu Feng looked at the corpses of zombies on the floor and clenched his fists.

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